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The LLL SIG Newsletter

Volume 5, Issue 1 [May, 2009]


大活字 場面別イラストで見る英会話プラス英和辞典 (Sanseido's Dialogues and Dictionary) (単行本). (2001). Sanseido

This is an English-Japanese dictionary with daily conversation (short dialogues) for adult learners. In the "English conversation section", functional or situational short dialogues are introduced with illustrations (e.g. greetings, at the airport). The "Dictionary section" contains useful and important words such as daily words, computer related words. ISBN-10: 4385160392


大活字 シニアカルチャー英和辞典 (Sanseido's Senior Culture Dictionary) (単行本) Sanseido

This dictionary is written for beginner level older learners who wish to study basic English. Letters are rather large and entries are written in Katakana to aid pronunciation. The meaning of each word is explained carefully focusing on basics. Illustrations for daily words are used in 102 pages, which makes learning more fun and interesting. ISBN-10: 4385160384