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The LLL SIG Newsletter

Volume 5, Issue 3 [November, 2009]

An afternoon in Ueno Park (Part 9)
Tadashi Ishida

This is the ninth in a series of articles in which Tadashi Ishida, an English teacher at a community center in Taito Ward in Tokyo, describes a language-learning activity that he conducted with his class. After considerable research and preparation, the learners toured Ueno Park with a foreign visitor, Mrs. Fitzwater, explaining to her the highlights of the park and answering her questions. After the tour, the learners wrote their own combination text and guidebook based on this experience.

The story continues below:

We came back to the Toshogu Shrine because Miss Sato (S) wished to describe an important building in the shrine to Mrs. Fitzwater (F).


S: This is Haiden, a hall of worship, which has a roof of copper. Haiden is the only building with a copper roof in Japan.
F: I see.


S: This is the gate of Haiden.
F: Now, you call this a gate. But it's not like the Torii. That's different. The other gate, the concrete one, is Torii. Do they mean different things? This gate means something different from the Torii gate?

フ:これを門と称するのですね。しかし、鳥居のようではないです。それは違います。他の門、コンクリート製 の門は、鳥居です。それらは違うものを意味するのですか? この門は鳥居と違うものを意味するのですか?

S: This gate is the entrance to the Haiden. But the concrete gate is the entrance to the Toshogu Shrine.
F: I see. They are different.


Miss Sato showed Mrs. Fitzwater the frame on the gate.


S: The letter for Toshogu in the frame is made of gold.
F: Is it gold paint or gold leaf? Solid gold?


S: It is made of pure gold.
F: I see.


S: The wall painting was painted by Kano Tanyu. He was one of the most famous painters in the Azuchi Momoyama Era.
 These sculptures and wall paintings were made by the Kano school.
F: I see.


S: There is a pine tree in that painting. These are a peony and a Chinese phoenix, which is an imaginary bird of China.
F: Phoenix? The mythological bird?


S: Yes, it is a Chinese phoenix.
F: I see.
