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Hello, and welcome to another monthly edition of JALT Talk, the announcements newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. We at JALT hope you all have a relaxing winter break.


In this issue:

  1. Job listings on the JALT Publications site
  2. Calls for Presentation Proposals (JALT2023, KOTESOL 2023, PanSIG 2023, ERWC 6)
  3. JALT welcomes a new Board of Directors
  4. Writers' Peer Support Group Calls for Volunteer Readers
  5. PanSIG 2023 Conference Grants Application Deadline: January 20th
  6. CUE SIG Survey 2022
  7. JALTCALL SIG is now on LinkedIn
  8. JALT Social Media Overview: See how you can follow your favorite groups
  9. Recent JALT Publications (TLT, BRAIN SIG, ALL SIG, Vocabulary SIG, TEVAL SIG, CALL SIG)
  10. Upcoming JALT Events

Job listings

JALT receives a number of job advertisements each month. If you're looking for a new position, please check out our job posts on our JALT Publications site: https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/departments/career-development-corner/jobs 

Calls for Conference Presentation Proposals

Call for conference proposals due: February 12th (Sunday)
Event Dates: November 24th (Friday) - 27th (Monday), 2023
The theme of JALT's 49th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning is "Growth Mindset in Language Education." For JALT2023, we will return to Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture. This conference will also have some online content as well.

2023 KOTESOL International Conference 
Call for conference proposals due: January 1st (Sunday)
Event Dates: April 29th (Saturday) - April 30th (Sunday), 2023
The 30th Korea TESOL International Conference: Advancing Collaboration: Exchanges Among Scholars, Instructors, and Students will be held April 29-30, 2023 as a hybrid (in person in Seoul, Korea, and online). 

JALT PanSIG 2023 
Call for conference proposals due: January 20th (Friday)
Event Dates: May 12th (Friday) - May 14th (Sunday), 2023
The JALT PanSIG 2023 Conference will take place from May 12th to 14th 2023 at Kyoto Sangyo University in Kyoto. It will be a face-to-face event with live broadcast sessions and pre-recorded video presentations. 

Call for conference proposals due: February 14th (Tuesday)
Event Dates: June 2nd (Friday) - June 4th (Sunday), 2023
The annual conference of JALT's CALL SIG will be held June 2-4, 2023 in Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. 

The 6th World Congress on Extensive Reading 
Call for conference proposals due: February 15th (Wednesday)
Event Dates: August 7th (Monday) - August 10th (Thursday), 2023
Extensive Reading Foundation's 6th World Congress on Extensive Reading will be held August 7-10, 2023 in Bali.

Development and Globalization in Japanese Education
The Kyoto, Gifu, and Kobe Chapters and GILE (Global Issues in Language Education) SIG are looking for presenters for our upcoming online event, "Development and Globalization in Japanese Education" on January 29, 2023. The submission deadline is January 15 midnight JST. Please note that presenters must be members in good standing of one of the four sponsoring groups within JALT to be considered.

JALT welcomes a new Board of Directors

Elections for the JALT Board of Directors (BoD) positions are held every two years, and 2022 was an election year. The newly-elected Incoming Directors will start their two-year terms on January 1st, 2023. The BoD meets three times a year for a weekend of meetings and discussions, and the Incoming Directors joined the current BoD this past September to learn more about their upcoming positions. 

BoD (incoming and outgoing)

From left: Wayne Malcolm (Director of Program), Michael Mielke (Director of Treasury), Bill Pellowe (Director of Public Relations), Samantha Kawakami (Incoming Director of Records), Melodie Cook (Outgoing Director of Membership), Kenn Gale (Outgoing Director of Records / Incoming Vice President), Dawn Lucovich (Outgoing President), Clare Kaneko (Incoming President), Julie Kimura (Incoming Director of Membership), Robert Chartrand (Outging Vice President / Incoming Auditor), Steve Brown (Outgoing Auditor), and Junko Shirakawa (JALT Central Office).

We welcome the Incoming Directors, and thank the Outgoing Directors for their service to JALT. More details about the 2023-2024 Board of Directors will be available on our website in January.

Writers' Peer Support Group Calls for Volunteer Readers!

The Writers' Peer Support Group is a team of writers and reviewers who collaboratively assist writers to develop their manuscripts to a (hopefully) publishable level. The PSG is currently seeking new readers. See https://jalt.org/ja/node/5501 for details.

PanSIG 2023 Conference Grants Application Deadline: January 20th

The JALT PanSIG 2023 Committee is offering Conference Grants of up to 50,000 yen for applicants who do not have financial support from their institutions or workplace. For full details, please see the PanSIG 2023 Grants page, https://pansig.org/grants. PanSIG 2023 will be held May 12-14, 2023 in Kyoto. The call for presentation proposals will be open until January 20th, the same day as the Conference Grants Application deadline.

CUE SIG Survey 2022

The JALT College and University Educators SIG is the largest Special Interest Group with ~400 members. The officers are dedicated to providing the best services and opportunities to its membership. This survey is soliciting responses to improve what the SIG can do for members, non-members and prospective members. You do not have to be a CUE SIG member to take this survey. This survey will not automatically collect your email address. Thank you!


JALTCALL SIG is now on LinkedIn

You can now keep up with CALL SIG's announcements through LinkedIn 
Follow today: https://www.linkedin.com/company/jalt-call/

JALT Social Media Overview: See how you can follow your favorite groups

Many of our chapters, SIGs and executive groups are making use of social media to keep in touch with their membership and publicize their activities. Please see our JALT Social Media page for a full list. Never miss an announcement from your favorite groups again!

Recent JALT Publications

For a full list of all of JALT's publications (including SIGs, chapters, and conferences), please see https://jalt.org/main/publications

JALT has published The Language Teacher - Issue 47.1; January 2023. The Language Teacher, or TLT as we usually refer to it, is JALT's bimonthly publication. It publishes articles and other material related to language teaching, particularly in an Asian context. https://jalt.org/main/tlt

JALT's Mind, Brain, and Education SIG has released Mind, Brain, Ed Think Tank+ Assessment: Volume 8 Issue 12 December 2022. This issue continues our exploration of assessment by looking at  different ways to measure student understanding and  mastery of class content from the perspective of the mind and brain. 今月号は前号に引き続き、脳科学の観点から生徒や学生の学習内容の理解と技能の習得を評価する様々な方法を検討しています。 https://www.mindbrained.org

JALT's Accessibility in Language Learning SIG has released Accessible Language Learning  Review: Volume 2 Issue 2 December 2022. This issue includes great resources spanning from social justice education to resources for a more accessible classroom along with a report on the past two years of ALL-SIG. ALL-SIGの過去2年間の報告とともに、ソーシャル・ジャスティス教育からよりアクセシブルなクラスルームを作るのためのリソースまで、たくさんの情報が掲載されています。 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y9401WRBGXiqcTd0d537bnksaKVAKRD_/view?usp=sharing

JALT's Vocabulary SIG has released VERB: 11.2. The Vocabulary Education and Research Bulletin (VERB) is a biannual publication focusing on short research articles relating to the role of vocabulary in second language learning.  https://jaltvocab.weebly.com/publications.html

JALT's Testing and Evaluation SIG is pleased to announce it has published Shiken 26.2 (December 2022). Shiken: A Journal of Language Testing and Evaluation in Japan aims to publish articles concerning language assessment issues relevant to assessment professionals, researchers, classroom practitioners and language program administrators. Shiken is dedicated to publishing articles on assessment in various educational contexts in and around Japan.

JALT's Computer Assisted Language Learning SIG has published The JALT CALL Journal: December 2022, Volume 18(3). The JALT CALL Journal is an international refereed journal published by the JALT CALL SIG since April 2005. The Journal is committed to excellence in research in all areas within the field of Computer Assisted Language Learning, while at the same time offering teaching ideas and suggestions from teachers’ personal experiences. https://www.castledown.com/journals/jaltcall/

Upcoming JALT Events

Event details: https://jalt.org/events

08 January 2023, 2:00pm to 4:00pm (face to face event)
Changes in English Teachers' Medium of Instruction throughout the Pandemic
Matsuyama Chapter 

21 January 2023, 6:15pm to 7:45pm (face to face event)
More Personal Finance in Japan
Kitakyushu Chapter

22 January 2023, 10:00am (TBA; perhaps online)
Art in the EFL Classroom: From Kindergarten to University
Art, Research, and Teaching SIG

22 January 2023, 2:00pm (face to face event)
More Personal Finance in Japan with Ben Tanaka (Shearon)
Fukuoka Chapter

25 January 2023, 7:30pm to 9:00pm (online)
Multilingual Café on the French of Quebec, Canada
Other Language Educators SIG

31 January 2023, 8pm to 9pm (online)
JALT ZPD (Zoom for Professional Development)

04 and 05 February 2023, 9:00am to 4:00pm (face to face event)
2023 JALT Hokkaido Winter Language Teaching Conference
Hokkaido Chapter

05 February 2023, 2:00pm to 4:00pm (face to face event)
Teaching Young Learners Mini-Conference at Tottori University 
Tottori Chapter

11 February 2023, 5:30pm (online event)
An Introduction to Test Item Analysis Using jMetrik
Fukuoka Chapter, with TEVAL SIG and CALL SIG

11 February 2023, 6:15pm to 7:45pm (face to face event)
Practical Approaches to Making Impactful Presentations
Kitakyushu Chapter

12 February 2023, 1:30pm to 4:00pm (face to face event)
Learning from Contrasting Educational Environments
Toyohashi Chapter

That's all for this month. You can subscribe and / or access back issues here. Alternatively, if you'd rather not receive more information from JALT, you can unsubscribe here: https://hosted.jalt.org/membermail/unsubscribe-success.php?c=134

Best regards,

Bill Pellowe
JALT Director of Public Relations