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The LLL SIG Newsletter

Volume 4, Issue 3 [December, 2008]

My Share: Letfs do Christmas!

Kim Bradford-Watts

Kyoto Womenfs University, Kyoto University


Quick Guide

Key Words: Celebrating holidays, Student-run parties
Learner English Level: False beginner and above
Learner Maturity Level: Adult
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Activity time: 1-2 hours
Materials: Students will prepare most materials for this party. Teacher should bring garbage bags and cloths for spillages and cleaning up.

Well, it is upon us again: Party Season! Although my students always want to have a party, I am usually rushing from one job site to another, and donft have time to shop or the energy to lug everything for a dayfs worth of parties here and there on public transportation. Also, believe it or not, Ifm not rich enough to throw parties for everyone! So, if my students want a party, they get to throw it.

One or two classes before the party date divide students into gcommitteesh responsible for a) food, b) drinks, c) decorations, d) games, and e) music. Have them write a list of what they need to prepare for the party. For a one-hour party, I would suggest 20 minutes of games, learning one song, and eating and talking with background music for the rest of the time. Setting up usually takes only 5 minutes before class. Be sure to leave 5 minutes at the end for cleanup.

Classes will differ with respect to how much money they each wish to contribute to the party, so discuss this now. A good party can be run on as little as 300 yen per person if only soft drinks and snacks are required. However, if students want more substantial food for the party, it will cost more. The food committee will need to decide if paper plates are necessary, or if only napkins will suffice. Similarly, the drinks committee will need to decide if each person will get an individual can or pet bottle, or whether paper cups are necessary.

Committees should collect money when they have finished planning and reporting their plans to the entire group. If students want to do a gift exchange, set a price limit, or do a grecycle exchangeh of things they would like to recycle from their things at home.


  1. Decorating committee arrives a little early to set up.
  2. Other students enter the room. Designate an area for food and drinks. Leave enough space to play the games that the games committee has organized. Make sure the song is cued for the musical part of the party.
  3. Introduce the games committee. Play their games. Ensure that you keep an eye on the time so the games donft eat into socializing time.
  4. Introduce the music committee. Learn their song.
  5. Introduce the food and drink committees. Listen to their report about the menu selection for the evening.
  6. Music committee plays background music while everyone mingles, eats, drinks, and talks.
  7. If your class has opted for a gift exchange, begin it 10 minutes before the end of class.
  8. Watch the time, leaving 5 minutes at the end of the party for everyone to help in cleaning up.

This is a very easy way to do a party. The students enjoy it, and it does not place an undue burden on any individual, including the teacher. So letfs do Christmas this year!