Hello, and welcome to this special conference edition of JALT Talk, the announcements newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching.
In this issue:
Plan ahead! See the schedule for JALT2023
Plan ahead by checking out the JALT2023 schedule (https://jalt.org/conference/jalt2023/schedule). With several ways of navigating your way through the hundreds (several 100s!) of presentations, workshops and other sessions, you'll be sure of finding everything you need.
Reminder: JALT2023 Early-bird Registration discounts end October 31!
Preregistration (early-bird discount) rates are available until October 31st, so if you want to save money on the conference fees, please visit our website soon!
Details: https://jalt.org/conference/jalt2023/registration-fees
If you haven't booked your hotel yet, it's time to book it!
With the Tsukuba marathon taking place the same weekend as JALT2023, and considering the number of hotels in Tsukuba that closed due to the COVID shutdown, we strongly encourage all attendees to book on their own or through the JALT website as soon as possible.
Job Information Center at JALT2023
If you are looking for a job, please stop by the Job Information Center (JIC) in the Multipurpose Hall where we will help you in locating resources for finding a job in Japan. Check out the booth for a list of special guest hosts who will be talking on various topics (20-minute sessions) throughout the conference. Also, if you are interested in finding other people to go out to lunch or dinner with, stop by the booth beforehand to make connections or sign up for a time to meet.
This year, the JIC is also doing a workshop at the conference!
Social Events at JALT2023
We are all attending JALT2023 for the professional development opportunities, but equally important are the chances to catch up with old friends, make new friends, and network with like-minded professionals in a more relaxed setting. This year, for the first time since 2019, we bring back the Friday night Welcome Reception and the Saturday night Best of JALT Reception! Admission to both of these events is free for all JALT2023 attendees, so please feel welcomed. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Welcome Reception
If you are coming to Tsukuba early to attend the Friday workshops, to get a head start on networking and collaborating, or just to settle in before things get busy, we invite you to join the conference organizers and your fellow early birds at the Welcome Reception on Friday, November 24. Stop by and say “Hello” and start your conference weekend with a friendly chat over a free beverage and light refreshments before heading out to dinner with old friends or new ones.
Michele Steele Best of JALT Awards party
Socialize, network, and unwind while honoring the chapter and SIG award winners. Special thanks to the sponsor of this event, Kinseido Publishing!
What’s this about?
The Michele Steele Best of JALT Awards is a program started over two decades ago to honor the speakers who make JALT events such valuable experiences. Since 2010, we have held a special social reception at the JALT International Conference to celebrate the winners of this award. At JALT2020, the Executive Board of JALT unanimously voted on changing the name of the Best of JALT to The Michele Steele Best of JALT Award in recognition of the late Michele Steele's inspiring and devoted love of honoring JALT members for their enriching work through an annual social event.
Welcome Workshop for First Time Conference Attendees
New to JALT? Is this your first time attending a JALT conference? We understand how overwhelming it can feel. But don't worry! Swing by for a brief orientation, and you'll get the chance to connect with fellow first-time attendees. And for those seasoned conference-goers, you're more than welcome to join us too! Together, let's ensure that your JALT conference is not only a resounding success but also an unforgettable experience!
Notice: No conference bags this year
This year we are forgoing providing an official conference bag at the onsite registration. JALT is always trying to find ways to lower our carbon footprint so we are shifting to print-on-demand bags available on our online shop (https://suzuri.jp/JALT). The site also has various items promoting JALT and JALT2023; come to the conference in your favorite JALT swag!! Please note that printing and delivery could take a few weeks (depending on the item). Alternatively, this is a great chance to reuse one of your bags from a previous conference.
Poster Sessions - What are they? When are they? Where are they?
Be sure to visit the poster sessions for a chance to talk face-to-face with presenters on topics of mutual professional interest.
What are they?
If you’ve never seen a poster session before, here’s how it works: Each presenter (we have about 14 in each session) prepares a large poster with the content of their presentation. During the poster presentation session, all of the presenters are standing near their own posters around the room. As an attendee, you walk around like a visitor to an art museum, looking at the posters. When something catches your interest, approach the presenter to talk with them. The sessions are 90 minutes long, but you can enter and leave the room at any time during the session.
When are they?
We will have 5 Poster Sessions with 8-10 posters in each session; please see the schedule for poster abstracts.
Where are they?
The poster sessions will be held in the Multi-purpose Hall.
JALT2023 Online, the option for people who can't make it to Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
If you're unable to make it to our in-person version of JALT2023, why not attend JALT2023 Online? There will be almost 50 online live sessions, 16 hybrid sessions, and 3 livestream plenary sessions! Check out the online presentations section of the JALT2023 schedule (https://jalt.org/conference/jalt2023/schedule) for complete details.
You will save money on registration fees for JALT2023 Online if you register by October 31st
Preregistration (to 31 Oct) | Regular Registration | |||
Registering For | JALT Member | Nonmember | JALT Member | Nonmember |
Online | ¥13,000 | ¥18,000 | ¥18,000 | ¥20,000 |
Senior / Student Online | ¥5,000 | ¥8,000 | ¥10,000 | ¥12,000 |
Global Professionals Online* | ¥5,000 | ¥7,000 |
*Global Professionals Online applies to nationals currently residing in the country of their nationality where the country has a gross national income as defined by the World Bank of less than $15,000. The countries this applies to can be found in this list on the TESOL website.
JALT Junior, the conference within JALT2023 for teachers of young learners (up to high school age)
JALT JuniorはメインJALT内の大会で、幼児から高校生を主に教える英語の先生たちにユニークで特別な大会の経験を提供しています。JALT Juniorでは子供たちを教える先生たちに関連する重要な課題をプレゼンテーション、ワークショップなどで扱い、そのほかにもサポート教材やネットワーキングづくりの場なども提供しています。JALT Juniorは若い人たちに教える研究部会(TYL)によって主催されています。
JALT Junior is a conference within the main JALT International Conference that offers a unique and specialized professional development experience for teachers who are primarily teaching English to younger learners. At JALT Junior, you will find 35 presentations and workshops, along with additional support resources and networking opportunities that are just for you as a teacher of learners from preschool through high school. JALT Junior is proudly hosted by the JALT Teaching Younger Learners SIG (TYL).
加えてJALT Junior大会参加者はすべての基調講演者に出席でき、英語教材展示会(EME)を含む特典を得ることができ、メインJALT大会のソーシャルギャザリング(懇親会)にも参加できます。
In addition, JALT Junior Conference participants can attend all of the plenary sessions and take advantage of conference perks that include the the English Materials Exhibition (EME) and both of the JALT social gatherings in Tsukuba.
第22回JALT Junior年次大会はメインJALT大会 と共に11月25~26日につくば国際会議場で行われます。この二日間の大会への先行登録は12,000円(メンバー以外)と10,000円(JALTメンバー)となっております。先行登録の締め切りは10月31日です。当日登録の方が高いです。 詳細は当社ウェブサイトをご覧ください。
Pre-registration for the two-day JALT Junior conference is 12,000 yen (non-members) and 10,000 yen (JALT members). The pre-registration deadline is October 31. On-site registration fees are higher. Please see our website for details.
Educational Materials Exhibition (教材展示会)
The JALT Educational Materials Exhibition (EME) is the best opportunity to sample new materials for language teaching in print, digital, or a combination of the two.
Exhibitors include most of the JALT Associate Members, ranging from book publishers with many years of experience in the field to the latest and greatest innovators as well as institutions from around the world promoting their higher education programs. Tap the expertise of the publisher representatives or just wander around to have a look at what new teaching ideas and materials are out there.
That's all for this special edition. You can subscribe and / or access back issues here. Alternatively, if you'd rather not receive more information from JALT, you can unsubscribe here: https://hosted.jalt.org/membermail/unsubscribe-success.php?c=157
Best regards,
Bill Pellowe
JALT Director of Public Relations