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Hello, and welcome to another monthly edition of JALT Talk, the announcements newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. 


In this issue:

  1. Job listings on the JALT Publications site
  2. JALT2023 Presentation Proposals Due February 12
  3. JALT2023 Presentation Proposal Workshops
  4. JALT Board of Directors response to an allegation of racial insensitivity at an online JALT event
  5. Seven JALT Members Will Win TESOL Memberships!
  6. The Domestic Affairs Committee needs you!
  7. Materials Writers SIG Showcase
  8. Call for Between the Keys journal
  9. JALTCALL 2023 Friday night special invited workshops confirmed (June 2nd)
  10. Student Peer Interaction Network Subcommittee (SPINS) Call for Proposals
  11. Call for Conference Proposals (JALT2023, JALTCALL, Extensive Reading, ETA-ROC, JANET, Listening SIG)
  12. Recent JALT Publications
  13. Upcoming JALT Events

Job listings

JALT receives a number of job advertisements each month. If you're looking for a new position, please check out our job posts on our JALT Publications site: https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/departments/career-development-corner/jobs 

JALT2023 Presentation Proposals Due February 12

The DEADLINE for proposals for JALT2023 International Conference is coming soon - Sunday, February 12, 2023 at 11:59PM. Get them in now! Go to https://jalt.org/conference/call-proposals for all the necessary information.

Presentation Proposal Workshops

Also, if you have questions about the proposal process, come to the JALT ZPD on Monday, January 31, 2023 from 8pm to 9pm! Sign up here: http://bit.ly/ZPDRSVP

In addition to the proposal workshop at the ZPD event, JALT will be doing a special Proposal Q&A on Sunday, February 5, 2023 from 4PM to 5PM online. JALT conference volunteers will be on hand to answer your questions as well as provide advice about how to submit your proposals, what you should pay attention to during the submission process, and many other tips. If you are interested, please reply to program@jalt.org so we can put you on the mailing list for this particular event.

Looking forward to seeing you, and helping you with your JALT2023 proposals!!!

JALT Board of Directors response to an allegation of racial insensitivity at an online JALT event

JALT strives to ensure that all members of its organization can participate in its activities regardless of their racial, ethnic, gender, religious background or disability in accordance with the guidelines of the Code of Conduct Committee (CoC) and the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee (DEI). We encourage all JALT members to engage in honest discussion and forthright exchanges of ideas as they attend events that cater to their interests. However, it is vital that all attendees at JALT events show respect to each other and to presenters, especially when we might disagree with each other.

The JALT BoD would like to reiterate that it does not tolerate derogatory comments relating to a person's race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, differences, or beliefs at any JALT event. The BoD would also like to thank those who reported this incident and encourage others to come forward with similar concerns should they ever occur. All reports will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Reports can be made to either the Code of Conduct Committee or the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee at conduct@jalt.org and dei@jalt.org following the procedure explained on the Code of Conduct webpage https://jalt.org/main/jalt-code-conduct 

Seven JALT Members Will Win TESOL Memberships!

Seven (7) lucky JALT members will win one-year complimentary memberships to the TESOL International Association! You can see what kind of benefits are offered for TESOL members.

Participants must be active and current JALT members, and not a TESOL member (or someone who has not been a TESOL member in the past five years). To sign up for your chance to win, please follow this link to the sign-up form: https://forms.gle/PBY6mjMg48j8Qb6i8

The deadline to sign up is April 23rd, 2023, and seven names will be chosen at random from the pool of eligible applicants. The seven lucky winners will be announced this May. Good luck!

The Domestic Affairs Committee needs you!

Are you interested in helping JALT to create and maintain mutually productive relationships with other academic organizations in Japan? The Domestic Affairs Committee needs you! Visit our page at jalt.org or contact Mathew Porter (domestic@jalt.org) for more information.

Materials Writers SIG Showcase

The MW SIG SHOWCASE is up and running! This website features textbooks and other teaching materials created by JALT members. If you are a JALT member and would like to showcase your materials please visit the site and follow the submission guidelines. 

We encourage everyone to have a look and see all the amazing educational materials created by your fellow JALT educators!

Call for Between the Keys journal

Between the Keys is looking for research-based articles regarding the creation and application of materials for language teaching and learning.  In addition to research articles, Between the Keys publishes practical, classroom-focused articles of use to teachers and writers / designers as well as reviews of new materials and tools.

For the full list of acceptable submissions, please see our submissions guidelines at How to Submit to Between the Keys or send an inquiry to submissions@materialswriters.org.

JALTCALL 2023 Friday night special invited workshops confirmed (June 2nd)

  1. Dr. Olena Prysiazhna, visiting professor from Ukraine: Ukrainian language, culture, and a Ukrainian CALL lesson
  2. Alexandra Burke, 3x Best of JALT winner: Improving accessibility with Immersive Reader and other text-to-speech tools.

JALTCALL 2023 is the annual conference of JALT's Computer-Assisted Language Learning SIG. It will be held June 2-4 in Kumamoto. Website: https://jaltcall.org/jaltcall2023/

Student Peer Interaction Network Subcommittee (SPINS) Call for Proposals

JALT SPINs would like to invite current students (BA, MA, PhD) to share their work or research to get both valuable experience in presenting and feedback from peers. The call for proposals deadline is February 11. Please see our page in JALT News for more information: https://jalt.org/news/student-peer-interaction-network-subcommittee-spins

Calls for Conference Presentation Proposals

Call for conference proposals due: February 12th (Sunday)
Event Dates: November 24th (Friday) - 27th (Monday), 2023
The theme of JALT's 49th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning is "Growth Mindset in Language Education." For JALT2023, we will return to Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture. This conference will also have some online content as well.

Call for conference proposals due: February 14th (Tuesday)
Event Dates: June 2nd (Friday) - June 4th (Sunday), 2023
The annual conference of JALT's CALL SIG will be held June 2-4, 2023 in Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. 

The 6th World Congress on Extensive Reading 
Call for conference proposals due: February 15th (Wednesday)
Event Dates: August 7th (Monday) - August 10th (Thursday), 2023
Extensive Reading Foundation's 6th World Congress on Extensive Reading will be held August 7-10, 2023 in Bali.

ETA-ROC 2023: 32nd International Symposium on English Language Teaching 
Call for papers due: March 1st (Wednesday)
Event Dates: November 10th (Friday) - November 12th (Sunday), 2023
32nd International Symposium on English Language Teaching of the English Teachers' Association-Republic of China (ETA-ROC) will be held November 10-12, 2023 in Taipei, Taiwan.

2023 Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching (JANET) Conference 
Call for papers due: March 31st (Friday)
Event Dates: June 17th (Saturday) - June 18th (Sunday), 2023
The 2023 Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching (JANET) Conference will be held June 17-18 in Morioka, Iwate prefecture. 

The Listening Conference 2023 
Call for papers due: March 31st (Friday)
Event Date: July 15th (Saturday), 2023
JALT's Listening SIG will hold the Listening Conference 2023 on July 15th, 2023 in Tokyo. 

Recent JALT Publications

For a full list of all of JALT's publications (including SIGs, chapters, and conferences), please see https://jalt.org/main/publications

JALT has published The Language Teacher - Issue 47.1; January 2023. The Language Teacher, or TLT as we usually refer to it, is JALT's bimonthly publication. It publishes articles and other material related to language teaching, particularly in an Asian context. https://jalt.org/main/tlt

Mind, Brain, and Education has released Mind, Brain, Ed Think Tank+ Bulletin of the JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG: Gratitude: Volume 9 Issue 1 January 2023. In this issue we share stories of gratitude contributed by our readers and our editors explain the science behind the feeling of gratitude and how it enhances our well being. 今月号のテーマは感謝です。読者から寄せられた感謝にまつわるストーリーを基に、TTの編集者が感謝の気持ちを科学的に分析し、それが心の健康増進にどのように関与するかを解説しています。 https://www.mindbrained.org

Teacher Development has released Explorations in Teacher Development: 28(3). The TD SIG is thrilled to announce the publication of the latest issue of "Explorations in Teacher Development" in which you will find seven articles that make fresh contributions to thinking about teacher development.  https://td.jalt.org/index.php/latest-issue/

Upcoming JALT Events

Event details: https://jalt.org/events

31 January 2023, 8:00pm
ZPD - Zoom for Professional Development

01 February 2023, 7:30pm to 9:00pm
Multilingual Café on the French of Quebec, Canada
Other Language Educators

04 February 2023, 9:00am to 4:00pm
2023 JALT Hokkaido Winter Language Teaching Conference (Face-to-face)
Hokkaido Chapter
This year, JALT Hokkaido, The Performance in Education (PIE) JALT Special Interest Group, and Okinawa JALT are hosting a two-day conference.

05 February 2023, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Teaching Young Learners Mini-Conference at Tottori University (In-Person Event)
Tottori Chapter

05 February 2023, 4:00pm to 5:00pm
JALT2023 Proposal writing Q&A 
(email program@jalt.org for Zoom link)

11 February 2023, 10:00am to 11:20am
Teacher Development SIG Webinar: Neuroscience Application in the EFL Classroom

11 February 2023, 6:00pm
An Introduction to Test Item Analysis Using jMetrik (hybrid event)
Fukuoka Chapter, TEVAL SIG, CALL SIG

11 February 2023, 6:15pm to 7:45pm
Practical Approaches to Making Impactful Presentations
Kitakyushu Chapter

12 February 2023, 10:00am to 3:30pm
February 2023 Ibaraki Chapter Online Event

12 February 2023, 1:30pm to 4:00pm
Learning from Contrasting Educational Environments
Toyohashi Chapter

18-19 February 2023, 9:00am to 3:30pm
EBM (February JALT Executive Board Meeting)
JALT holds three Executive Board Meetings (EBMs) per year (full weekend EBMs in February and June, and a one-hour EBM at the annual international JALT conference). All Board of Directors (BoD) members as well as representatives from all of JALT's chapters and SIGs are expected to attend. The JENL (JALT Executive Newsletter) for the EBM will be published for all JALT members through the JALT News page of our website about two weeks before the EBM.

18 February 2023, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
TYL event - Teaching English to Young Learners Today: The Singapore Experience
Tokyo Chapter and the TYL SIG

19 February 2023, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
[F2F] Writers Interacting Effectively with Readers in Academic Writing アカデミックライティングにおけるライターと読者の効果的な相互作用
Matsuyama Chapter

26 February 2023, 1:30pm
Music and language in the brain: Ways to use music to facilitate language learning
Iwate-Aomori Chapter

03 Marcy 2023, 12:00am to 11:55pm
Okinawa JALT Conference on Language Teaching and Feedback @ Mahaina + AGM

That's all for this month. You can subscribe and / or access back issues here. Alternatively, if you'd rather not receive more information from JALT, you can unsubscribe here: https://hosted.jalt.org/membermail/unsubscribe-success.php?c=136

Best regards,

Bill Pellowe
JALT Director of Public Relations