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The LLL SIG Newsletter

Volume 5, Issue 1 [May, 2009]

Introducing Four LLL Resources

It is always nice to know what resources other teachers are using or recommend. In this section of the newsletter, LLL SIG members Emi Itoi and Geoff Sinha introduce books that they have found useful in their teaching. As well, Yoko Wakui and Tadashi Ishida, also LLL SIG members, remind us that they have produced interesting books related to language learning for adult or older learners.

The Gardener by Sarah Stewart & David Small
Reviewed by Emi Itoi

Title The Gardener (2004)
Authors Sarah Stewart & David Small
Publisher Frances Lincoln Children's Books (London)
Misc. ISBN 1-84507-008-9

頑なになった心を和ませるもの。それは子どもたちの笑い声であったり、歌声であったり、絵画であったり、あるいは大好きな人からの頼りだったりします。今回ご紹介する絵本、"The Gardener"では、笑顔を見せない叔父さんの心を小さな女の子と、彼女がりっぱに育てたコンテナの草花が開きます。

相手への愛情は、必ずしも言葉や表情だけで測れるものではありません。ニコニコした顔や、お世辞の裏には冷たい心が隠れているかもしれません。"The Gardener"の叔父さんはちょっと不器用で、愛情を表情に表すことができないのです。でも、彼は彼なりの素晴らしい方法で姪っ子に愛情を伝えます。


What can soften a stubborn mind? Children's laughter and singing? Paintings or letters from a loved one? In this picture book, Lydia's beautiful flowers, kept in countless containers and planters, soften her uncle, who has never smiled before. It is hard to know how much another loves you only from facial expressions and words. In The Gardener, blunt and brusque Uncle Jim can't express his true feelings. Finally, however, he finds a unique way to express his love for his niece, Lydia.

This book is made up of letters that Lydia has sent to members of her family. Each letter is short and easy to understand so that even beginning learners of English can enjoy reading this book without using a dictionary. I recommend this book for all adult learners of English.

The Stories of English by David Crystal
Reviewed by Geoff Sinha

Title The Stories of English (2005)
Authors David Crystal
Publisher Overlook Press (New York)
Misc. 1,358\
534 pages - includes maps, diagrams, and pictures

While not strictly related to lifelong teaching pedagogy, I highly recommend The Stories of English by David Crystal for teachers of lifelong learners for two reasons. First of all, it presents a strong case for the acceptance of non-standard Englishes. That is, the variety that our learners use every day. Second, Crystal is interested in adult learning, too. In fact, he recommends the use of "un-young" instead of "older." For example, un-young learners are my favorite learners to teach.

Furthermore, this book is scholarly enough to keep academics entranced, yet it is written in a way for everyone to relate to. Additionally, the strong binding and feel immediately give the impression that this book, like the English language itself, will be around for a long time. Included are boxed texts that offer fascinating profiles of people like Alfred the Great, who made a remarkable contribution to the English language (55); while a total of 16 'Interludes' offer convincing explanations of the many gray areas of English, such as #9's (218) explanation of where the -s ending on possessives came from, and a possible reason for why it is so difficult for our learners to acquire.

As mentioned above, Crystal's main aim in writing his book is to account for non-standard Englishes, and while he openly laments the lack of recognition and prestige that non-standard Englishes have today, he is not negative about it. Hope is on the horizon. He shares a realistic vision of the future where there is more acceptance of linguistic variation - like that used by our learners.

A TOEIC Study Guide for Adult Learners
Yoko Wakui and Toshie Agawa

Title TOEICテストで730点を目指そう [730 on the TOEIC TEST] (2006)
Authors Toshie Agawa and Yoko Wakui
Publisher Gijutsuhyoronsha (Tokyo)

何歳になっても夢にチャレンジすることでいつまでも若く!学習者が新しい人生に第一歩を踏み出すのを手助けしてみませんか? 熟年向けのこの本の目的は、中高年を迎えセカンドライフに備え将来安心して暮すための、一生有効な資格を取ることです。ストレスの多い中高年代で受験するためには、どのような心や体の準備が必要なのか?若者と同じ土俵で戦うには、どのような頭や体が必要とされるのか? 熟年として、どのような方法で肉体的および精神的に乗り切っていけばよいのか?果たしてこのような中高年でのチャレンジは、セカンドライフにおいてどのような人生を約束するのか?など、具体的に説明してあります。他の英語資格試験―TOEFLや英検―の受験、また他の年齢層にも、心の準備として大変役に立ちます。


この本を読んだ人の感想 : アマゾンにて

A: 人生についての著者のコメントに感動しました。いろいろ辛い事もありましたが、この本のおかげで救われました。何とか中高年も乗り切れそうです。苦しい時に又読み返しながら残りの人生を歩みたいと思います。ありがとうございました。

B: TOEIC受験者のみならず、英語の勉強法を模索している全世代の方におすすめです。
本に書かれている「多読のすすめ」という言葉に刺激され、辞書を使わずペーパーバックを読んでみたところ、「読みきった」という自信が、長文への抵抗をなくしてくれました。 ディクテーションや、スラッシュリーディングも効果がわかりやすいですし、DVD勉強法はとても楽しいです。おすすめします。

C:  TOEIC攻略本は数多く出ていますが、この本は中高年以上の方を対象に絞っている点がユニークです。特に主婦の方や、リタイアした人に最適です。TOEICを初めて受けるには、分からないことは多いし、緊張度も高いしと心配も多いと思います。この本で概略をつかめば、とりあえず最初のハードルはクリアできるはずです。何より、気楽に読めるのがいいですね。

To continue challenging yourself will keep you young no matter how old you are! This study guide targets middle-aged and older learners who wish to take the TOEIC test. It explains how older test takers can cope physically and mentally with the challenges of studying for and taking the test, and what benefits they can expect from gaining a TOEIC certificate. The book includes interviews with successful test takers, tips on how to achieve a high score in a short period of time, and sample tests (with a CD). This guide could also be of use to younger language learners and those preparing for the TOEFL and STEP tests.

*This information was first published in the September 2008 LLL Newsletter.


Title はじめよう!生きがいとしての英語 (2005)
Authors 石田正
Publisher 春風社 (Tokyo)

Since 1982, the author, Tadashi Ishida, has taught English to over 2,000 seniors at community centers in Tokyo. In the first part of this book, he introduces some of the methods that older people use when studying English. The second part of the book features essays written by twenty-four of his students, who write about why they continue to study English at their age. One chapter introduces four middle-aged homemakers who study English at university, and the last chapter introduces the role Japanese universities can play in an aging society.
