Welcome to another issue of JALT Talk, the monthly email newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. Here's hoping that 2022 sees a return to some semblance of normalcy.

English Bento

In this issue:

  1. Call for Presentation Proposals for JALT2022 ends February 13th
  2. The Call for Presentation Proposals for JALTCALL 2022 has been extended to Sunday, February 13th
  3. Call for Presentation Proposals: The 61st JACET International Convention
  4. The JALT Executive Newsletter (JENL) 48-1 (February 2022) has been published for members
  5. JALT Publications (TLT, LD SIG, TD SIG)
  6. Upcoming JALT Events
  7. JALT2022 Notes about Fukuoka, part 2: Yatai, the outdoor dining food stalls of Fukuoka

Call for Presentation Proposals for JALT2022 ends February 13th

Proposals for conference presentations are being accepted until February 13th for the JALT2022 Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, to be held in Fukuoka City at the Fukuoka International Congress Center, November 11-14, 2022. 


Fukuoka is easily accessible by airport and "bullet train" (Fukuoka’s main shinkansen station, Hakata Station, is just over 2 km from the conference venue). If you've never been to this vibrant coastal city in northern Kyushu, this will be a great opportunity. The conference theme is "Learning from Students, Educating Teachers--Research and Practice." All language teachers, ALTs, researchers, and others involved in language teaching (including non-JALT members) are welcome to submit their proposals to give a presentation.

The Call for Presentation Proposals for JALTCALL 2022 has been extended until Sunday, February 13th.

JALTCALL is JALT's Computer-Assisted Language Learning SIG.

Call for Presentation Proposals: The 61st JACET International Convention

JACET is the Japan Association for College English Teachers, a domestic affiliate of JALT.

See https://www.jacet.org/convention/2022-2/call-for-papers/ for details. The deadline is February 28th (Sun.), 2022 (11:59:59 p.m. JST). No delayed submission will be accepted. The next JACET conference will be held from Wednesday, August 24th to Friday, 26th, 2022. Due to COVID-19, as last year, JACET will hold it completely online.

The JALT Executive Newsletter (JENL) 48-1 (February 2022) has been published for members

The JALT Executive Newsletter (JENL) is released three times a year (in February, June, and November), two weeks before the Executive Board Meeting (EBM). The EBM is the meeting of the JALT Board of Directors, all JALT Chapter Presidents and SIG Coordinators, and various other officers of JALT. This newsletter contains information about the meeting such as the meeting agenda, reports, and minutes of the previous EBM and Board of Directors meetings. This newsletter is made available to the general membership of JALT for detailed information about our organization. The February EBM will be hybrid, held both online and in person at the ACROS Building in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture. (Traditionally, the February EBM is held in the same city as the November conference.) All participants were allowed to choose whether to attend in person or virtually via Zoom. https://jalt.org/news/jalt-central-112 (Members must be logged in to view this content.)

JALT Publications

JALT has published The Language Teacher (Issue 46.1; January 2022) https://jalt.org/main/tlt

The Lifelong Language Learning SIG has released The LLL SIG Newsletter: Winter 2021. https://hosted.jalt.org/lifelong/publications.html

JALT Events

For details and updates, please see https://jalt.org/events

31 January 2022, 8:00pm to 9:00pm
Zoom for Professional Development

05 February 2022, 2:00pm to 4:30pm
Young Learners Teachers Forum with Mari Nakamura and Lesley Ito (Online)
Nagoya JALT Chapter

06 February 2022, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Teaching Younger Learners in Tokyo
Tokyo JALT Chapterand the JALT TYL SIG

06 February 2022, 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Exploring linguistic diversity in Japan as a method to teach theories of bilingualism
Toyohashi JALT Chapter

06 February 2022, 2:00pm to 4:30pm
Same Goals, New Tools
Gunma JALT Chapter

19 February 2022, 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Berger, Mack, Pattison & Sevigny: Assurance of Learning in a university EFL Program: Mapping a quality culture
Tokyo JALT Chapter

20 February 2022, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Machine Translation in the Classroom: A New Approach
Co-sponsored by Matsuyama and Hiroshima JALT Chapters

25 February 2022, 7:00pm
LoungERs February 2022 (LoungERs is the casual ER SIG monthly get together.)
JALT Extensive Reading SIG

26 February 2022, 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Model United Nations Simulations and English as a Lingua Franca: New Perspectives on Best Practices
Tokyo JALT Chapter
Please RSVP for the event at https://forms.gle/NyuSYd6QFgZ1Yfsv9

Yatai image

JALT2022 Notes about Fukuoka, part 2: Yatai, the outdoor dining food stalls of Fukuoka

Yatai are food carts that open into outdoor food stalls seating up to eight customers. Fukuoka is known as the hub of yatai culture in Japan, where you’ll find yatai stalls on the sidewalks of Tenjin and on the walking paths along the Naka River year round. In colder months, sheets of plastic or tarp hang from the roof of the stall to cozily ensconce the beer and sake drinking customers. No visit to Fukuoka would be complete without a late night bowl of Hatata Ramen while seated at a yatai.

If you attend JALT2022 in Fukuoka November 11-14, why not check one out? (Pro tip: If you see an emtpy yatai next to some crowded ones, you might want to follow the lead of the locals and wait for a seat at the crowded one. However, the very long lines at the yatai stalls made famous by a Kyushu travel magazine are not worth the extra wait.) 

Read and see more:

Best regards,

Bill Pellowe
JALT's Director of Public Relations

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