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The LLL SIG Newsletter

Volume 4, Issue 2 [September, 2008]


Shared Identities: Our Interweaving Threads
31 October - 3 November, 2008
National Olympics Memorial Youth Center
Tokyo, Japan

JALT2008 will be the 34th annual JALT conference and the 7th joint conference with the Pan Asian Consortium (PAC), as well as the 6th including the Asian Youth Forum (AYF). In attendance will be PAC members from ThaiTESOL (Thailand), KOTESOL (Korea), ETA-ROC (Taiwan), FEELTA (Russian Far East), ELLTAS (Singapore), and PALT (Philippines) and young people from across Asia. Shared Identities: Our Interweaving Threads, the theme of the conference, reflects the interrelationships present in language teaching, such as those between learners and teachers, languages and cultures, communities and nations, oral and written communication, and theory and research.

Conference Plenary Speakers: Yuko Goto Butler, David Graddol, Andrew Kirkpatrick

Conference Featured Speakers: Akara Akaranithi, Lourdes R. Baetiong, Jennifer Bassett, Richard Day, Alvino E. Fantini, Alastair Graham-Marr, Curtis Kelly, Chris Kennedy, Jake Kimball, Yoko Matsuka, Michael McCarthy, Chuck Sandy, Maria V. Verbitskaya, Dai Wei Yang, Dorothy E. Zemach

For more information and the conference schedule, please go to: