Welcome to another issue of JALT Talk, the monthly newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. As August comes to an end, most of us have either started fall classes already, or are preparing to start in September. Many of us are living in areas that have declared a state of emergency due to spikes in COVID-19. We hope that you and yours remain safe in these difficult times.
In this issue:
1. August 31st Zoom for Professional Development (on a Tuesday!)
If you haven't heard of this event before, the JALT ZPD is basically an online discussion that is free to attend, open to JALT members and non-members alike. We use Zoom, so we can create smaller online rooms for many topics, and the participants can choose which topic they want to participate in. Our regular topics include new JALT membership orientation, getting published, discussing research, online teaching, and more. Come see for yourself! http://bit.ly/ZPDRSVP
2. CUE 2021 Conference on September 11th
The annual conference of JALT's College and University Educators (CUE) SIG will be held on September 11th. This online conference has over 30 presentations related to college & university education and four professional development workshops.
3. Teacher Journeys 2021 Conference
JALT's Teacher Development SIG will start their Teacher Journeys 2021 conference on Saturday, September 4th. Each Saturday throughout September and October, a series of video presentations will be made available on YouTube. In these presentations, educators will share reflective narratives around the themes of endurance, adaptation, and development in the current circumstances we find ourselves in. For more information and links to the video presentations, check the JALT Events Calendar or visit https://sites.google.com/view/teacherjourneys2021
4. Reminder: JALT Research Grants Deadline is September 30
Each year, JALT awards up to three grants for a maximum of 100,000 yen each for research on language teaching in Japan. Only JALT members who have no outside funding sources to conduct research are eligible to apply. The goal of the grants is to support language teachers in their professional development and to encourage teachers to engage in classroom-based research. Grant applications are collected each summer and vetted by the JALT Research Grants Committee. Winners of the grants receive funding before the start of the following school year, during which they conduct their studies, provide quarterly reports, and receive guidance from the committee. After completing the research, winners are invited to give presentations on their projects at the JALT national conference and publish a paper in the Language Teacher. The deadline for proposals for projects starting in the 2022 academic year is September 30th, 2021. Please see the 2021 Research Grants page for details.
5. Call for the Business Communication SIG Publication
JALT's Business Communication SIG is always seeking contributions to its biannual publication. For examples of previous publications, and the latest submissions guidelines, please be sure to check out the publications page on the BC SIG website. Please contact bizcom@jalt.org for further information. Looking forward to hearing from you.
6. Call for The Listening Post journal
JALT's Listening SIG seeks quality, empirically-based and theoretically-focused articles on listening research methods, the teaching of listening and the learning outcomes from listening in various language learning contexts for its biannual publication, the Listening Post. Submissions related to listening and other language skill development and/or other complementing components (i.e., resources) that are related to second and foreign language acquisition, will be considered. The Listening Post Guidelines can be found on their website https://jaltlistening.wordpress.com/
Please send your submissions or contact the Listening SIG to discuss your idea at listening@jalt.org
7. Call for The JALT Listening Podcast - Hear Us Out!
The first Hear Us Out! podcast is now online! Yasmeen Coaxum talks to us about Podcasting the classroom. Listen to it here - https://jaltlistening.wordpress.com/podcast/the-listening-podcast-episode-1/
The podcast explores many ideas concerned with the teaching of listening and learning from listening. If you would like to share some of your research, chat about some teaching ideas, or take part in a discussion, then please contact us at listening@jalt.org
8. JASAL2021 National Conference: October 23rd
The JASAL2021 National Conference will be held online on October 23rd. The Japan Association for Self-Access Learning is one of JALT's domestic partners. https://jasalorg.com/jasal2021-national-conference/
9. JALT Publications:
JALT has published the 2020 JALT Postconference Publication: Communities of Teachers & Learners. The papers published in the PCP reflect the concerns of the language teaching professionals who presented at last year's JALT International Conference. https://jalt-publications.org/proceedings/issues/2021-08_2020.1
The Lifelong Language Learning SIG has released Newsletter: Summer 2021. https://hosted.jalt.org/lifelong/journal/2021a.html
JALT has published a new issue of our bimonthly publication: The Language Teacher (Issue 45.5; September 2021) https://jalt.org/main/language-teacher-issue-455-september-2021
10. JALT Events
Please see the JALT Events Calendar for more information about these events.
31 Aug 2021, 8:00pm to 9:00pm
August Zoom for Professional Development (on a Tuesday!)
04 September 2021
Teacher Journeys 2021 (Week 1)
Teacher Development SIG
04 September 2021, 1:00pm
Bringing Model United Nations to Your Classroom
JALT Kyoto Chapter and JEMUN collaboration
04 September 2021, 1:00pm
Ways to Approach Professional Development
Yokohama Chapter
05 September 2021, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Our Journeys with Language
Sendai Chapter
06 September 2021, 10:00am
Hokkaido Moodle Summer Workshop (HMSW 2021)
Moodle Association of Japan, Hokkaido Chapter and JALT Hokkaido Chapter
11 September 2021, 12:00am to 11:55pm
Online CUE Conference
College and University Educators (CUE) SIG
11 September 2021, 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Promoting Sustainable Education: A Cross-Cultural Hybrid Framework for Japanese and Nepalese Younger Learners
Kitakyushu Chapter
12 September 2021, 2:00pm to 4:30pm
Practitioner Research and the Complexity of L+ Study Emotions
Gunma Chapter
17 September 2021, 12:00am to 11:55pm
The 3rd Performance in Education: Research & Practice Conference/Student Showcase/Film Festival!
Performance in Education (PIE) SIG
18 September 2021, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Adaptive Blended Learning: A case study of an English Communication Class
Fukuoka Chapter
18 September 2021, 8:00pm to 10:00pm
Practicing Pragmatics with Ugly Betty and Coffee chat with a Pragmatics member
Pragmatics SIG
25 September 2021, 1:30pm
Professional and private identities of ALTs in the JET program
East Shikoku Chapter
25 September 2021, 6:00pm
Recognizing and Changing the Undermined Reality of NNESTs
Gifu Chapter
26 September 2021, 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Creating Meaning with Print: A Neurocognitive Approach to Reading Instruction
Nagoya Chapter
26 September 2021, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Graduate Student Showcase
Sendai Chapter
26 September 2021, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Teaching Listening with News Stories in Academic English
Tottori Chapter
26 September 2021, 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Utilizing metacognitive spoken videos to teach writing: Some practical and effective ways
Nagoya Chapter
Best regards,
Bill Pellowe
JALT Director of Public Relations
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