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The LLL SIG Newsletter

Volume 6, Issue 1 [May, 2010]

May 22 & 23, 2010 @ Osaka Gakuin University,
Suita City, Osaka

第9回全国語学教育学会 分野別研究部会(SIG)2010年次大会:
テーマ:学習者の観点 - 5月22日(土)&23日(日)

Judy Noguchi武庫川女子大学
Mukogawa Women's Univ.
Kip Cates鳥取大学
Tottori University


There will be two days of poster sessions, presentations, and workshops on the conference theme (learner perspectives) from teacher-researchers from 12 of JALT's special interest groups (SIGs) and two of its chapters.
There will surely be something for you to bring back to your teaching environment!

As you can see from the PanSIG 2010 flyer, in addition to the two plenary speakers, both highly respected Japan-based teacher-researchers, the conference offers two days of presentations and discussion sessions related to the theme of language studies from the perspective of the learner. With 12 SIGs participating: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), College and University Educators (CUE), Extensive Reading (ER), Framework and Language Portfolio (FLP), Global Issues in Language Education (GILE), Japanese as a Second Language (JSL), Lifelong Language Learning (LLL), Other Language Educators (OLE), Pragmatics (PRAG), Study Abroad (SA), Teacher Education (TEd), and Testing & Evaluation (TEVAL), this conference represents the largest collaboration of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) within the Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT). In addition, this year, the conference is co-sponsored by the Kyoto Chapter of the Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT) with the support of the Osaka Chapter.

The LLL SIG program at the PANSIG Conference will consist of both presentations and a workshop. There are seven LLL-related presentations scheduled, which will be a new record for the LLL SIG program at PANSIG! I sincerely hope you will be able to attend and see for yourself what teacher-researchers of lifelong language learners are doing in their classrooms.

Eric M. Skier
Submissions Chair