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TOLd You So!

Volume 2, Issue 3 [December, 2006]

From the Editor...

Welcome to the final issue of TOLd You So! for 2006.

The publication of this issue follows the LLL Sig Annual General Meeting held at the 2006JALT Conference in Kitakyushu, so much of the issue is directly concerned with SIG business. The AGM signals the end of SIG officer terms and the election of new officers. For those of you who were unable to attend the AGM, the list of current officers is the first item in this issue. The incoming Coordinator, Eric Skier, has written a few words as self-introduction. This is followed by messages from other officers, both incoming and outgoing.

The financial report will show members that LLL SIG has a healthy bank balance and can now consider what kinds of projects we may wish to undertake together to further knowledge and understanding of the teaching of older learners. I look forward to every member's involvement in these discussions over the coming months.

Finally, this month's Feature article by Kim Bradford-Watts presents a summary of findings from a questionnaire of older learners in Kansai.

The next newsletter will showcase reports from the conference. Please refer to the Call for Papers for details of publication dates and contacts. TOLd You So! is the voice of the LLL SIG members, so I encourage all of you to contribute a lesson plan, conference report, research article, interview, book review, examples of student work, reflections on teaching strategies, or anything else that may be relevant to older learners or the teaching of older learners. We learn by sharing.

Kim Bradford-Watts, Editor