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Hello, and welcome to another monthly edition of JALT Talk, the announcements newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. Our JALT2021 International Conference was a great time, and the reports about it are still being compiled. Preparations are getting started for JALT2022; the call for conference proposals will probably be announced in December (the event itself will be held in Fukuoka City November 11-14, 2022). 

English Bento

In this issue:

1. PanSIG Deadline Extensions (Presentation proposals and conference grants)
2. Job Listings
3. JALTCALL2022 Call for Presentation Proposals
4. 2021 JALT Research Grant Award Winner
5. 2020 Michele Steele Best of JALT Awards
6. JALT Publications
7. JALT Events

PanSIG Deadline Extensions

The PanSIG 2022 Conference will take place face-to-face from July 8th to 10th, 2022, with fun social events, including hikes, tours, and meals. The venue of the conference is The University of Nagano (長野県立大学). 

The PanSIG Call for Proposals (CfP) deadline has been extended to January 10th, 2022. See http://pansig.org/cfp

The deadline to apply for a PanSIG grant of up to 50,000 yen has been extended to Saturday, January 31st, 2022. See https://pansig.org/grants

Job Listings

If you are looking for positions right now, there has been a steady stream of job listings coming in over the last month. Please pass the word: https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/departments/career-development-corner/jobs


JALTCALL2022 will be a hybrid conference June 17th-19th, 2022. The JALTCALL call for presentation proposals closes Friday, December 31st, 2021. See https://jaltcall2022.edzil.la

2021 JALT Research Grant Award Winner

Congratulations to Bethany Lacy (Yokohama Chapter), the 2021 JALT Research Grant Award Winner! Her study title is "Shining A Light on Social Issues: Using Picture Books with Japanese English Language."

Grant proposals will start to be accepted in the Spring of 2022. Up to three grants of 100,000 yen may be awarded in 2022 depending on the number of viable applications. Winners of the grants will conduct their research during the 2023 academic school year. Information can be found here: https://jalt.org/researchgrants.

2020 Michele Steele Best of JALT Awards

Congratulations to the winners of the 2020 Michele Steele Best of JALT Awards! https://jalt.org/main/best-jalt

The Michele Steele Best of JALT Awards is a program that was started to honor the speakers who make JALT events such valuable experiences. This year's awards were for events and publications from the 2020 calendar year. The awards were given at a ceremony during the JALT2021 International Conference. 

Each year, the JALT chapters and SIGs each have the option of naming a speaker (or author of an article) from the previous calendar year as their Best of JALT award recipient. While this award had been around for many years, Michele Steele renewed the award and brought it properly into the limelight in 2010 by creating a ceremony to be held at JALT's annual international conference. Over the years, this Best of JALT Award Reception has grown into the main social event of the conference. At the JALT2020 Conference, the Executive Board of JALT unanimously voted on changing the name of this award to The Michele Steele Best of JALT Award in honor of Michele's inspiring work and devoted love of honoring the JALT members who are being recognized by this award. Sadly, Michele passed away in December 2020 after a long battle with illness, and was greatly missed at this year's event.

JALT Publications

For a full list of all of JALT's publications (including SIGs, chapters, and conferences), please see https://jalt.org/main/publications 

JALT has released JALT Journal Issue 43.2; November 2021 https://jalt.org/main/jalt-journal-issue-432-november-2021

JALT's Extensive Reading SIG has released a new issue of their newsletter, Extensive Reading in Japan: 14.1. 全国語学教育学会多読分野別研究部会のニュースレター https://hosted.jalt.org/er/erj-current-issue

JALT Events

Event details: https://jalt.org/events

04 December 2021, 9:30am to 5:00pm
2021 JALT Vocabulary SIG Symposium
(at Doshisha University, Kyoto)

04 December 2021, 11:00am to 2:00pm
Careers in ELT Forum
Joint event by the JALT Kyoto Chapter, ALT Training Online, and the JALT School Owners SIG

04 December 2021, 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Chiyuki Yanase: Enhancing Language Teacher Well-being
Tokyo Chapter

05 December 2021, 10:00am to 11:30am
Nara Chapter: Meet the Members

05 December 2021, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Developments in Professional Development
Niigata Chapter

05 December 2021, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Developments in Professional Development 
Gifu, Niigata, Saitama, and Shizuoka Chapters of JALT

06 December 2021, 8:00pm to 9:00pm
JALT ZPD (Zoom for Professional Development)

10 December 2021, 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Tokyo JALT Showcase

12 December 2021, 1:00pm
Yo JALT My Share
Yokohama Chapter

12 December 2021, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
The 2021 Ehime University Faculty Sessions
Matsuyama Chapter

17 December 2021, 6:40pm to 9:00pm
PechaKucha Night Nishinomiya #50
Kobe Chapter
(This is an authorized PechaKucha event; https://www.pechakucha.com/cities/nishinomiya)

18 December 2021, 10:00am to 5:00pm
Hiroshima One-Day Conference: Second Language Writers, Teachers, and Identity
Hiroshima Chapter

18 December 2021, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Promoting Diversity and Inclusion through the Lens of our Learners
Niigata Chapter

18 December 2021, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
My Share Presentations and more
Nagoya Chapter

Best regarsds,

Bill Pellowe
JALT Director of Public Relations

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