As another year draws to a close, we find hope for some return to normalcy as conferences plan to be in person or hybrid events. The JALT2022 Call for Conference Proposals is open and, for the first time ever, we will hold the conference in Fukuoka City (November 11-14).
In this issue:
JALT2022: Call for Proposals is now open (deadline: February 13th)
JALT's 48th Annual Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition will be held in Fukuoka City at the Fukuoka International Congress Center, November 11-14, 2022. Fukuoka is easily accessible by airport and bullet train (shinkansen). If you’ve never been to this vibrant coastal city in northern Kyushu, this will be a great opportunity.
The conference theme is "Learning from Students, Educating Teachers--Research and Practice." All language teachers, ALTs, researchers, and others involved in language teaching (including non-JALT members) are welcome to submit their proposals to give a presentation.
Proposals are now being accepted for Research-Oriented Presentations (25 or 60 minutes), Practice-Oriented Workshops (25 or 60 minutes), and Poster Sessions (90 minutes). For poster sessions, participants walk around like in an art museum, looking at the posters hanging on the walls, and the presenters stand next to their posters to answer any questions the participants might have.
Please see for details.
Reminder: JALTCALL2022 due today (December 31st)
JALTCALL2022 will be a hybrid conference June 17th-19th, 2022. The call for papers closes Friday, December 31st, 2021. See
JALT's ZPD: January 31st
Our next Zoom for Professional Development will be on Monday, January 31st from 8 PM (20:00) for JALT's first ZPD session of 2022! (Confirm what 8 PM is in your local time here: January's ZPD will highlight the activities of our President (Dawn Lucovich), our PanSIG Conference Executive Committee, and will feature Dr. Christine Coombe on personal and professional strategic planning.
Dr. Christine Coombe is an Associate Professor at the Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai Men’s College. She has published numerous books on areas like assessment literacy, research methods, teacher effectiveness and professionalism as well as TBLT and leadership. She served as President of the TESOL International Association from 2011 to 2012.
Register here:
Reminder: JALT PanSIG Deadline Extensions
The JALT PanSIG 2022 Conference will take place face-to-face from July 8th to 10th, 2022, with fun social events, including hikes, tours, and meals. The venue of the conference is The University of Nagano (長野県立大学).
The Call for Proposals (CfP) deadline has been extended to January 10th, 2022. See
The deadline to apply for a PanSIG grant of up to 50,000 yen has been extended to Saturday, January 31st, 2022. See
Evergreen: Job Listings
If you are looking for positions right now, there has been a steady stream of job listings coming in over the past few months. Please pass the word:
Extensive Reading Around the World 2022 (ERAW2022)
The Extensive Reading Foundation announces the Call for Proposals for Extensive Reading Around the World (ERAW-2022), to be held online on 5-7 August 2022. This event is a stepping stone towards the Sixth Extensive Reading World Congress, (ERWC6) which has been scheduled for August 2023 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Researchers, practitioners, and anyone interested in extensive reading or extensive listening is invited to submit a paper or simply attend online. Event fees are very low (US$20 for developed countries and US$5 for developing countries) and attendees will have the chance to attend all events throughout the weekend.
Location: Online
More Info:
Call for Papers: The Listening Post journal
JALT's Listening SIG announces that The Listening Post seeks quality, empirically-based and theoretically-focused articles on listening research methods, the teaching of listening and the learning outcomes from listening in various language learning contexts. Submissions related to listening and other language skill development and/or other complementing components (i.e., resources) that are related to second and foreign language acquisition, will be considered.
Please send your submissions or contact us to discuss your idea at
Call for Papers: Hear Us Out! The Listening SIG Podcast
The Hear Us Out! podcast of JALT's Listening SIG explores many ideas concerned with the teaching of listening and learning from listening. If you would like to share some of your research, chat about some teaching ideas, or take part in an episode, then please contact us at
Pragmatic Resources Series--Call for papers (deadline: June 1, 2022)
Volume Title: Innovations in the Teaching of Pragmatics
Over the past two decades, the pragmatic topics generally covered in teaching materials/lesson plans focus on directive and expressive speech acts (especially requests, apologies, compliments, refusals and suggestions/advice-giving). Awareness-raising activities are the most frequent activity types, followed by those providing controlled practice. However, many areas continue to be underrepresented in teaching materials. This new volume aims to rectify the situation by seeking ideas to teach the pragmatic features few have dared to attempt, as well as offering fresh approaches to familiar ones.
Papers dealing with the following topics will especially be sought:
For information on manuscript formats contact Donna Tatsuki
JALT Publications:
To find all of JALT's publications listed on one page, please see
JALT has published The Language Teacher - Issue 46.1; January 2022. You'll be able to read the paper version with mikan oranges at your kotatsu this winter break. It is available now online to JALT members here:
JALT's Learner Development SIG has released The Learner Development Journal (LDJ): Issue 5. Featuring both narrative accounts and practice-related reviews, the 184-page issue focuses on "Engaging with the Multilingual Turn for Learner Development: Practices, Issues, Discourses, and Theorisations." ナラティブ・アカウントと実践に根ざした書評を集めた本号では、全184ページにわたり、「学習者ディベロップメントにおける多言語的転回への取り組み:実践、課題、言説、そして理論化」に焦点を当てています。
JALT's Teacher Education and Development SIG has released Explorations in Teacher Development: Volume 27 Issue 3 (Winter 2021). Explorations in Teacher Development is a journal for teachers, by teachers, where we encourage people to share their professional experiences and reflections.
Upcoming JALT Events
For details on these and any newly-added events, please see the JALT Events Calendar.
09 January 2022, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
An Ecological Jungle of Learning: Partnering Students with Invitations to Teach, Reach, & Publish (online)
(RSVP required by January 7th)
Tottori Chapter
09 January 2022, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Rhetoric in Haiku (in-person)
Matsuyama Chapter
15 January 2022, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
How to write a better abstract for JALT2022 (online)
Fukuoka Chapter
22 January 2022, 10:00am to 4:00pm
Teaching Global Englishes (online)
Kyoto Chapter
26 January 2022, 7:30pm to 9:00pm
Multilingual Café (OLE-SIG) (online)
Other Language Educators SIG
28 January 2022, 7:00pm
LoungERs January 2022 (online)
Extensive Reading SIG
29 January 2022, 1:00pm
Using Teletandem to Induce Authentic Online Intercultural Communication (hybrid event)
Oita Chapter
Join us in Oita to learn about Teletandem! (Please note the event will be live-streamed on Zoom as well)
29 January 2022, 2:00pm to 4:30pm
Using Tasks in Language Teaching in Japan - Natsuko Shintani, Ph.D. (in-person)
Nagoya Chapter
29 January 2022, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Teaching Entrepreneurship Through Experiential Learning (online)
Fukuoka Chapter
30 January 2022, TBA
Trends in Language Teaching 2022 Conference (online)
Okinawa Chapter
31 January 2022
JALT Zoom for Professional Development
JALT2022 Notes about Fukuoka, part 1: Hakata or Fukuoka?
In 1889, the proud samurai town of Fukuoka and its neighbor across the Naka River, the port and merchant district of Hakata, were to join together to become one city. Voting resulted in an even split between "Fukuoka" and "Hakata." The stalemate led to an agreement: The name of the city would be Fukuoka, but the new railway station would be called Hakata Station. Even today, with Hakata Station the central rail station for Fukuoka City, visitors to the city are confused. Shinkansen passengers heading to Fukuoka from Osaka know the line ends at Hakata, leading some to think there are still two separate cities.
The local nomenclature only adds to the confusion:
The venue for the JALT2022 Conference is the Fukuoka International Conference Center, located a bit more than 2 km from Hakata Station, and 6 minutes on foot from Hakata Port.
Shinkansen "Hakata" photo credit:
More information:
Best regards,
Bill Pellowe
JALT's Director of Public Relations
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