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Hello, and welcome to another monthly edition of JALT Talk, the announcements newsletter of the Japan association for Language Teaching. I'm looking forward to the 50th Annual International JALT Conference next month! If you haven't pre-registered yet, get it done by the 31st of October to save money on fees! If you have questions about the conference, join this month's JALT ZPD this Tuesday (Oct. 29) at 20:00 (8PM). 


In this issue:

  1. JALT2024 International Conference News
  2. Call for Presentations for the Seventh Extensive Reading World Congress (in Hokkaido, Sept 5-9, 2025) due February 28
  3. JALT PanSIG Call for Presentations will open November 1st
  4. Renewed Call for Papers for Global Englishes SIG Journal 2025
  5. The School House journal is looking for more submissions
  6. Deadline Extended: Call for presentation proposals for the 2024 Tohoku ELT Expo (now due November 3)
  7. The Performance In Education (PIE) SIG has two upcoming conferences with November deadlines
  8. Learner Developent SIG Call for presentations (on demand and face-to-face) for CCLT8 due 30th November 2024
  9. Recent JALT Publications
  10. Job listings on the JALT Publications site
  11. Upcoming JALT Events
  12. Reminder: JALT members can join IATEFL for a significant discount

JALT2024 International Conference News

JALT2024 logoBasic details:

Child Care and Guardians at JALT2024

JALT2024 is a family-friendly enviroment. Please do not hesitate to bring your children

For information about childcare services at the conference, please email your questions to jco@jalt.org.

Childcare room: Start at 6:45 on our video of the venue and you will see the childcare room layout.

There are also separate room for nursing your baby.

Guardian Program: If you wish to bring a caretaker to the conference, for whatever necessary situation you have, JALT will provide that person with a conference pass so they can freely enter the facilities and travel around as necessary to perform their duties. Please send the relevant details to jco@jalt.org .

JALT2024 Pre-registration deadline

Register by October 31st to save money on the conference fees!

JALT2024 Interviews on YouTube:

Our team has been busy interviewing our distinguished speakers, and several of these interviews are already up on the JALT YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe to our channel to be notified when others are added!

TLT Conference Preview:

JALT has published the September TLT JALT2024 Conference Preview Issue: https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/issues/2024-09_48.5

Conference website ready!

Please see our JALT2024 Conference Website at https://eur.cvent.me/GgDOV for the most up-to-date information about next month's conference.

Friday Workshops

On Friday, November 15th, our conference offers two types of professional workshops from 13:00 to 18:30 for an additional fee.

You can read about the TnT and PD Workshops here.

Friday Evening Welcome Reception

All JALT2024 attendees are invited to attend the Welcome Reception on Friday evening (7PM-8:30PM, or 19:00-20:30). Catch up with old friends, make new ones, and get a chance to meet our distinguished speakers in a social setting. You do not have to reserve a place; just show up. This event is on the 6th floor of our conference venue in a room called Koryu Hall.

JALT2024 Opening Ceremony (Saturday, 9:30 AM-9:55 AM)

Come join us as we begin our 50th International Conference and Educational Materials Exhibition! A special performance by Taiko drummers will start off our conference in style! Don't miss it!

JALT Junior (for teachers of young learners)

JALT Junior, or JJ, is a two-day conference held concurrently with the international conference on Saturday and Sunday (Nov 16-17) in Shizuoka. It is dedicated to teachers of young learners, from ages 0-18, offering a platform to present, learn, and share ideas and research about young learners' classrooms. It's also an opportunity to connect with other educators in this field. If your primary interest is teaching young learners, you can register for only the JALT Junior conference for a discounted fee (you'll still get to attend all plenary sessions, social events, and the Educational Materials Exhibition).

Michele Steele Best of JALT Awards Ceremony Reception

The Michele Steele Best of JALT Awards Ceremony will be held in Koryu Hall (6F) on Saturday, Nov. 16 (19:30-21:00).

The Michele Steele Best of JALT (MSBOJ) Awards is a program that was started to honor the speakers who make JALT events such valuable experiences. Every year, each chapter and SIG of JALT is asked to name one presentation or publication from the previous year as their Best of JALT Award recipient. Since 2010, we have held a special reception at the JALT International Conference to celebrate the winners of this award. At JALT2020, the Executive Board of JALT unanimously voted on changing the name of the Best of JALT to The Michele Steele Best of JALT Award for Michele Steele's inspiring and devoted love of honoring JALT members for their outside work. While the award had been around for many years, Michele brought it into a proper limelight by creating a ceremony to be held at the annual international conference.

You can see a list of the MSBOJ Award winners on our website.

JALT Merchandise -- Attend in style:

The JALT print-on-demand online shop has new JALT2024 merchandise (https://suzuri.jp/JALT), including hats, bags, shirts, and sweatshirts. Come to the conference in your favorite JALT swag!! Please note that printing and delivery could take a few weeks (depending on the item).

Call for Presentations for the Seventh Extensive Reading World Congress (in Hokkaido, Sept 5-9, 2025) due February 28

News from JALT's Extensive Reading SIG:

The Extensive Reading Foundation is excited to announce that the Seventh Extensive Reading World Congress will be held in Hokkaido, Japan, September 5-9, 2025!

Do you want to share your experiences or research in ER? The Call for Presentation Proposals is now open. Secure your spot soon and submit your proposal by February 28, 2025. https://erwc7.edzil.la/submit/select/12871

ELT Books

JALT PanSIG Call for Presentations will open November 1st

PanSIG 2025 will be held May 16-18, 2025 at Kanda University of International Studies in Mihama Ward, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture. The conference chair is Robert Dykes; the site co-chairs are Jennie Roloff Rothman and Prateek Sharma. The call for presentation proposals will open on November 1st, 2024, and the deadline will be January 14, 2025, at 11:59 pm. Responses regarding your submissions will be sent via email from mid-February 2025. For details, please see https://pansig.org/2025

Renewed Call for Papers for Global Englishes SIG Journal 2025

We are pleased to remind our community about the ongoing invitation to submit articles for the second issue of the Global Englishes SIG Journal. We welcome a wide variety of article types. 日本語での提出も受け付けます。Details of the journal can be found here: https://jaltgesig.wordpress.com/journal/ Please contact the editors with any questions.

The School House journal is looking for more submissions

The School House journal is looking for more submissions! The School House is published three times a year (winter, spring, and summer/autumn) by JALT's TYL (Teaching Young Learners) SIG.

Deadlines: Submissions for The School House are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Types of articles:

To find out more check out the website: https://tyl.jalt.org/submission-guidelines/

Also, please update your bookmarks! The TYL SIG website has a new address: https://tyl.jalt.org -- The old domain address will redirect for a while, but please update your links by changing the beginning part of the URL to our new one

Finally, TYL is hosting the ZPD on October 29th! We are excited to talk with everyone and look forward to sharing with you what we are currently working on! See you soon!

Deadline Extended: Call for presentation proposals for the 2024 Tohoku ELT Expo (now due November 3)

We're excited to announce that the deadline for presentations has now been extended for one more week. The Tohoku ELT Expo is sponsored by the JALT Sendai chapter, MY School, and St. Ursula Eichi Elementary-Middle-High School. It is a one day mini-conference offering quality presentations and materials displays for language teachers in any context: college, junior and senior high, elementary, kindergarten, and private language school. We invite anyone (educators, students, researchers) to present on your language-related ideas, interests and research. Presentation slots are 45 minutes (typically 30-35 min. presentation with 10-15 min. for questions and discussion).

Check http://www.jaltsendai.org for updates and more information.

atama-ii Books

The Performance In Education (PIE) SIG has two upcoming conferences with November deadlines

2nd Annual PIE-in-Nagoya Conference, with the Nagoya and Gifu Chapter of JALT

Fourth Annual PIE SIG in Sapporo Conference: Performance in Education: Tools for Your Toolbox

This face-to-face conference will be held in cooperation with the 40th Annual JALT Hokkaido Conference 2025: Teaching Tools for the Classroom on Sunday at Hokkai Gakuen University, and we encourage attendees to check out both conferences at different venues with different conference fees for each one. JALT Hokkaido and the Performance in Education (PIE) JALT Special Interest Group are hosting a two-day conference at two locations in Sapporo.

Learner Developent SIG Call for presentations (on demand and face-to-face) for CCLT8 due 30th November 2024

Creating Community: Learning Together 8 (CCLT8) is an informal, supportive conference, taking place on Sunday, December 22, from 12:00-17:00 at Otsuma Women’s University, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (with an on-demand conference space).

Students and teachers are invited to share their experiences, ideas, perspectives, and puzzles, related to the theme "Stories of Collaborative, Sustainable, and Transformative Learner Development."

Recent JALT Publications

For a full list of all of JALT's publications (including SIGs, chapters, and conferences), please see https://jalt.org/main/publications

Job listings

JALT receives a number of job advertisements each month. If you're looking for a new position, please check out our job posts on our JALT Publications site: https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/departments/career-development-corner/jobs

Vote From abroad

Upcoming JALT Events

Event details: https://jalt.org/events

29 October 2024, 8:00pm
JALT Zoom for Professional Development in October
Sign up: https://bit.ly/ZPDRSVP

01 November 2024, 12:00am to 11:55pm
2nd Annual PIE-in-Nagoya Conference
Performance in Education SIG

02 November 2024, 11:30am
Tokyo JALT Social Event (a picnic in Yoyogi park)

03 November 2024, 2:00pm to 5:00pm
UDL for Blind & Visually Impaired Students (McCulloch) / Teacher Wellbeing (Bergeron) / Chapter AGM

03 November 2024, 8:00pm
Meet the Maker: Miles Craven, Pass the TOIEC
Materials Writers

06 November 2024, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
The Use of AI in Foreign Language Education
East Shikoku

09 November 2024, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Assessment My Share and Chapter AGM.

10 November 2024, 10:00am
Fostering an Intercultural Mindset in Foreign Language Classrooms with Dr. Ana Sofia Hofmyer & The Kyoto Chapter Annual General Meeting: 10 November @ 10:00

15-18 November 2024
JALT2024: 50th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition

17 November 2024, 9:30am to 10:30am
EBM (November 2024 Executive Board Meeting at Shizuoka Conference)
JALT Central

Reminder: JALT members can join IATEFL for a significant discount

As an IATEFL affilate, JALT members can join IATEFL for a significant discount.

Your ad here. Contact the JALT business manager today

That's all for this month. You can subscribe and / or access back issues here. alternatively, if you'd rather not receive more information from JALT, you can unsubscribe here: https://hosted.jalt.org/membermail/unsubscribe-success.php?c=194

Best regards,

Bill Pellowe
JALT Director of Public Relations