Hello, and welcome to another monthly edition of JALT Talk, the announcements newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. Our big story is that registration is now open for the JALT2021 conference. Register early and save money! We're also excited that the call for presentation proposals will open soon for the PanSIG conference, scheduled to be held in July in Nagano. Won't it be great to be face to face again, especially in beautiful Nagano at JALT's second-largest conference of the year. 

If you're presenting at JALT2021 in November, check out the "JALT2021 Preview" opportunity that the Sendai JALT Chapter has on October 24th. You can do a quick preview practice session. Sign up by October 17th! https://jalt.org/event/sendai/21-10-24 

English Bento

In this issue:

1. JALT2021 Registration
2. JALT2021 Schedule
3. PanSIG 2022 Call for Presentation Proposals
4. JASAL 2021
5. PALT and PAC 2021
6. JALT Publications
7. JALT upcoming events

1. JALT2021 Registration

The Early Bird payment options are available to you if you register before November 11, 2021 (or November 1 for Postal Payment). JALT members will save 8,000 yen, and non-members will save 3,000 yen. The conference will be fully online from November 12-15. The workshops on Friday that usually cost extra are included at no extra cost. Full details are available here: https://jalt.org/conference/jalt2021/registration-payment

2. JALT2021 Schedule

Plan ahead with this provisional schedule for JALT2021. It covers November 13-15. 

The Technology in Teaching workshops and Professional Development workshops on November 12th are listed separately, here: https://jalt.org/conference/jalt2021/tnt-pd-workshops

Our Plenary Speakers are highlighted on this page:
Each plenary speaker will do a plenary session as well as an additional session or workshop during the conference.

The Featured Speakers are highlighted here:
Each featured speaker will do a featured speaker workshop as well as a short workshop during the conference.

3. PanSIG 2022 Call for Presentation Proposals

PanSIG is an annual conference organized by many of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT). The conference brings together leading scholars and practitioners in language education from Japan, Asia, and throughout the world. It is meant to be a smaller, more intimate conference than the annual international JALT conference, and is a place where SIG members can network with each other.

PanSIG 2022 will be held at the University of Nagano, Nagano Prefecture on the weekend of July 8-10, 2022. The Call for Proposals (CfP) will open from October 10th. Proposals must be submitted by December 20th, 2021. Notifications of final acceptance of proposals will be sent via email between the end of January and mid-February, 2022. Presentations in Japanese, English, as well as other languages, are warmly welcomed. For more information about JALT SIGs and their areas of interest, please refer to https://jalt.org/main/groups under the SIG listing. General information about the PanSIG conference can be found here: https://pansig.org/.

4. JASAL 2021

Registration is now open for the JASAL 2021 National Conference being held online on Saturday, October 23rd. The conference theme is "Learning Space Design and Usage in Self-Access Language Learning." JASAL, one of JALT's domestic partners, is the Japan Association for Self-Access Learning. Please see their conference website for details: https://jasalorg.com/jasal2021-national-conference/

5. PALT and PAC 2021

The Philippine Association for Language Teaching, Inc. (PALT) is hosting its 60th PALT Anniversary and 2021 Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies (PAC) International Conference on Language Education virtually on December 2-4, 2021. The theme of this conference is "Language Education for ALL (Asians Learning Languages)."

The rate for early bird international participants, which is available until October 30, 2021, is USD 45. Members of PALT are also entitled to discounts. If you are interested to join, kindly visit this registration page: PALT International Conference Registration Page, https://www.paltphilippines.com/2021internationalregistration

6. New JALT Publications

JALT's Computer Assisted Language Learning SIG has released The JALT CALL Journal: 17.2. The JALT CALL Journal is committed to excellence in research in all areas within the field of Computer Assisted Language Learning, while at the same time offering teaching ideas and suggestions from teachers’ personal experiences. https://www.castledown.com/journals/jaltcall/current-issue/

JALT has published its JALT Postconference Publication: 2020.1. Every year, our JALT Conference brings together language teaching professionals from around the world. The JALT Postconference Publications are annual volumes produced by the Conference Publications Committee of JALT. They stand as a record of our conferences--what was presented and what was subsequently achieved. All JALT Postconference Publication articles are subject to a stringent process of review by at least two members of our Editorial Advisory Board. 


7. JALT upcoming events


30 Sept 2021, 8:00pm to 9:00pm
JALT ZPD (Zoom for Professional Development) for September
JALT's Zoom for Professional Development will be on Thursday, September 30th this month, from 8 PM JST. Free and open to all. Please register here for the Zoom link: http://bit.ly/ZPDRSVP

02 Oct. 2021, 6:00pm
Creating a Space for CLIL: Strategies for Adoption and Implementation
Hokkaido JALT Chapter
Easy registration is required via the registration form: https://forms.gle/ms3dBXsJehyYpxzi9

03 Oct. 2021, 9:00am to 10:30am
Nara JALT Chapter Annual General Meeting (AGM)

03 Oct. 2021, 1:00pm
Pronunciation Workshop with Jason Pipe
Yokohama JALT Chapter

03 Oct. 2021, 1:00pm to 5:30pm
21st Century Language Teaching
Okinawa JALT Chapter and JALT's Teaching Young Learners SIG
1. Teaching kindergarten in the age of the pandemic
2. Multiple Teaching Younger Learners Presentations
3. Closing Keynote Speaker: Ms. Cheryl Chia, Raising Mentally Strong Children

03 Oct. 2021, 1:30pm to 4:00pm
Maximizing English in the EFL classroom: Encouraging the negotiation of meaning
Toyohashi JALT Chapter

09 Oct. 2021, 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Teaching Entrepreneurship Through Experiential Learning
Tokyo JALT Chapter

16 Oct. 2021, 1:00pm to 3:45pm
International Intelligibility in the Context of Japan: Theoretical Insights and Instructional implementations
Toyohashi JALT Chapter

16 Oct. 2021, 6:00pm to 8:30pm
Living Newspaper Readers Theatre: Oral Performance with Accelerated Feedback
Fukuoka JALT Chapter
From 6 PM, we'll have our Chapter AGM (Annual General Meeting). The presentation will start at 6:30 PM.

23 Oct. 2021, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Language Portfolio in the Classroom - A Round Table Talk
JALT's CEFR and Language Portfolio SIG

24 Oct. 2021, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Teaching Younger Learners
Tokyo JALT Chapter and JALT's TYL SIG

24 Oct. 2021, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Creative Writing in Language Teaching Contexts
Shizuoka JALT Chapter and JALT's Literature in Language Teaching SIG

24 Oct. 2021, 2:30pm to  5:00pm
LD SIG: Online get-together 
JALT's Learner Development SIG

24 Oct. 2021, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
JALT2021 Preview
Sendai JALT Chapter
Presenting at JALT2021? You can use our JALT Sendai October 24 meeting to practice before a live (online) audience. (JALT Sendai members presenting at JALT2021 will be given priority, but presenters from other communities, or presenting at other conferences are welcome to sign up.)

That's it for this edition of JALT Talk!

Subscribe and see back issues here: https://jalt.org/main/jalttalk

Unsubscribe here: https://hosted.jalt.org/membermail/unsubscribe-success.php?c=83

Best regards,

Bill Pellowe
JALT's Director of Public Relations
JALT's social media: https://jalt.org/main/jalt-social-media