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The LLL SIG Newsletter

Volume 4, Issue 2 [September, 2008]

Greetings from the Coordinator: Eric Skier

The JALT2008 Conference is right around the corner and promises to have something of interest for every LLL member. This includes several November 1 must-see events that will address issues of particular concern to members of the LLL SIG. First, in collaboration with the Gender Awareness in Language Education (GALE) SIG, we are sponsoring Ms. Neela Griffiths. Ms. Griffiths will share her recent research on adult language learners in Cambodia. This presentation will be followed by the LLL SIG forum and the Annual General Meeting (AGM). As always, the forum is a chance for LLL SIG members to meet and discuss the challenges and rewards that they have experienced in their classrooms. The AGM is a time to come together to formulate and to work toward both short- and long-term goals. Complementing the more academic focused events will be administrative sessions, such as reports on the activities of the various SIGs, finances, and membership recruitment. LLL SIG members also will have an opportunity to learn of and discuss a Japan-based lifelong learning project suggested by Curtis Kelly and Professor Ishida. I hope that you will make every effort to attend the conference, especially on November 1. I look forward to renewing old friendships and to meeting new members.

LLL SIG Coordinator


JALT2008大会がまじかに迫っています。今年の大会もLLLメンバーにとってとても興味深いものになりそうです。11月1日にはわれわれにとって見逃すことのできないイベントがあります。まず、GALE SIGと一緒に、Ms. Neela Griffithsのスポンサーになっています。彼女は、大人の学習者を対象にしたカンボジアでの研究について語ってくれる予定です。それに続いて、LLL SIG フォーラムと年次ミーティングが開かれます。フォーラムはLLLのメンバーが顔を合わせ、クラスでのさまざまな経験をシェアすることができるいい機会です。また、AGMはLLLの仲間同士で、短期目標、長期目標に向かって活動を進める場でもあります。


LLL コーディネーター