Hello, and welcome to another monthly edition of JALT Talk, the announcements newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. This Tuesday (October 31) is our monthly JALT ZPD (Zoom for Professional Development) event from 8 PM, with a special focus this month on JALT's upcoming International Conference (Nov. 24-27, 2023). October 31st is also the final day you can pre-register for the conference at the discounted early bird rate. Tell your friends!
In this issue:
Job listings
JALT receives a number of job advertisements each month. If you're looking for a new position, please check out our job posts on our JALT Publications site: https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/departments/career-development-corner/jobs
Reminder: JALT2023 Early-bird Registration discounts end October 31!
Preregistration (early-bird discount) rates are available until October 31st, so if you want to save money on the conference fees, please visit our website soon!
Details: https://jalt.org/conference/jalt2023/registration-fees
Registration for Childcare at the Conference ends November 1st
There will be accessible onsite childcare at the conference. Please use this form to sign up. Registration ends Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 12:00 PM.
Global Professionals Online rates
Pre-registration for the Global Professionals Online rate is just 5,000 yen, and regular registration is 7,000 yen. This special rate applies to nationals currently residing in the country of their nationality where the country has a gross national income as defined by the World Bank of less than $15,000. The countries this applies to can be found in this list on the TESOL website.
JALT2023 Welcome Reception
If you are coming to Tsukuba early to attend the Friday workshops, to get a head start on networking and collaborating, or just to settle in before things get busy, we invite you to join the conference organizers and your fellow early birds at the Welcome Reception on Friday, November 24. Stop by and say “Hello” and start your conference weekend with a friendly chat over a free beverage and light refreshments before heading out to dinner with old friends or new ones.
Michele Steele Best of JALT Awards party (sponsored by Kinseido)
Socialize, network, and unwind while honoring the chapter and SIG award winners. Special thanks to the sponsor of this event, Kinseido Publishing!
Notice: No conference bags this year
This year we are forgoing providing an official conference bag at the onsite registration. JALT is always trying to find ways to lower our carbon footprint so we are shifting to print-on-demand bags available on our online shop (https://suzuri.jp/JALT). The site also has various items promoting JALT and JALT2023; come to the conference in your favorite JALT swag!! Please note that printing and delivery could take a few weeks (depending on the item). Alternatively, this is a great chance to reuse one of your bags from a previous conference.
JALT2023 Online, the option for people who can't make it to Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
If you're unable to make it to our in-person version of JALT2023, why not attend JALT2023 Online? There will be almost 50 online live sessions, 16 hybrid sessions, and 3 livestream plenary sessions! Check out the online presentations section of the JALT2023 schedule (https://jalt.org/conference/jalt2023/schedule) for complete details.
Job Information Center at JALT2023
If you are looking for a job, please stop by the Job Information Center (JIC) in the Multipurpose Hall where we will help you in locating resources for finding a job in Japan. Check out the booth for a list of special guest hosts who will be talking on various topics (20-minute sessions) throughout the conference. Also, if you are interested in finding other people to go out to lunch or dinner with, stop by the booth beforehand to make connections or sign up for a time to meet.
This year, the JIC is also doing a workshop at the conference!
Warm Hearts Coffee at JALT2023
Indulge in a sip of Malawi's best, as we proudly present our coffee service by Warm Hearts Coffee. Sourced from the high altitudes of Malawi's northern region, every cup captures the smooth, full-bodied, and slightly floral essence of genuine African taste. Warm Hearts doesn't just deliver a stellar coffee experience, but is a beacon of charity, donating 100% of their online proceeds to Seibo Japan for school lunches in Malawi. This unique, 100% charity business model is made possible through corporate sponsorships, ensuring every purchase directly benefits Malawian children.
Join us in supporting this noble cause by enjoying your coffee breaks between 9:00 and 17:00 on November 25 and 26, 2023. Find the main coffee stations strategically located on the 2nd floor outside the big hall, and on the 4th floor near the elevators.
Educational Materials Exhibition 教材展示会
The Educational Materials Exhibition 教材展示会 at the JALT2023 Conference takes place Sat., Nov. 25 (9AM-6PM) and Sun., Nov. 26 (9AM-3:30PM). The JALT Educational Materials Exhibition (EME) is the best opportunity to sample new materials for language teaching in print, digital, or a combination of the two.
Exhibitors include most of the JALT Associate Members, ranging from book publishers with many years of experience in the field to the latest and greatest innovators and institutions from around the world promoting their higher education programs. Tap the expertise of the publisher representatives or just wander around to look at what new teaching ideas and materials are out there.
SIG Forums at JALT2023
JALT has numerous Special Interest Groups (SIGs) which are made of JALT members who share a professional interest. Our SIGs publish books, journals, and newsletters, maintain informative mailing lists, and hold conferences and seminars.
At JALT2023, many of JALT's SIGs will hold 90-minute forums on Saturday, Nov. 25 and Sunday, Nov. 26. To browse all of the SIG forums on one page, follow these steps:
Writers Peer Support Group (PSG) to review abstracts / manuscripts at JALT2023
Join us at the PSG Table in the Multipurpose Hall during JALT 2023! Take advantage of the opportunity to have your abstracts and/or manuscripts reviewed live by our expert PSG peer reviewers. Don't miss this chance to receive valuable feedback and insights to enhance your work. We're here to help you shine! Review times: Saturday 14:30-15:30 and Sunday 13:00-14:00.
Discussing Conference Planning with Director of Conference Wayne Malcolm
This session is for those who plan conferences for their organizations. This is not a formal JALT Conference Planning Committee Meeting, but instead it is for any person who organizes a conference and wants to discuss the challenges and successes of operating a conference. We will also discuss the future of conferencing in general. Finally, conference organizers who want to connect and network with those in the business should join.
JALTCALL 2024 Conference Call for Proposals
The Annual Conference of the Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) SIG of JALT is one of the highlights of the yearly JALT calendar. See https://jaltcall.org/jaltcall-2024 for details.
Please note that the conference will be held earlier than in past years. Be sure to mark your calendars appropriately.
ART Gallery, the annual publication of the Art, Research, and Teaching SIG, announces an open call for articles and artworks
ART Gallery is an online publication that explores the intersection of the visual arts and language-learning. We’re excited to hear from:
Submission Guidelines:
We're looking for articles that are knowledgeable, colorful, and unusual. The ART selection process emphasizes readability and engagement. Suggested length is 500 to 1,000 words. Please submit Word documents.
We're also looking for artworks (pictures, paintings, photos, etc) that are at the intersection of art and language. These artworks can be from teachers, students, artists, or non-artists. We want to put some color in ART Gallery! Please submit small JPEGs for initial review.
Deadline: Please make your submission to art@jalt.org before November 30, 2023.
2024 JALT Hokkaido Winter Language Teaching Conference call for presentation proposals is open
The 2024 JALT Hokkaido Winter Language Teaching Conference will be held on February 3rd and 4th in Sapporo at Hokkai-Gakuen University. February 3rd will be registration and a networking dinner with a full schedule of presentations and displays from publishers on February 4th. Click here for the call for proposals and details.
Renewed Call for Papers: Global Englishes SIG Journal Submission Deadline: 1st April 2024
The Global Englishes SIG would like to remind everyone about the call for papers for the first publication of its journal. Submissions are accepted in Japanese and English. The deadline is 1st April 2024. Please see the website for information in Japanese and English.
SUTLF 2024 X Brain SIG Call for Proposals now open
SUTLF 2024 X Brain SIG will be Feb. 2-4 in Kumamoto. This conference is fully hybrid. The Call for Proposals is now open and closes on December 22nd. For more details and to submit your abstract visit https://events.jalt.org/e/sutlf2024
PanSIG is an annual conference usually held in May, and organized by many of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of JALT. Information about past PanSIG conferences (including photos, conference handbooks, etc.) can be found in the PanSIG Archive.
PanSIG 2024 Call for Presentation Proposals opens November 1st
Writing support workshops
PSG, CUE and PanSIG are collaborating to organize writing support workshops in preparation for submission of proposals for PanSIG 2024. We will have our first workshop on November 18th at 8:00 PM, and a second workshop at ZPD on November 27th. Details will be announced on the PanSIG website and PanSIG social media.
Plenary announcement: Daniel R. Isbell
One of the plenaries for PanSIG 2024 is Daniel R. Isbell, Assistant Professor in the Department of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. Dan is an expert in language assessment & testing and serves on the editorial boards of TESOL Quarterly and Language Testing.
Last call for presentation proposals for the 2023 Tohoku ELT Expo (due Nov. 4)
The Tohoku ELT Expo is sponsored by the JALT Sendai Chapter and ETJ. It is a one day mini-conference offering quality presentations and materials displays for language teachers in any context: college, junior and senior high, elementary, kindergarten and private language school. Presentation slots are available, so please jump in and share your teaching ideas or research at any level, children to adult. Sessions are generally 45 minutes (30-40 minute presentation with 5-15 minutes for questions & discussion). Submit your proposals by midnight November 4.
The JALT Materials Writers SIG Showcase is Accepting Submissions!
Join the nearly 40 titles already on the JALT Materials Writers SIG Showcase! This website features textbooks and other teaching materials created by JALT members. If you are a JALT member and would like to showcase your materials, please visit the site and follow the submission guidelines. We encourage everyone to have a look and see all the amazing educational materials created by your fellow JALT educators! https://sites.google.com/view/mwsigshowcase/home
The Writers' Peer Support Group (PSG) Online Professional Development Workshop Series: December 2nd
The Writers' Peer Support Group would like to give special thanks to everyone who attended previous workshops during our series this year. We appreciate all of the support from the attendees, and you’ve all helped make the workshops a great success. We are ending our 2023 series on a high note with a presentation from Chelanna White, who stepped out of her comfort zone and volunteered to be a reviewer within JALT Pubs. Her experience as a new reviewer will be beneficial to anyone who is hesitating about their ability to contribute to JALT as a reviewer. Chelanna will be presenting on Saturday, December 2nd at 14:00.
Please click here to pre-register.
For more information, please check: https://jalt.org/event/writers-peer-support-group-psg/23-12-02
Recent JALT Publications
For a full list of all of JALT's publications (including SIGs, chapters, and conferences), please see https://jalt.org/main/publications
JALT has published JALT Journal - Issue 45.2; November 2023. JALT Journal is JALT's research journal. It is published semiannually, in May and November, with submissions accepted throughout the year. https://jalt.org/main/jj
JALT has published The Language Teacher - Issue 47.6; November 2023. The Language Teacher, or TLT as we usually refer to it, is JALT's bimonthly publication. https://jalt.org/main/tlt
JALT Tokyo Chapter has released Tokyo JALT Journal (TJJ): Volume 6 - September 2023. A non peer-reviewed journal focused on community engagement. https://sites.google.com/view/tokyojalt/publications/tokyo-jalt-journal
The JALT Accessibility in Language Learning (ALL) SIG has released Accessibility in Language Learning (ALL) Review: Volume 3, Issue 1. This issue highlights ALL SIGs joint partnership with TYL SIG and JALT Okinawa, as well as plans for the JALT2023 Conference. このニュースレターは、言語教育におけるアクセシビリティ研究部会とTYL部会、沖縄支部の協賛で開催された大会の振り返りと、11月の全国大会での部会集会とフォーラムの情報について主に紹介しています。 https://sites.google.com/view/all-sig/newsletter
JALT's Lifelong Language Learning SIG has released The LLL SIG Newsletter: Volume 19 Issue 1. https://hosted.jalt.org/lifelong/publications.html
JALT's Mind, Brain, and Education SIG has released Mind, Brain, Ed ThinkTank October 2023 "Flourishing with ADHD in the Language Classroom": Bulletin of the JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG Volume 9, Issue 10 . This issue explains what happens in the brains of people who have ADHD, how this impacts behavior, and ways instructors can help learners with ADHD. https://www.mindbrained.org
Reminder: JALT members enjoy special discounts at the Apple Store
Don't forget, JALT membership brings added bonuses such as discounted Apple products through the JALT Apple Store. Savings exceed those already offered through Apple’s academic pricing. The discount covers computers, displays, and iPads, but does not include iPhones or Apple Watches.
Reminder: JALT members can join IATEFL for a significant discount
As an IATEFL affilate, JALT members can join IATEFL for a significant discount. Please see this page on the JALT site for details (you'll have to be logged in as a JALT member to access that page).
IATEFL is the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. IATEFL's 57th International Conference & Exhibition will be held April 16-19, 2024. For more information about this conference, see https://www.iatefl.org/conference/home.
Reminder: The 2023 JALT Research Grants Application Deadline is November 12
Each year, JALT awards up to three grants for a maximum of 100,000 yen each for research on language teaching in Japan. Only JALT members who have no outside funding sources to conduct research are eligible to apply. The goal of the grants is to support language teachers in their professional development and to encourage teachers to engage in classroom-based research. Grant funds are transferred before the start of the following academic year during which they conduct their studies, provide quarterly reports, and receive guidance from the committee. Following the completion of the research, grant recipients are invited to give presentations on their projects at the JALT national conference. The deadline for proposals for projects starting in the 2024 school year is November 12, 2023.
Additional details and the application can be found on the JALT Research Grants website: http://jalt.org/researchgrants
Upcoming JALT Events
Event details: https://jalt.org/events
29 October 2023, 2:00pm
Thinking about Critical Thinking (online via Zoom)
Shizuoka Chapter of JALT
31 October 2023, 8:00pm-9:00pm
JALT ZPD in October - Gearing up for Tsukuba (online via Zoom)
Zoom for Professional Development
Register for the Zoom link: http://bit.ly/ZPDRSVP
04 November 2023, 9:00am to 5:00pm
2023 JALT Study Abroad SIG Conference
This year, our theme is Changing Trends in Study Abroad--The Past, The Present, And The Future.
04 November 2023, 9:30am to 5:00pm
TBLT Roundtable
JALT Task-Based Learning SIG
04 November 2023, 2:00pm
Shizuoka JALT: JALT International Pre-Conference Mini-Presentations
Shizuoka Chapter of JALT
05 November 2023, 10:00am
Beyond SDGs with Dr. Misuzu Asari & The Kyoto Chapter Annual General Meeting (京都支部年次総会)
Kyoto Chapter of JALT
All current Kyoto members are invited to attend our annual general meeting (AGM) this year.
05 November 2023, 1:00pm
Writing for Academic Publication in JALT Publications and Beyond
Sendai Chapter of JALT
05 November 2023, 4:00pm to 6:00pm
My Share: AI in the Language Classroom (hybrid event)
Hiroshima Chapter of JALT
11 November 2023, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Kitakyushu Chapter AGM / Lightning Session - Focus on Classroom Practice
12 November 2023, 1:30pm
Nara JALT Chapter Annual General Meeting 2023
All chapter members are cordially invited to the chapter AGM.
14 November 2023, 8:00pm
CUE 2023 AGM - Online!
JALT College and University Educators (CUE) SIG
16 November 2023, 5:00pm
Pre-Conference Local Member Presentation
Iwate-Aomori Chapter of JALT
18 November 2023, 2:00pm
New Member November! | 11月の新メンバーパーティー (online)
JALT College and University Educators (CUE) SIG
19 November 2023, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
国際言語「エスペラント」とは? The International Language Esperanto
Tottori Chapter of JALT
30 November 2023, 7:30pm
OLE & ICLE Workshop on Intercultural Communication
The JALT Other Language Educators SIG and the JALT Intercultural Communication in Language Teaching SIG
01 December 2023, 7:00pm to 9:30pm
Kansai 4-Corners: Exploring the Global and Local Dimensions of Narrative Inquiry in Language Teacher Identity Research
Osaka Chapter of JALT
02 December 2023, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
PSG Online Professional Development Workshops: Chelanna White (online)
Hosted by the JALT Writer's Peer Support Group (PSG) and sponsored by JALT Shizuoka, JALT Ibaraki, the SPINS Committee, and JALT CALL SIG.
03 December 2023, 10:00am to 5:00pm
NaraJALT Annual Conference 2023
Nara Chapter of JALT
09 December 2023, 9:00am to 6:00pm
The Global Englishes SIG Online Conference
10 December 2023, 9:30am to 5:30pm
The 2023 Tohoku ELT Expo
Cosponsored by the Sendai Chapter of JALT
10 December 2023, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
[F2F] Action Logging & Creative Writing アクションロギング & クリエイティブ・ライティング
Matsuyama Chapter of JALT
12 December 2023, 8:00pm to 9:00pm
JALT ZPD (Zoom for Professsional Development)
This session will include breakout rooms on proposal writing, since calls for presentation proposals will be open for both the PanSIG 2024 and the JALT2024 conferences.
16 December 2023, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
A Conceptual Toolkit for Language Teaching Practitioners: Applications in the Japanese Context (hybrid)
Fukuoka Chapter of JALT
17 December 2023, 4:00pm
Teaching Sustainable Development Goals: Three Approaches
Hokkaido Chapter of JALT
That's all for this month. You can subscribe and / or access back issues here. Alternatively, if you'd rather not receive more information from JALT, you can unsubscribe here: https://hosted.jalt.org/membermail/unsubscribe-success.php?c=156
Best regards,
Bill Pellowe
JALT Director of Public Relations