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TOLd You So!

Volume 3, Issue 2 [August, 2007]

Conference Report―JALTCALL 2007
"The use of technology by older learners of English"

Kim Bradford-Watts (with Eric Skier)
Report by Kim Bradford-Watts
Photos by Eric Skier

At the conclusion of two busy days of talking to people stopping at the LLL SIG table at the JALTCALL 2007 Conference held June 1-3 at Waseda University in Tokyo, Eric and I headed to the room assigned for our presentation, "The use of technology by older learners of English." Based on findings from a survey administered to adult learners, the report primarily dealt with information technologies and their specific applications to language learning.

Eric began the presentation by talking about the LLL SIG and the need to know more about how lifelong learners of languages use the technology available to them in their everyday lives as well as in their learning practices. We discussed the process of administering the survey, student reactions, and problems that we had encountered with the instrument. I then explained the findings, recommendations, and conclusions. PowerPoint notes of the study are accessible at bradford-watts.freeservers.com/JALTCALL2007LLLpresentation.html.

Although there were only two attendees at the presentation, LLL SIG’s presence at the conference was important for raising awareness of the SIG and of the needs of older learners vis-a-vis technology. The LLL SIG table looked professional and inviting thanks to the excellent new banner and tablecloth, and printouts of TOLd you so! displayed in plastic covers. Our conference kit of printed materials continues to develop, but we need to include some pictures for the next conference to attract further interest.

Our presence at the conference was a success. We made some new friends and will hopefully get some new members in the not-so-distant future.

大会報告: JALT CALL 2007

6月1日-3日まで、東京の早稲田大学でJALTCALL2007 が開催された。そこで、エリックは高齢英語学習者がどのようにコンピューターなどのテクノロジーを英語学習に使っているかをもっと知る必要があることを報告した。また、調査方法、学習者の反応、設問内容に関わる問題点などが議論された。キムは調査結果、提案、結論を説明した。参加者はこの調査内容や結果に興味を持ったようだった。発表を聴きに来た参加者の数は多くなかったが、LLLの存在を知ってもらうためのいい機会であったし、高齢英語学習者がコンピューターなどのテクノロジーを必要としていることにも気づいてもらえる機会となった。

LLL SIGのテーブルは、新しいバーナーやテーブルクロスで飾られ、とても魅力的だった。また、プラスチックのケースに入れられた「TOLd you so!」もみんなの目を引いた。今後もさらに魅力的なLLLの宣伝グッズを揃えていきたい。次回には、写真を飾ってもっとみんなの興味を引く必要があるだろう。
