The Japan Association for Language Teaching

Kagoshima Chapter

(Read the archived description for the Kagoshima Chapter)

Kagoshima Chapter Events in 2008

Events archive by year:
2008; 2007 [21]; 2006 [9]; 2005 [13]; 2004 [13]; 2003 [9]; 2002 [9]; 2001 [9];

Sunday, January 27th, 2008

Kagoshima JALT Shin Nen Kai

Speaker: JALT Members
Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Sun., January 27th, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 1,000 yen
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Seminar Room 117, Ground Floor Kousha Biru, Shinyashiki opposite the Shinyashiki Tram Stop
Description: Welcome to 2008. Come out and meet with the new officers and help us plan this year's program.

Sunday, February 24th, 2008

A fun way to teach comparatives and superlatives

Speaker: Yayoi Aoki
Time: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM (Sun., February 24th, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 1,000 yen
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima Jutaku Kyokyo Kosha Biru - Shinyashiki cho Kagoshima (Same building as Jelly Beans)
Description: Teaching comparative and superlatives to JHS student is always a tough job. Through a series of easy activities, Yayoi Aoki hopes to help make this job a less stressful one for teachers.

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

Question and Answers

Speaker: Linda Dyeo Yoshida
Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Sun., March 23rd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 1,000 yen
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima Jutaku Kyokyo Kosha Biru - Shinyashiki cho Kagoshima (Same building as Jelly Beans)
Description: Most Japanese students answer questions only when they have bee asked and they lack the confidence to use the "AAA" method - Answer, Add & Ask.

This workshop will help you to help your students to ask questions by using "Chunk" phrases and "Rhythm" to enable them to get natural English. This QA 100 Mini book has 100 basic "modeled" Questions & Answers. You first practice with your students using the modeled QA, and subsequently get them to substitute their own answers as a goal to this QA series.

Sunday, April 27th, 2008

Preparing for the Conference

Speaker: Conference Committee
Time: 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Sun., April 27th, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): free
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima Jutaku Kyokyo Kosha Biru - Shinyashiki cho Kagoshima (Same building as Jelly Beans)
Description: Paving the way for our annual conference, the Conference Committee will be working on the schedules, koen megi etc . We welcome any and all members to come out and contribute.

Saturday, June 21st, 2008

Welcome to Kagoshima

Speaker: Conference Committee
Time: 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM (Sat., June 21st, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): 6000 yen
Fee (One-Day members): 6000 yen
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Sakurajima Furusato Kanko Hotel
Description: The Conference Committee would like to welcome the speakers of the conference to a pre-conference dinner. Members are welcome to book and come along and spend some time with the speakers.

Bookings and payments are required by no later than June 15th, 2008.

Maximum numbers 30

Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

"Bridging the Gap between Elementary and Junior High Shool English - Exchanging Ideas "

Speaker: Various
Time: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): Pre-booked 2000 yen and 3000 yen on the day

Students 1000 yen
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: For more information please go directly to our conference website:

Some steps in the right direction

Speaker: Niizato Masao
Time: 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen and 1000yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: 新里眞男は東京教育大学で米国文学を学び、その後オーストラリアのキャンベラ大学で英語指導法について学んだ。都立高校や筑波大学附属高校で英語教師として活躍する。その間1987年には、外国語指導において権威あるパーマー賞を受賞した。筑波大学で勤務した後、文部科学省(当時は文部省)の初等中等教育局中学校課・高等学校課で教科調査官として日本の英語教育界を支え、多くの業績を残した。全国の中学校・高校の英語教師を対象とした1ヶ月に及ぶ中央研修等の担当もしていた。これまでに新里の指導を受けた現役英語教師は数知れない。2000年からは富山大学附属中学校の校長を務める傍ら富山大学教育学部で多くの英語教員を育てた。現在は、東京国際大学で教鞭を執る。財団法人語学教育研究所所長。主な著書に「英語指導技術再検討」「実践的英語教育の指導法」など多数。

After majoring in American Literature at Tokyo University of Education, Niizato Masao studied TEFL/TESL at Canberra College of Advanced Education. He started working as a high school English teacher after returning to Japan. In 1987 he was awarded the HE Palmer Prize for his work in foreign language teaching. After a brief spell lecturing at Tsukuba University, he became a curriculum and teacher training specialist for the Ministry of Education. From 2000 to 2006 he lectured in Toyama University's faculty of education, before moving to his current position as professor in the School of Language Communication of Tokyo International University. He is author of some of the main publications on English language teaching in Japan.




First at all in this presentation I will look at the features of the new course of study that was announced in March this year. In particular I will focus on the issues that will arise in elementary and junior high schools if English is adopted as a compulsory subject in elementary schools.

Next I will consider what changes need to be made in the English classroom in order to meet the requirements of the new course of study. For instance, what are communicative activities? How do we turn everyday activities into activities for communication? And what kind of language practice is needed to support these activities?

Simply copying what other teachers do their classrooms is not enough to develop English classes that suit our pupils considering the individual needs of every pupil and differences in classroom culture. I hope that we will be able to discuss what is necessary for a teacher to be both independent and resourceful.

Activities for EFL classes are tools, not targets!

Speaker: Mayuka HAbbick
Time: 11:10 AM - 12:00 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen and 1000yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: ハビック 真由香:京都出身、関西で16年間英語を教える。英語学習を通して自ら学ぶ楽しさを伝えるためのイベントを企画・運営。また、積極的に学びとる姿勢を育てるための具体的な指導法を伝えるセミナーやワークショップにおいてティーチャー・トレーナーとして活躍。教材開発と販売を手がける有限会社イー・フォー・ユー取締役、レゴ エデュケーションセンター公認トレーナー、「子ども英語」(アルク)や「英語教育」(大修館書店)への執筆、全国書店での英語絵本の読み聞かせなど、多面的な教育活動を展開している。東京都葛飾区在住。

Habbick Mayuka: Teacher, teacher trainer. Born in Kyoto. Mayuka has taught English in her hometown for over 16 years. Lecturer of seminars and workshops on various topics in early childhood education field, she is also a frequent writer for teaching English magazines such as KODOMO EIGO (ALC) and EIGO KYOIKU (Taishukan). A Certified National trainer of LEGO® Education and Director of E for ju: a company developing teaching materials, she currently resides in Katsushika-ku, Tokyo.

英語のクラスでは、歌やゲーム、お絵かきや工作など、いろいろな楽しいアクティビティを交えて授業を組み立てていらっしゃることでしょう。そして、このようなアクティビティに惹かれて教室にやってくる子もたくさんいるでしょう。でも、ゲームが面白いから教室にくるという状態は、本当に英語を学ぶ場になっているのでしょうか? このワークショップでは、お馴染みの、そして新しいアクティビティのアイデアをご紹介しながら、なぜ、何のために英語のクラスでそのアクティビティを行うのかを皆さんとご一緒に考察します。教え始めて間もない先生方にお役に立つのはもちろんのこと、これまでの指導経験が長い先生方はここで一度原点に立ち返ることにより、これからのクラス運営がより実りあるものになるでしょう。

English classes contain songs, games, crafts and other enjoyable activities. In fact, those activities motivate children to come to the classes in many cases. But, we must remember there is always a danger with them. The other side of the coin! Having too much fun with playing games themselves can easily shield the joy of learning English. In this hands-on workshop, Mayuka will guide you to think about the theory and practice of classroom activities along with emphasizing how children learn. This will be a good opportunity for teachers with a few years of teaching experience to reflect on the value of what you have been doing in order to refresh yourself and your classes.

Bridging the English Gap between Elementary and Junior High School

Speaker: Borys Diakonow
Time: 11:10 AM - 12:00 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: ボリス・ディアコノは、カナダのマギル大学、ブリティッシュコロンビア大学で東アジア研究の学位を取得しました。関西外国語大学に留学した経験もあります。2000年に来日し、関西の語学学校、大学、企業で英語を教えました。この他、英語教師の育成や教材開発にも携わり、現在は、ピアソンロングマンの九州、中国、四国および兵庫地区の担当コンサルタントを務めています。

Borys Diakonow has degrees in East Asia Studies from McGill University and the University of British Columbia and has also studied at Kansai Gaidai University. After coming to Japan in 2000, his Japan EFL experience includes teaching at private language schools, universities and various firms across the Kansai. He also has experience with EFL teacher training, ELT material development and consultation, and is currently the Pearson Longman ELT Consultant for Kyushu, Chugoku-Chihou and Hyogo.

小学生の英語と中学生の英語には大きなギャップがあるのが普通です。しかし、このギャップを埋め、高校での英語学習にスムーズかつ確実につなげていくことが重要です。初めに、明解なスキル統合アプローチを用いて、カリキュラムを問わず使えるトピックと中学生の年齢層にあった内容で学習意欲を高める方法を紹介します。次に、カリキュラムとスキル項目の設定、効果的な評価、教師へのサポート体制の充実を、個々の学校のニーズに合わせながら行う方法について話します。この英語と日本語の両方で行われるプレゼンテーションでは、ロングマン出版のスキル統合シリーズ『ブースト』を用いて、英語の4技能と文法の力を、いかにバランス良く、ターゲットを絞って伸ばしていくかということを示していきます。There is a large English language skills gap between almost all elementary and junior high school students. In order to close this gap to ensure smooth and solid English language progression into senior high school, the presenter will first address how to motivate these junior learners with stimulating age-appropriate content and interesting cross-curricular topics via a transparent integrated skills approach. The presenter will then discuss how to tailor curricula and skills options, effectively approach assessment and evaluation and how to gain access to additional teacher support resources in order to best meet the needs of schools, teachers and students. In short, this presentation (bilingual) will show how to target, balance out and boost desired English language skills with the Longman Integrated Skills Series: Boost! (

What you should learn before junior high school (the opinions of current junior high school teachers)

Speaker: Emi Sugita
Time: 11:10 AM - 12:00 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: 杉田 エミ:広島YMCA国際幼児園園長、広島YMCA外語学院コーディネーター JALT 広島支部 会計 JALT TC SIG 会員 国際幼児園及び外語学院において、チーフコーディネーター(1歳から成人、幼稚園、小学校、大学、企業等の語学プログラムの講師アレンジ、カリキュラム管理)を補佐GDM教授法を学び、日本語指導資格はニューヨーク滞在中に取得

Emi Sugita: Principal of Hiroshima YMCA International Kindergarten, Coordinator of Hiroshima YMCA Language School, Treasurer of Hiroshima JALT/JALT TC SIG member, Graded Direct Method Certificate, Certificate of teaching Japanese as a second language


There are four aspects of English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. There are many merits in studying English from an early age however, children face a big hurdle once they start compulsory education. The students say, "If we don't read it the same way as the teacher, the teachers are not happy." The teachers say, "With limited time it is impossible to cover all the four aspects." Foreigners say, "Why don't Japanese people speak English after studying it for six years?" How can we satisfy everyone?

Activities that inspire

Speaker: Aleda Krause
Time: 11:10 AM - 12:00 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: アリーダクラウスは 20年以上児童を教えている教師であると共に、教育訓練指導者でもあります。彼女は幼稚園児から高齢者、そして教師になる勉強をしている大学生など、幅広い年齢層を教えています。さ らに児童向け6レベルのSuper Kids、幼児向け 3レベルのSuper Tots、そしてLongman Children's Picture Dictionaryの筆者でもある。

Aleda Krause is a teacher and teacher trainer with more than 20 years experience teaching children. Her students are all ages: preschool to senior citizens, including university students learning to be teachers of children. She is the author of SuperKids, a 6-level EFL series for elementary-school children, SuperTots, a 3-level EFL series for kindergarteners, and the Longman Children's Picture Dictionary.


"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." Great teachers know that inspiring children means encouraging them by building their confidence and making them eager to use English. Fourth, fifth, and sixth graders need to be inspired to want to practice and learn English. What inspires you? What might inspire your students? What exactly does inspire mean? Aleda will discuss responses other teachers have given to these questions. Then she will share activities that can boost children's belief in their own abilities and turn good teachers and classes into great ones! Teachers of upper elementary and junior high school students should find inspiration! Presentation will be in English, with Japanese visual support.

Supercharge Your Kids English Classes!

Speaker: Julian Warden
Time: 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: ジュリアン・ウォーデン: オックスフォード大学出版の営業担当者であり、経験豊かな教師でもあります。また、最近は、教員養成にも携わっています。彼のプレゼンテーションは、実践的で活動的との定評があります。

Julian Warden is the Sales Manager for Oxford University Press, experienced teacher and teacher trainer. His presentations are noted for being practical and lively!

このプレゼンテーションは、子供に英語を教えるための有効な方法論を中心としたものです。その他、ウォーミングアップや復習、Total Physical Response、どう学び、楽しみながらいかに学ぶか、文法とボキャブラリーの教え方、子供たちに焦点を合わせたレッスン、管理されたものからより広がりのあるアクティビティへの再利用と拡大や教室管理までを含みます。

This presentation will focus on effective methodology for teaching English to children. Subtopics will include warm up and review activities, Total Physical Response, how children learn, learning and having fun, presenting and teaching grammar and vocabulary, student focused lessons, recycling and expanding of activities from controlled activities to more open activities and classroom management.

Cattle prod or stickers? What motivates your students?

Speaker: Travis Mactier
Time: 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: マックティアー トラビスは1995年に日本に来ました。初めは千葉県、その後島根県、現在は福岡に住んでいます。彼は彼の日本人妻と一緒に島根で英会話スクールを2002年に始めました。田舎で英会話スクールを経営するのは難しいと周りから言われましたが、うまく軌道に乗せました。2006年福岡の福津市の「New York English School」を引継ぎ、2校目のスクールとして「Blue Planet English School」と名前を変えてオープンしました。

Travis Mactier has lived in Japan since 1995, first in Chiba, then in Shimane, and finally in Fukuoka. He and his wife Rie opened their first English school in Masuda, Shimane in 2002 after being told that it was not possible to have a successful English school in the countryside of Shimane. They managed to prove the naysayers wrong. Blue Planet English School was opened in 2006 in Fukutsu, having previously been called New York Eikaiwa.


Motivated students are always a joy to have in the class. They look forward to coming to class and work hard while there. They make the other children want to try harder. What things do you do to motivate your students? Is it as simple as a smile and a pat on the head or do you get into the 100 prize jars? Come and share your ideas on motivation of students and/or the teachers that teach them. Together let's find out how we can best bring out the best in our students. As this is a discussion, please be advised that you will be asked for your ideas and experience. The discussion will be done in basic English with some very basic Japanese.

Assessment as an aid to instructing young learners

Speaker: Stan Pedersen
Time: 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: スタン・ペデソンは熊本大学教育学部講師です。コロンビア大学教育学部大学院や神田外語大学において、児童英語教育者のための講義を担当しています。現役の教師のために、教授法、授業計画、評価などの多岐にわたるテーマについて、セミナーを行っています。また、歌、ゲーム、物語、劇など多数の著作は、日本各地の小学校で使用されています。

Stan Pederson is a lecturer at the Faculty of Education at Kumamoto University. He also instructs courses for teachers of young learners at the graduate schools of Teachers College, Columbia University and Kanda University of International Studies. He has conducted seminars on a variety of topics including methods, instructional design and assessment for in-service teachers.He has an extensive list of published materials including songs, games, storybooks and dramas, which are used at elementary schools throughout Japan.


We will look at several examples of in-class assessment, illustrating each example with real classroom data. The techniques selected for consideration are easy to use, easy to interpret and point the way to the next teaching decision.

Enjoy English with Rhythm

Speaker: Kyoko Sonomoto
Time: 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: 園元恭子:教師生活27年目。現在、鹿児島純心女子中学校英語教員として勤務。そのほとんどが中学1年生担当です。特に音声指導のフォニックスに力を入れた授業を取り入れています。児童英語に興味関心があり、松香フォニックス研究所の研修を重ね、パートナー会員となり、達セミ・JALTのセミナーなどでプレゼンを行っています。また、親業・教師学インストラクターの資格を持ち、コミュニケーションの知恵を伝える講演・講座にも力を入れています。

Sonomoto Kyoko: In her 27th year since starting to teach English, Kyoko works at Junshin Junior High School teaching English to Junior 1st grade students almost every year. She is extremely interested in teaching English to children and has attended many workshops and seminars at the Matsuka Phonics Institute. She is a member of MPI partnership and JALT. She also acts as an instructor of Parents Effectiveness Training and Teachers Effectiveness Training where she teaches how to communicate well with others.


I often hear that English is both a sport and music. When we learn English first, I think it is very important to speak it with rhythm. I want to share how I start to teach English to 1st grade junior high school students. This can be useful for any age group, too. If we move our body to music, we can enjoy and memorize English more easily and quickly.

Taking children from elementary to junior high school – Activities to lessen the shock

Speaker: Cynthia Keith
Time: 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: シンシア キースは、10年以上の児童英語の指導経験があります。シンシアは、演劇のバックグラウンドを持ち、生徒が話せるように励ますことが大好きです。シンシアは1993年から鹿児島に住み始め、指導をしています。また、英会話教室を経営し、鹿児島大学、鹿児島県立短期大学、看護専門学校で講師を務めています。シンシアは、JALT全国語学教育学会本部や支部で様々な役員の経験があります。現在は、本部の副会長(副理事長)です。しかしながら、シンシアが最も楽しんでいることは、鹿児島のあちこちにある温泉で友人や家族とリラックスすることです。

Cynthia Keith has been teaching young children for over 10 years. She has a background in performing arts and loves encouraging her student to talk! She has been living and teaching in Kagoshima since 1993, she runs her own English school and is a lecturer at Kagoshima University, Kagoshima Prefectural College and Kukita Nursing College. Cynthia has held various JALT chapter and national positions and is currently the National Vice President. However, what she enjoys most of all is relaxing with friends and family at the many onsens in and around Kagoshima.


Children have lots to say in elementary school and they run into classes with plenty to tell you but what happens when they hit junior high school? Having come from games and lots of oral and aural input and output, they are now surrounded by a great deal of reading and writing, gone is the fun! This presentation will look at various activities which will help your students transition more comfortably.

English activities in elementary school: proposals based on a Kagoshima survey

Speaker: Shigeki Arimura
Time: 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: 有村重輝は鹿児島県の小学校教員です。総合的な学習の時間が始まった2002年から英語活動の実践に取り組んでいます。特に,AEA(英語活動協力員)の方々とのTeam-teaching を通して,小学生への英語学習の指導法に焦点を当てた研究をしています。2007年度から鹿児島大学教育学部教育学研究科に在籍しています。修士論文では,鹿児島県への小学校教員へのアンケ-ト調査を基に,鹿児島県の英語活動の改善策を提言する予定です。

Arimura Shigeki is an elementary school teacher in Kagoshima Prefecture. He has been involved in English activities since 2002. Especially, he focuses on the methodology of English activities through team-teaching with the Assistants of English Activities (AEA). He is currently doing his M.Ed at Kagoshima University. His dissertation, based on a survey of Kagoshima elementary school teachers, will propose a plan for the improvement of English activities in Kagoshima Prefecture.


The presenter will discuss an improvement plan for on English activities in Kagoshima Prefecture based on a survey conducted. According to the prefectural board of education (2007), the ratio of English activities in the prefecture was 100 per cent . The prefecture has many islands and isolated areas and various sizes of elementary schools. This brings varying formats and issues to English activities. Mention will be made about issues concerning English activities in the prefecture by drawing on a comparison between a previous study and the results of the survey. Finally, there will be discussion for proposals to solve the issues.

Ideas for classes based on the new MEXT guidelines, English Notebook.

Speaker: Yayoi Aoki
Time: 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: 青木弥生:いくつかの民間の子ども英語教室講師を経て、英語教室を開設。平成14年度から5年半に渡りAEAとして鹿児島市の小学校での英語指導にあたる。簡単で楽しく身につく子ども用英会話教材を開発・出版している。NPO英語教育支援協会理事。

Aoki Yayoi taught at private English schools for children before establishing her own school. She also taught English as an AEA in elementary schools in Kagoshima from 2002 to 2007. She is active in the development of new materials and methods of teaching English which are simple and fun for children.


Eigo nōto was issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology this spring. Currently, it is only being used in the English Language Education promotion base schools. The content is still provisional, and it is being revised gradually through experimental practice. Eventually, it will be distributed to all elementary schools nationwide. This seems to strategically position English as a subject in elementary schools. In this workshop, the presenter will introduce practical ideas for the development of class based on the Eigo nōto. There will aslo be chance for participants to share opinions.

Lindy Lizard Liberates Language Learning!

Speaker: Melinda Kawahara
Time: 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: メリンダ・川原は、あらゆる年齢層の日本人に20年以上英語を教えた経験を持っています。アメリカで認定されたTPRS指導者で、このメソッドに基づいてレッスンを行うリンディリザード・イングリッシュハウスの代表者でもあります。ここ5年間は、お話の本やお話の読み聞かせを使って、英語教育の中でTPRSメソッドを推進していっています。ことばを、より楽しく、わかりやすく、そして効果的に教え学ぶことを目的とした『リンディリザードのお話シリーズ』を著しました。また、ワークショップやその後のインターネットでの通信を通して、TPRSメソッドを日本各地に広めていっています。

Melinda Kawahara has been teaching English as a foreign language for the last 20 years to students of all ages in Japan. For the past five years she has been promoting the TPR-S method using storybooks and story telling in the EFL/ESL classroom. She is the author of the Lindy Lizard storybook series, which incorporates the TPRS method into the respective story. She is accredited as a TPRS trainer in the United States and is currently the director of Lindy Lizard English House where all classes are based on this method. She travels around Japan promoting this teaching method through workshops and follow-up on-line correspondence.


TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling), an innovative teaching method resulting in motivated language learning through storytelling and review, has skyrocketed in popularity in North America and is beginning to catch on in Japan. This workshop demonstrates the method so participants can experience TPRS firsthand. Discussion before and afterward will explain how the method focuses on frequent collocations and how it teaches language skills while drawing upon creativity and imagination. The workshop leader, whose career teaching English to Japanese students of all ages spans 20 years, is the author of the Lindy Lizard storybook series, which was designed to increase the ease, enjoyment and effectiveness of language learning and teaching.

Funny English

Speaker: Jan O'Loughlin
Time: 3:10 PM - 4:00 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: ジャン・オラクリンは、オーストラリアの出身で、1985年から鹿児島に住んでいます。幼児教育と英語教育の資格を持ち、20年以上、子どもたちに英語を教えています。大口明光学園中等部・高等部、鹿児島大学など複数の学校で非常勤講師を務めています。また、子ども特有の喜びを享受する権利の保護・促進に努める国際組織、アライアンス・フォア・チャイルドフッド(AFC)のメンバーでもあります。ことばの楽しさと学ぶことの楽しさを、年齢を問わず学習者に味わってほしいというのが信条です。

Jan O'Loughlin is an Australian who has been living and working in Kagoshima since 1985. She has qualifications in early childhood education and English literature, and over 20 years' experience teaching young children. She currently teaches part-time at several schools in Kagoshima, including Okuchi Meiko Gakuen junior and senior high school and Kagoshima University. She is a member of Alliance for Childhood, an international group promoting every child's right to experience the special joys of childhood. She believes that language learners of all ages should be given chances to experience the pleasures of language and of learning.

生徒たちを英語のモードにするために簡単にできることは、授業にユーモアを取り入れることです。ユーモアと笑いは、生徒の緊張をほぐし、学習を促進します。特別な教材やコメディアンや芸能人のような才能は、必要ありません。心を開いて、物事の「面白い一面」を見ることができさえすればいいのです。 このワークショップでは、笑いを交えながら中学生に英語を教えるための簡単で即座に使えるアイデアを紹介します。英語と日本語の両方で行われるこのワークショップに参加なさって、笑いを学びに活用することを生徒に教える方法に親しんでみませんか。

An easy way to switch your students on to English is to inject a little humour into English lessons. Using humour and laughter in class can dissolve tension and enhance learning. To use humour in class, you don't have to have any special materials or any special talents as a comedian or entertainer. All you need is an open mind and a willingness to see "the funny side" of things. At this workshop, some very simple and easy-to-use ideas for teaching junior high school English with laughter will be presented. Come and find out how you can have your students learn to laugh and laugh to learn! The workshop will be conducted in both English and Japanese.

Question and Answer

Speaker: Lynda Dyeo Yoshida
Time: 3:10 PM - 4:00 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: 吉田リンダ:シンガポール出身。日本人英語学習者にフォニックス指導をして16年目。MPI(松香フォニックス研究所)の認定講師。以前はMPIセミナー講師として福岡などで活躍、2007年から鹿児島の英語指導者を対象にフォニックス学習法の普及活動のため、KPN英語教室主催のフォニックスセミナーをスタート。

Born in Singapore, Lynda Dyeo Yoshida has been a Phonics Teacher for 16 years. A qualified Seminar and Presentation MPI Trainer she was previously active in Fukuoka. Since 2007, she has based herself in Kagoshima and with KPN English Classrooms has continued her work locally.


Most Japanese students answer questions only when they have been asked and they lack the confidence to use the "AAA" method – Answer, Add & Ask. This workshop will help you to help your students to ask questions by using "Chunk" phrases and "Rhythm" to enable them to acquire natural English.This QA 100 Mini book has 100 basic "modelled" Questions & Answers. You must first practice with your students using the modelled QA and subsequently get them to substitute their own answers as a goal to this QA series.

Going Beyond Verb*all!

Speaker: Mayuka Habbick
Time: 3:10 PM - 4:00 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: ハビック 真由香:京都出身、関西で16年間英語を教える。英語学習を通して自ら学ぶ楽しさを伝えるためのイベントを企画・運営。また、積極的に学びとる姿勢を育てるための具体的な指導法を伝えるセミナーやワークショップにおいてティーチャー・トレーナーとして活躍。教材開発と販売を手がける有限会社イー・フォー・ユー取締役、レゴ エデュケーションセンター公認トレーナー、「子ども英語」(アルク)や「英語教育」(大修館書店)への執筆、全国書店での英語絵本の読み聞かせなど、多面的な教育活動を展開している。東京都葛飾区在住。

Habbick Mayuka: Teacher, teacher trainer. Born in Kyoto. Mayuka has taught English in her hometown for over 16 years. Lecturer of seminars and workshops on various topics in early childhood education field, she is also a frequent writer for teaching English magazines such as KODOMO EIGO (ALC) and EIGO KYOIKU (Taishukan). A Certified National trainer of LEGO® Education and Director of E for ju: a company developing teaching materials, she currently resides in Katsushika-ku, Tokyo.


It is important for EFL learners to continually increase their active vocabulary and grammar competence. E for ju: creates materials with the following thought in mind: "Why not make learning a fun and pleasurable experience?" In the past, "play" to children meant thinking, creating, and solving problems. This is the spirit we want to bring back into the classroom. My thanks to the many teachers who are using Verb*all. In this workshop I will introduce other materials and activities.

Using mini speeches with junior high school students

Speaker: Caroline Llyod
Time: 3:10 PM - 4:00 PM (Sun., June 22nd, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 3000 yen or 1000 yen for students with id
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Kagoshima University - Sougou Kyouiku Kenyu Tou (Look for the signs!)
Description: 中学生を授業中に話してもらうのが大変です。しかし、ミニ・スピーチを英語の授業に取り組んだら、教師が生徒に自信も意見を与えることができます。このワークショップではミニ・スピーチの作り方とその練習を紹介します。

Getting junior high school students to speak can sometimes be difficult. But practicing English through mini speeches can help give them confidence and opinions. This presentation will look at ways of building mini speeches and how to practice with the students.


Caroline Lloyd has been teaching in Japan for the last 24 years. She is the coordinator for Hiroshima YMCA and the vice-principal of YMCA International Kindergarten. Caroline is a member of the National YMCA Junior/Senior High School Textbook Committee. President of Hiroshima JALT Chapter.


Getting junior high school students to speak can sometimes be difficult. But practicing English through mini speeches can help give them confidence and opinions. This presentation will look at ways of building mini speeches and how to practice with the students.

Sunday, July 27th, 2008

Learning World

Speaker: Mikiko Nakamoto
Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Sun., July 27th, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 1,000 yen
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Seminar Room 117, Ground Floor Kousha Biru, Shinyashiki opposite the Shinyashiki Tram Stop
Description: Details will be out soon.

Sunday, August 24th, 2008

Outdoor Activities from Denmark and Australia - Girl Guide Games for the English Classroom!!

Speaker: Ann Johansen & Jan O'Laughlin
Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Sun., August 24th, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 1000 yen
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Seminar Room 117, Ground Floor Kousha Biru, Shinyashiki opposite the Shinyashiki Tram Stop
Description: Experience hands on activities from our two veteran Girl Guides, as they lead you through games and activities drawn from a combined 40 years of girl guiding which you can use in your english classroom. Experience the great outdoors and then come back to base camp for refreshments, consolidation and lively discussions on the lessons learnt.

Please dress comfortably, come in sneakers and bring you hat and a large handkerchief! We will all meet at base camp ( Our usual meeting room 117 on the ground floor f Kousha Biru at 3pm sharp .. those who are late will be left behind ..

We will not be going out if it is raining and will instead hold everything indoors.. looking forward to seeing you!

Sunday, September 21st, 2008

(1) Good News for All Asian Kids; (2) Fun with Readers, Give Children Confidence!

Speaker: (1) Yoko Matsuka; (2) Eiko Takeuchi
Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Sun., September 21st, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 1000 yen
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Seminar Room 117, Ground Floor Kousha Biru, Shinyashiki opposite the Shinyashiki Tram Stop
Description: (1) Good news for all Asian kids!
How to use We Can! in the classroom to get your students excited about using English. Author Yoko Matsuka, will introduce the new goal-driven 7-level series (children 3 - 12) and the compelling logic behind it. This presentation will be full of great activities, ensuring that classes will be fun and motivating for children.

Yoko Matsuka is the founder and president of MPI (Matsuka Phonics Institute), which she founded in 1979. She was one of the first people to recommend phonics as an useful method for teaching English to children in Asia. Other responsibilities include:
* Lecturer at Tamagawa University and Graduate School.
* Adviser to NPO J-SHINE (Japan Shogakko Instructors of English) and to over 100 elementary schools.
* Has many years experience in ELT.
* Has written more than 100 books, which include titles that are published in neighboring countries such as Korea and Taiwan.

(2) Fun with readers, give students confidence!
Eiko Takeuchi will be Introducing new readers and fun activities for children of various levels. This presentation will be full of fun with many great ideas that teachers can use in classes from the next day.

Eiko Takeuchi is a Marketing Consultant, McGraw-Hill Education She has taught English to young learners and teachers in Japan and Spain for over 15 years. She was involved in ELT books writing for Japanese children and parents.

Book Now ! Seats are filling up fast.

Sunday, October 26th, 2008

Kagoshima JALT AGM and Officer Elections

Speaker: Acting President Ann Johansen and Out going President Takako Matoba
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (Sun., October 26th, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): free
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Seminar Room 117, Ground Floor Kousha Biru, Shinyashiki opposite the Shinyashiki Tram Stop
Description: The AGM will be cover a range of topics relating to the Chapter.

The agenda is as follows:

Checking of quorum;

Outgoing officer reports;

Confirmation of Nominations;

Election of Chapter Officers;

New Business;

2009 Program structure (Day and Time)

Signing of Proxy forms for EBM and OGM meetings 2009

Other Business

Closing of Meeting

All Chapter members are strongly urged to come along and make your needs heard and concerns heard.

From Inside the Elementary Classroom

Speaker: Various
Time: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Sun., October 26th, 2008)
Fee (JALT members): free
Fee (One-Day members): 1000 yen
Prefecture: Kagoshima
City: Kagoshima
Venue: Seminar Room 117, Ground Floor Kousha Biru, Shinyashiki opposite the Shinyashiki Tram Stop
Description: We will hear from Elementary school teachers about successes and difficulties within the english classroom. What are the challenges and what are the pitfalls? Putting our heads together to help find the solutions.

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The Japan Association for Language Teaching
Urban Edge Bldg 5F, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016, Japan
Tel: 0352885443