Hello, and welcome to another monthly edition of JALT Talk, the announcements newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. Aplogies, we had left out some important information in the previous newsletter, so we are sending you this updated version.
In this issue:
Job listings
JALT receives a number of job advertisements each month. If you're looking for a new position, please check out our job posts on our JALT Publications site: https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/departments/career-development-corner/jobs
Basic details:
JALT2024 Pre-registration deadlines
Relevant links:
JALT2024 Interviews on YouTube:
Our team has been busy interviewing our distinguished speakers, and several of these interviews are already up on the JALT YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe to our channel to be notified when others are added!
Conference Preview available:
JALT has published the September TLT JALT2024 Conference Preview Issue: https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/issues/2024-09_48.5
Friday Workshops
On Friday, November 15th, our conference offers two types of professional workshops from 13:00 to 18:30 for an additional fee.
You can read about the TnT and PD Workshops here.
Friday Evening Welcome Reception
All JALT2024 attendees are invited to attend the Welcome Reception on Friday evening (7PM-8:30PM, or 19:00-20:30). Catch up with old friends, make new ones, and get a chance to meet our distinguished speakers in a social setting. You do not have to reserve a place; just show up. This event is on the 6th floor of our conference venue in a room called Koryu Hall.
Michele Steele Best of JALT Awards Ceremony Reception
The Michele Steele Best of JALT Awards Ceremony will be held in Koryu Hall (6F) on Saturday, Nov. 16 (19:30-21:00).
The Michele Steele Best of JALT (MSBOJ) Awards is a program that was started to honor the speakers who make JALT events such valuable experiences. Every year, each chapter and SIG of JALT is asked to name one presentation or publication from the previous year as their Best of JALT Award recipient. Since 2010, we have held a special reception at the JALT International Conference to celebrate the winners of this award. At JALT2020, the Executive Board of JALT unanimously voted on changing the name of the Best of JALT to The Michele Steele Best of JALT Award for Michele Steele’s inspiring and devoted love of honoring JALT members for their outside work. While the award had been around for many years, Michele brought it into a proper limelight by creating a ceremony to be held at the annual international conference.
You can see a list of the MSBOJ Award winners on our website.
"Pink Shirt" Interns Wanted:
Attendees of previous JALT Annual International Conferences will remember seeing volunteers in pink t-shirts helping with registration, the cloak room, presentation timing, and more. If you know university or graduate school students with English skills that they'd like to put to use, please refer them to our "Call for interns" page. (Some universities actually fund teachers to bring a group of interns each year as part of a work internship experience, so that might be something yours could do, too.)
Take a look at what our interns have been doing at past conferences by browsing this photo album of Pink Shirt interns over the years.
JALT Merchandise -- Attend in style:
The JALT print-on-demand online shop has new JALT2024 merchandise (https://suzuri.jp/JALT), including hats, bags, shirts, and sweatshirts. Come to the conference in your favorite JALT swag!! Please note that printing and delivery could take a few weeks (depending on the item).
Call for Presentation Proposals Extended: Hiroshima JALT Conference & Book Fair due September 30
The call for presentation proposals for the Hiroshima JALT Conference & Book Fair has now been extended! Just until the end of this month. So not too late yet, but don't delay!
Hiroshima JALT Conference & Book Fair: Teachers helping teachers helping learners helping learners helping teachers
Also note: HiJALT 2024 participants are free to attend the Linguapax Asia 2024 International Symposium events held 14-15 December at the same venue.
JALT BzCom Forum (Hybrid event) Fall 2024
The JALT Business Communication SIG and Waseda University Global Career Alumni Association will jointly host a special session discussing the communication challenges faced by multilingual traders in the international financial market, inviting a foreign exchange and currency market expert who has experience working in London and Tokyo. We will also discuss future currency market trends with regard to the Yen-Dollar, Yen-Starling, and Euro relations.
Pre-registration Closes October 10th for the 2024 Teacher Journeys Conference (October 12 in Tokyo)
JALT's Teacher Development SIG will hold its 2024 Teacher Journeys Conference on October 12th. This event is cosponsored by the Shizuoka JALT, Tokyo JALT, and Yokohama JALT chapters.
Call For Volunteers for JALT chapters and SIGs: Learn Indico, and Set up your Team for Success
Maybe you are already using Indico (the JALT events platform), or interested in it. Maybe you want to volunteer for your SIG or local JALT chapter conference team. Whatever the case, our workshop can help you.
Targeted at EFL professionals tasked with conference management, this interactive workshop will lead participants through the basics of event management on Indico. By walking through configuration of each stage of the event, participants will learn how to leverage Indico’s comprehensive suite of tools. Attendees will leave with actionable insights and best practices for using Indico to enhance the impact and reach of conferences, making the most of this powerful platform to foster academic excellence and collaboration.
JALT GALE SIG Call for Support / Volunteers
The Gender Awareness in Language Education (GALE) SIG is seeking support, ideas, and input from our members (and members-to-be) in generating more diverse and creative program offerings for the coming year.
If you'd like to learn more about what GALE is all about, and share your hopes and dreams for how GALE can support you, please join us for our forum and/or AGM at the JALT International Conference this November! If you'd like to know more before then, please get in touch using the contact form on GALE's website (https://www.gale-sig.org/contact). We hope to hear from you soon!
JALT members can join IATEFL for a significant discount
As an IATEFL affilate, JALT members can join IATEFL for a significant discount.
Call for Submissions: The School House journal (TYL SIG)
The School House journal is looking for more submissions! The School House is published three times a year (winter, spring, and summer/autumn) by JALT's Teaching Younger Learners SIG.
Types of articles:
To find out more check out the website: https://jalt-tyl.net/submission-guidelines/
JALT Listening SIG: Podcast Relaunch (Online event October 21st)
JALT's Listening SIG will relaunch its podcast, Hear Us Out, at their quarterly meet up for members. LS369, aimed at our members and potential members, will next meet online on Monday 21st October at 7pm (19:00).
The Hear Us Out podcast team (Ashton E Dawes, Edward Cooper Howland, and Andrej Krasnansky) will discuss their new vision for the podcast, preview our upcoming episodes, and also answer your questions about what other topics you would like to hear about.
Recent JALT Publications
For a full list of all of JALT's publications (including SIGs, chapters, and conferences), please see https://jalt.org/main/publications
Reminder: JALT Awards Nominations Deadline: October 7, 2024
Do you know a JALT member who has made important contributions to our field? Make sure to nominate them for one of these awards brought to you by JALT's Awards and Recognition Committee! JALT has awards for teachers and researchers at various stages of their careers: Early Career Excellence Award, Mid-Career Scholar Award, and Lifetime Achievement Award. Any member is welcome to nominate another JALT member for an award—simply complete the Google Form in English or Japanese by 23:59 on Monday, October 7, 2024.
Reminder: 2024 JALT Research Grants: Application Period Ends October 13th
Each year, JALT awards up to three grants for a maximum of 100,000 yen each for research on language teaching in Japan. The grants aim to support language teachers with no outside sources of funding and encourage JALT members to engage in classroom-based research. Winners of the 2024 grants receive funding to conduct their research in the 2025 academic year.
The deadline for application is October 13, 2024.
Please follow this link to learn about the grants in detail and download an application: 2024 JALT Research Grants
Reminder: Call for presentation proposals for the 2024 Tohoku ELT Expo (due October 27)
The Tohoku ELT Expo is sponsored by the JALT Sendai chapter, MY School, and St. Ursula Eichi Elementary-Middle-High School. It is a one day mini-conference offering quality presentations and materials displays for language teachers in any context: college, junior and senior high, elementary, kindergarten, and private language school. We invite anyone (educators, students, researchers) to present on your language-related ideas, interests and research. Presentation slots are 45 minutes (typically 30-35 min. presentation with 10-15 min. for questions and discussion).
Check http://www.jaltsendai.org for updates and more information.
Upcoming JALT Events
Event details: https://jalt.org/events
27 September 2024, 7:00pm to 8:30pm
An Online Book Launch Event: Native-Speakerism and Trans-Speakerism: Entering a New Era (Takaaki Hiratsuka)
Hokuriku Chapter, Cambridge University Press, and Ryukoku University
28 September 2024, 12:00am to 11:55pm
JALT Oita Summer Social: Takasakiyama Hike
28 September 2024, 9:00am to 4:45pm
2024 ICLE and GILE SIG Collaborative Conference
Intercultural Communication in Language Education SIG and the Global Issues in Language Education SIG
28 September 2024, 2:00pm
Community Spotlight: Gerry Yokota: Freedom of Speech on the Japanese University Campus (online)
Kyoto Chapter
Freedom of Speech on the Japanese University Campus
28 September 2024, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Profanity across cultures: What is taboo and why profanity exists
Co-sponsored by Nara JALT Chapter, Osaka Chapter, and SIETAR Kansai
29 September 2024
Ibaraki JALT All-Day Face-to-Face Event
Ibaraki Chapter
29 September 2024, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Multimodal Online Tools at Tohoku University
Sendai Chapter
29 September 2024, 7:00pm to 8:00pm
PresentERs: Adam Ezard: Introducing, Adapting and Evaluating an ER-based course at a Japanese Junior High School
Extensive Reading SIG
06 October 2024, 8:00pm
Meet the Maker: Marcos Benvides, Widgets Inc.
Materials Writers SIG
12 October 2024, 9:00am to 5:00pm
The 2024 Teacher Journeys Conference: Teachers' Stories as Professional Development
Teacher Development SIG
12 October 2024, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Expanding Communicative Activities through Student Video Production
Nagano Chapter
13 October 2024, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Automated Autonomy: An Approach for Blended-Learning
Matsuyama Chapter and East Shikoku Chapter
19 October 2024, 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Cultivating learner agency in online collaborative learning
Yokohama Chapter
19 October 2024, 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Boosting Writing: Productivity Tools That Facilitate Academic Writing
Kobe Chapter
20 October 2024, 12:45pm
2024 October Grand Forum: TBLT (Task-based Learning)
Toyohashi Chapter
20 October 2024, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Open Mic (with live music)
Hiroshima Chapter
21 October 2024, 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Announcing our Members Meet up: LS369
Listening SIG
24 October 2024, 7:00pm
No culture, no language: Understanding how culture impacts language learning and teaching
Other Language Educators SIG and Intercultural Communication in Language Education SIG
26-27 October 2024
21st Century Language Teaching Conference 2024
Okinawa Chapter
27 October 2024, 2:00pm
Catharsis Through Support: Black Women in Professional Spaces in Japan
Shizuoka Chapter
Catharsis Through Support – Black Women in Professional Spaces in Japan
27 October 2024, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Using dictogloss as a communicative task in university classrooms
Sendai Chapter
29 October 2024, 8:00pm
JALT ZPD online networking event in October
30 October 2024, 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Multilingual Cafe on Urdu
Other Language Educators SIG
01 November 2024, 12:00am to 11:55pm
2nd Annual PIE-in-Nagoya Conference
Performance in Education SIG
That's all for this month. You can subscribe and / or access back issues here. Alternatively, if you'd rather not receive more information from JALT, you can unsubscribe here: https://hosted.jalt.org/membermail/unsubscribe-success.php?c=192
Best regards,
Bill Pellowe
JALT Director of Public Relations