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Hello, and welcome to another monthly edition of JALT Talk, the announcements newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. The biggest news we have is that the deadline for submitting your presentation proposal to the JALT2025 conference has been extended to March 9th (details below).

English Books spring campaign

In this issue:

  1. JALT2025 International Conference News
  2. Job listings on the JALT Publications site
  3. PanSIG2025 Conference News
  4. Moving? Bring JALT with you!
  5. Call for presentation proposals for The Listening Conference 2025 due 31st March (held June 28 in Tokyo)
  6. Call for presentation proposals for the Joint NEAR and Teacher Journeys Conference due March 23rd (held June 28, 2025 Niigata)
  7. Call for papers - Kobe JALT Journal
  8. Call for presentation proposals for the 9th HAAL Conference due May 16 (held July 12 in Hong Kong)
  9. Call for MyShare presenters at Nara JALT (Sunday, April 6, 9:30-11AM)
  10. Recent JALT Publications
  11. Upcoming JALT Events

JALT2025 logoJALT International Conference News

JALT2025 Basic details:

The call for vetted presentation proposals has been extended to March 9th

Since this year's system is new for many of us, we are extending the call for abstracts by one week to give people some added time to input their presentation proposals. The new deadline will be March 9, 2025 at 23:59 (11:59 pm). Contact our Conference Program Chair, Trevor Holster (conf-program@jalt.org), if you have any questions. 

The process and format has changed this year, so please read the instructions carefully. We've prepared some videos to help with the process (see below):


Childcare will be available during the conference. Details will be announced soon. We hope that this encourages parents and caregivers to apply to give a presentation or poster at JALT2025.

JALT2025 t-shirts, hoodies, bags and more!

JALT2025 conference goods have been added to our online shop! T-shirts, hoodies, keychains, hats, stickers, more! Show up in style.

Reminder about TNT (Technology in Teaching) and PD (Professional Development) workshops

Instead of holding TNT and PD workshops on the Friday of the conference, these workshops will move online, on a different date in the summer (details TBA). JALT2025 will still be a full 3-day conference; the difference is that we will start with a full day of presentations on Friday, October 31, and finish on Sunday, November 2. 

Job listings

JALT receives a number of job advertisements each month. If you're looking for a new position, please check out our job posts on our JALT Publications site: https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/departments/career-development-corner/jobs

ELT Books

PanSIG2025 Conference NewsPanSIG2025 logo

PanSIG is an annual conference organized by many of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of JALT. Information about past PanSIG conferences (including photos, conference handbooks, etc.) can be found in the PanSIG Archive.

2025 Call for Presentation Proposals was successful!

The call for presentation proposals successfully closed on January 14th with 250 submissions covering research-oriented oral face-to-face presentations, in-person poster presentations, and the brand-new SALC Showcases. Submission status information is expected to be sent out around the end of February.

Registration opens on March 20th

Plenary Speakers for PanSIG2025

Saturday: Johnmarshall Reeve

Professor, Institute for Positive Psychology and Education at the Australian Catholic University

Dr. Johnmarshall Reeve is an educational psychologist. His areas of expertise are autonomy-supportive teaching, teachers' motivating styles, students' agentic engagement, and the neuroscience of intrinsic motivation. [Read more]

Sunday: Toshie Agawa

Professor, English Research Lab at Hoshi University in Tokyo

Dr. Toshie Agawa's research specializes in learner motivation, autonomy, engagement, and cooperative/collaborative learning. Recently, her work has focused on how fostering learner autonomy impacts the motivation and engagement of Japanese EFL learners, as well as scaffolding strategies to support learner autonomy in e-learning environments. [Read more]

Friday Night Workshops: Autonomy & Agency

Come see what the theme is all about in four featured speaker workshops on Friday evening. More information on this coming in the new year!

  1. Andrew Tweed and Bryan Buschner: Teacher autonomy
  2. Mayumi Kashiwa: Teacher Awareness of Learning Environments Beyond the Classroom
  3. Gregory Glasgow:  Agency in Language Classrooms for Teachers of Colour
  4. Eriko Yamabe: Reflective Practice

Dress your best! (free business portraits)

Returning to this year's PanSIG conference, we will be offering a free business portraits and headshots service. [See the portraits taken at PanSIG 2023!]

Childcare Available Throughout Conference Weekend

Want to attend but need someone to look after your little one while you pop into some sessions? PanSIG2025 has got you covered at this family-friendly conference. Childcare will be available on Saturday and Sunday for busy parents looking to develop professionally. More details coming in the new year.

Moving? Bring JALT with you!

April marks the season of new beginnings! The new academic year means that some of us are moving on to new jobs, perhaps even in new cities.

To ensure you stay connected, we'd like to remind you to update your mailing or email address if it is changing. Keeping your information current ensures you receive JALT publications and news without any interruptions.

To update your address, please follow this link for easy instructions: https://jalt.org/main/help-update-information.

Call for presentation proposals for The Listening Conference 2025 due March 31 (held June 28 in Tokyo)

JALT's Listening SIG is delighted to announce their second event in affiliation with the JALT Tokyo Chapter, The Listening Conference 2025 - Learning, Teaching, and Research, a one-day event taking place in Tokyo on Saturday 28th June 2025. Our call for presenters is now open.

We are looking for 20-minute presentations on topics related to listening and teaching, pedagogy, assessment, and resources. Presentations will be followed by a five minute Q&A session. In addition to these three areas of research, we would be keen for you to apply if your research area in listening relates to another issue. Please submit a 200-word abstract using the google form link below.

Call for presentation proposals for the Joint NEAR and Teacher Journeys Conference due March 23rd (held June 28 Niigata)

We are thrilled to announce the joint NEAR and Teacher Journeys Conference, taking place on June 28th, 2025, in Niigata City. This exciting collaboration between JALT's Niigata Chapter and JALT's Teacher Development SIG promises to be a landmark event under the theme "Teacher Journeys, Student Journeys: Leading and Learning."

We cordially invite you to share your insights and experiences through a presentation or poster. Whether your focus aligns with the theme of teacher/student journeys or encompasses broader language education topics, we eagerly anticipate your contributions.

To submit your abstract, please use our user-friendly Google Form to streamline the submission process. You can expect a response regarding your submission within 1-2 weeks. A quick turnaround time allows you to plan ahead and prepare for our upcoming conference.

Atama-ii Books

Call for Papers - Kobe JALT Journal

The editors and reviewers of Kobe JALT Journal would like to announce a call for papers for the upcoming issue of Kobe JALT Journal, scheduled for publication later this year. Research articles, as well as articles about specific classroom techniques and activities are welcome. We also encourage submissions from researchers looking for their first publication.

Call for presentation proposals for the 9th HAAL Conference due May 16 (held July 12 in Hong Kong)

The HAAL 2025 conference welcomes proposals in all areas of applied linguistics. While there is no specific conference theme, we are particularly interested in innovative and rigorous topics that demonstrate strong methodological and/or theoretical approaches. Additionally, we encourage postgraduate students who are nearing completion of their theses to submit proposals as well.

Call for MyShare presenters at Nara JALT (Sunday, April 6, 9:30-11AM)

Originally a column in The Language Teacher for exchanging practical teaching ideas, the MyShare event gives participants a chance to share their most effective teaching Practices. This open forum invites participants to present one tried-and-tested language-learning activity in a round-table discussion. The room will be arranged in a circle to encourage interaction.

Guidelines for MySharers:

This event will be held April 6 (Sun), 9:30-11:00 AM. Afterwards, for those who wish to join in, there will be a follow-up lunch and a trip up Ikoma Mountain at the cable car event in the afternoon (11:30-3PM). More information: https://nara.jalt.org/news-events 

Recent JALT Publications

For a full list of all of JALT's publications (including SIGs, chapters, and conferences), please see https://jalt.org/main/publications

Upcoming JALT Events

Event details: https://jalt.org/events

01 March 2025, 1:00pm to 5:00pm
First-ever Pragmatics My Share
JALT Pragmatics SIG and Osaka JALT Chapter

01 March 2025, 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Presenting Off-Script: Socio-Emotional and Embodied Cognitive Scaffolding Joseph Falout (Nihon University)
Okinawa JALT Chapter

01 March 2025, 6:00pm to 8:00pm [in-person and online]
Comparative Analysis of English Education in Asia: Personal Experiences and Teaching Observations from two student presenters
Fukuoka JALT Chapter

09 March 2025, 12:30pm to 5:00pm
Empowering Young Minds: An Afternoon of Insights on Teaching Ages 0-18 (Young Learners Forum 2025)
Nagoya & Gifu JALT Chapter

15 March 2025, 2:00pm to 4:00pm [hybrid event]
Ten Tips for Teaching Neurodiverse Students 神経障害の生徒を教えるための10のヒント
Matsuyama JALT Chapter

22 March 2025, 3:00pm
The Impact of Gestures on Enhancing Student Learning
Akita JALT Chapter

25 March 2025 (Tuesday), 8:00pm-9:00pm [Online Event
JALT Zoom for Professional Development (ZPD) Networking Event
Preregister: http://bit.ly/ZPDRSVP
Hosted by the JALT PanSIG Conference

29 March 2025, 1:00pm
Hanami Family Picnic
Kitakyushu JALT Chapter

30 March 2025, 1:30pm
Discussing dilemmas in ELT: Based on reflections of 30+ years as a language teacher
Toyohashi JALT Chapter

30 March 2025, 2:00pm
Sendai JALT Chapter

06 April 2025, 9:30am to 11:00am
NaraJALT MyShare Event 2025
Nara JALT Chapter

06 April 2025, 12:30pm to 4:30pm
Hanami social in Osaka Castle Park
Osaka JALT Chapter

Your ad here. Contact the JALT business manager today

That's all for this month. You can subscribe and / or access back issues here. Alternatively, if you'd rather not receive more information from JALT, you can unsubscribe here: https://hosted.jalt.org/membermail/unsubscribe-success.php?c=205

Best regards,

Bill Pellowe
JALT Director of Public Relations