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TOLd You So!

Volume 2, Issue 2 [August, 2006]

Have you ever?

Kim Bradford-Watts

Kyoto Women's University

Sometimes teaching "have you ever...?" can be a bit of a chore, with learners needing to juggle verb forms and to use the "Yes, I have" or "No, I haven't" responses. I used the following lesson successfully with a group of older learners in Osaka, who reported having really enjoyed the class. Since then, they have been going out of their way to ask and answer these types of questions.

Quick Guide


Prepare the board as illustrated below.

Nouns Verbs


After the last step, our class went on to the next stage of the 2-hour lesson, for which a learner had prepared material. However, this group now enjoys asking questions related to readings or reports of experiences and always wants to know what the others have done in their lives. It has been a great activity for encouraging the sharing of personal lifelong experiences, and they are comfortable with using the question form, the nuances of their answers, and the extension of materials with such questions.