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Hello, and welcome to another monthly edition of JALT Talk, the announcements newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. 

English Bento

In this issue:

  1. Job listings on the JALT Publications site
  2. JALT Annual Ordinary General Meeting (OGM)
  3. Pre-PanSIG Digital Social Party June 5th
  4. Information about PanSIG (July 8-10 in Nagano)
  5. JALT joins TikTok
  6. Call for Proposals for the 2nd JALT ICLE SIG Conference due June 5th (17:00 JST)
  7. Call for Proposals: JALT TD SIG Teacher Journeys Conference due June 30th
  8. Call for Proposals: The Listening Conference 2022 due June 24th
  9. Volunteer Editor Needed for CUE Circular
  10. Recent JALT Publications
  11. Upcoming JALT Events

Job listings

JALT receives a number of job advertisements each month. If you're looking for a new position, please check out our job posts on our JALT Publications site: https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/departments/career-development-corner/jobs 

JALT Annual Ordinary General Meeting (OGM)

JALT members: JALT will hold its Annual Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) of 2022 on June 26, 2022. The meeting will be held from 14:30 - 15:30, but please vote before 12 noon if voting online. For more information on the OGM, please see https://jalt.org/main/first-ogm-2022 

Why are we asking you to do this? If less than half of all JALT members submit an absentee ballot then we won't be able to approve the reports that will be presented at the meeting. As a consequence, we wouldn't be able to submit an approved financial report or other required documents to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, which oversees us as a Tokyo-based NPO. Thus, in short, we need your vote to stay in compliance with our legal obligations. Also, we are glad to make the required reports available to you so that you have the opportunity to learn about JALT's performance for the past year and plans for the future.

Pre-PanSIG Digital Social Party June 5th

The JALT PanSIG Conference will be held in person July 8-10 in Nagano. This pre-conference online social will be on June 5th. Sign up here: https://forms.gle/jVy4mAG3ZQfuup2i7

The Pre-PanSIG Digital Social Party is a casual event that aims to help participants get more familiar with PanSIG and expand their network. While the first part of the event will be hosted on Zoom, the main part of this event will run on a spatial app called Gather Town. In order to fully appreciate the event, we recommend joining with a desktop or laptop device as support for tablets and smartphones is still limited.

PanSIG 2022 Information

PanSIG 2022 is an in-person conference with limited online options (such as livestreamed plenaries) held July 8-10 in Nagano. Please see the PanSIG site (http://pansig.org) and the 2022 Conference website (https://pansig2022.edzil.la) for details.

Some important deadlines:

JALT has joined TikTok

JALT has joined TikTok. Please come check out our video collection so far, which includes looks at the venue for the JALT2022 Conference November 11-14 in Fukuoka, some sights of Fukuoka you can look forward to during the conference, quick looks at the recent Board of Directors meeting, Director of PR Bill Pellowe as he does all 16 dances, and a nostalgic look back at past conferences. (Well, one of those is a lie, but can you guess which one? https://www.tiktok.com/@npo_jalt )

For more JALT social media, please see https://jalt.org/main/jalt-social-media

Call for Proposals: 2nd JALT ICLE SIG Conference due June 5 (17:00 JST)

The ICLE SIG's call for submissions for the 2nd JALT ICLE SIG Conference is open and the submission deadline is on June 5 (17:00 JST). The conference will take place virtually on September 10 (Saturday). Please visit the ICLE SIG website (https://jalticle.org/course/view.php?id=5) to find out more information about the conference and to submit your abstract.

Call for Proposals: JALT TD SIG Teacher Journeys Conference due June 30th

The JALT Teacher Development SIG is looking for presentations that fall broadly under the theme of teacher development for our annual Teacher Journeys conference. Personal narratives that highlight professional change and the path to it are welcome. Descriptions of the professional change, what prompted it, what informed it, what the results of it were: all of these in any combination should make for a presentation suitable for the conference. Proposals will be accepted until June 30th.

Conference date: October 30th (Sunday)
Location: Online
Details: https://tj.td.jalt.org/

Call for Proposals: The Listening Conference 2022 due June 24th, 2022

The Listening SIG is delighted to announce their first ever event in affiliation with the JALT Kyoto Chapter. The Listening Conference 2022 will be a one-day event taking place in Kyoto on Sunday 25th September. Our call for presenters is now open. We are looking for 20-minute presentations + 5-minute Q&A sessions on topics related to listening and teaching, pedagogy, assessment, and resources. We are also keen to hear from you if you have another research area in listening that you would like to share.
Please submit a 200-word abstract using the google form link below.
The call closes on 24th June 2022. If you would like to find out more, then please contact us at listening@jalt.org

Conference Date: 25th September 2022
Location: Kyoto

Volunteer Editor Needed for CUE Circular

JALT's CUE SIG is looking for someone to step up as chief editor for our online CUE Circular. If you don't know what that is, you have been missing out on some really good pedagogically related material from many teachers. Look here to see past copies.  "CUE Circular [is] a forum for discussing what really matters to us [teachers] in a practical sense. [It is] more concerned with publishing short (1,000-word), accessible, interesting articles concerned with the day-to-day realities of teaching and learning in our sector" in a casual, not academic style. In order to do this and get teachers' stories out quickly, we publish only three articles per issue.

The editor will work with two experienced assistant editors and the team of CUE proofreaders, so the duties are to seek out and receive potential articles, then work with the assistant editors to vet and edit them. Additional material for the CUE Circular has been conceived, and the new editor will have input on whether/how they can be implemented. This position is therefore an exciting one, not a mere routine role. We are hoping to hear from creative, organized people to take this over and put out 2-3 issues per year.

Contact Glen Hill or Jonathan Phipps with inquiries.

Recent JALT Publications

For a full list of all of JALT's publications (including SIGs, chapters, and conferences), please see https://jalt.org/main/publications 

JALT has released The Language Teacher - Issue 46.3; May 2022. https://jalt.org/main/tlt

JALT has released JALT Journal - Issue 44.1; May 2022. https://jalt.org/main/jj

JALT's Computer Assisted Language Learning SIG has released JALT CALL Journal: Volume 18 Issue 1. The JALT CALL Journal is an international refereed journal published by the Japan Association for Language Teaching Computer Assisted Language Learning Special Interest Group (JALT CALL SIG) since April, 2005.  https://www.castledown.com/journals/jaltcall/current-issue/

JALT's Teaching Younger Learners SIG has released The School House: Volume 30 Issue 1. A variety of activities to start the new year, and papers 新学年度のスタートに多彩な活動、お及び論文  https://jalt-tyl.net/

JALT's Mind, Brain, and Education SIG has released MindBrainEd Think Tank +: May 2022. This issue explores the neuroscience behind pronunciation and includes practical teaching tips to bring straight to the classroom. https://www.mindbrained.org

JALT's Testing and Evaluation SIG has released Shiken: A Journal of Language Testing and Evaluation in Japan: 26.1. https://hosted.jalt.org/teval/node/113

Upcoming JALT Events

Event details: https://jalt.org/events

None of the events listed before for June seem to be in person, though July has in-person events listed. Please be sure to confirm with the event beforehand.

03 June 2022, 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Mind, Brain, and Education Series Part 4: Stories in the Brain...and in the Classroom
Tokyo Chapter of JALT and the Mind, Brain, and Education SIG

04 June 2022, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
4th Portfolio Roundtable Talk - Towards the e-portfolio
CEFR and Language Portfolio SIG

05 June 2022, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Canva for Educators: A workshop and case study
Niigata Chapter

05 June 2022, 1:30pm
Pre-PanSIG Digital Social Party

12 June 2022, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Teaching Younger Learners event: Towards Accessible Education for All
Tokyo Chapter

12 June 2022, 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Shifting from ALT or eikaiwa jobs to university teaching
Kitakyushu Chapter

15 June 2022, 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Online learning from a student's perspective
East Shikoku

17 June 2022, 5:00pm to 11:55pm
JALTCALL2022 (Online conference): Playful CALL: Exploring the Intersection of Games and Technology in Language Education
Computer Assisted Language Learning SIG

19 June 2022, 10:30am to 3:45pm
2022 School Owners' (Online) Mini-Conference, June 19th, 10:30-15:45
School Owners SIG

19 June 2022, 2:00pm
Research that inspires
Gunma Chapter

26 June 2022, 1:00pm
My Share: YoJALT
Yokohama Chapter

26 June 2022, 2:00pm
Narrative inquiry into language teacher identity: ALTs in the JET program
Sendai Chapter

26 June 2022, 7:00pm
PresentERs (June): A short talk about Extensive Reading from one of our members
Extensive Reading SIG

29 June 2022, 7:30pm to 9:00pm
Multilingual Café OLE-SIG on Hindi and Urdu

29 June 2022, 8:00pm to 9:00pm
ZPD (Zoom for Professional Development) Research Ethics, Research Grants, Research focus

02 July 2022, 3:30pm
Listening: YoJALT July Event (in person)
Yokohama Chapter

03 July 2022, 12:00am to 11:55pm
Michinoku English Education Summit (MEES) 2022 (in person)
Iwate-Aomori Chapter
Proposals are now being accepted for 2022 MEES!

03 July 2022, 10:20am to 11:30am
Tokyo State of the Chapter event with featured speaker Averil Coxhead (Vocabulary in instructional materials: Taking a good hard look)
Tokyo Chapter

That's all for this month. You can subscribe and / or access back issues here. Alternatively, if you'd rather not receive more information from JALT, you can unsubscribe here: https://hosted.jalt.org/membermail/unsubscribe-success.php?c=117

Best regards,

Bill Pellowe
JALT Director of Public Relations
I'm looking forward to seeing so many JALT people come to my home city of Fukuoka for the Annual JALT International Conference on November 11-14, 2022. https://jalt.org/conference