Welcome to another edition of our monthly newsletter, JALT Talk. We hope you're able to enjoy a few extra days off this weekend of Golden Week. 

In this newsletter:

  1. JALT Website Update Reminder: Reset your password
  2. CUE SIG Conference plenary speaker announcement
  3. Call for conference proposals: CUE Conference 2021 (due July 4)
  4. JALT Mentoring & Orientation Committee's Inaugural Session (May 15)
  5. JALT Research Ethics Committee seeks member applications
  6. JSPS Ikushi Prize (Nomination deadline May 20, 2021)
  7. New JALT Publications (LD SIG and TLT)
  8. Upcoming Events

JALT PanSIG Conference May 14-16

1. JALT Website Update Reminder: Reset your password
We have rebuilt our website from the ground up, and launched the new site in March. If you are a returning JALT Member and logging in to the new website for the first time, please reset your password. If you are a new JALT member, please create a new account. If you'd like a video overview of resetting your password, we made one for you: https://youtu.be/Ymu6OrwIFrM

2. CUE Conference plenary speaker announcement 
The Plenary Speaker of CUE Conference 2021 will be Alexandra Burke. Her session topic will be on Neurodiversity and mainstream university classrooms. Alexandra Burke is a graduate of the University of Canberra and Monash University, with a former civil service public policy career focusing on equity of access. At JALT 2020 she won two Michele Steele Best of JALT Awards for inclusive teaching presentations. She also won Best Poster awards at the 2019 and 2020 JALT International Conferences, sharing the 2019 award with co-presenter Kirika Kushiyama. Alexandra Burke is one of the founding officers of the new JALT Accessibility in Language Learning SIG.  
CUE Conference 2021 will be held online Saturday, September 11th, 2021. Please see http://conference.jaltcue.org/2021-cue-sig-conference/ for details.

3. Call for paper: CUE Conference 2021 (due July 4)
The JALT CUE 2021 Conference will be held online on Saturday, September 11, 2021. We welcome submissions for short presentations or professional development workshops on topics of interest to the college and university education community. Proposals are due by Sunday, July 4 at 11:59 p.m. More information can be found at the CUE Conference website, http://conference.jaltcue.org/2021-call-for-papers/

4. JALT Mentoring & Orientation Committee's Inaugural Session (May 15)
The JALT Mentoring & Orientation Committee will launch their first initiative at the JALT PanSIG 2021 Conference, to be held online May 14-16. The Mentoring & Orientation Committee will hold one-on-one mentoring and coaching sessions for interested JALT members who have registered for PanSIG 2021. Mentees/Clients must sign up beforehand here: https://forms.gle/wYDfqYBLchot8Yt59
The session will be held Sat, May 15, 09:00-10:00; details: https://pansig2021.eventzil.la/session/1378

5. JALT Research Ethics Committee seeks member applications
Looking for three JALT members to be part of the newly-formed JALT Research Ethics Committee. If you have experience in research publications as an editor or researcher and are interested in joining a JALT committee that will discuss issues related to research ethics in JALT publications and JALT-related research issues, please send a message to Robert Chartrand (vp@jalt.org). 

6. JSPS Ikushi Prize (Nomination deadline May 20, 2021)
In 2009, JSPS received an endowment from Emperor Akihito on the 20th year of his reign. Amidst a severe economic environment in Japanese society, His Majesty’s desire was to encourage and support young scientists who are working diligently to advance their studies and research. In deference to his wishes, JSPS established the Ikushi
Prize program and placed it into operation in FY 2010. It functions to formally recognize outstanding doctoral students who can be expected to contribute to Japan’s future scientific advancement.

7. Recent JALT Publications:

The Learner Development SIG has released Learning Learning: Spring 2021 (28.1). This issue contains 60 pages of reflective writing by teachers and students. Please feel to contribute to the next issue with your ideas, reflections, experiences, and interests to do with learner development, learner autonomy, and teacher autonomy. https://ld-sig.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/LL28.1-.pdf

JALT has released The Language Teacher, Issue 45.3; May 2021 online to members. Please sign in to access it. https://jalt.org/main/tlt
* Please note that all JALT members must renew their passwords after March 2021. If you have not logged into the JALT website since March, you will need to reset your password.

8. Upcoming JALT Events 

All of these events will take place online. Please see https://jalt.org/events for full details.

06 May 2021
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Towards A Digital Classroom
Nagano Chapter
Date: Thursday, 6th of May, 19:30-20:30

08 May 2021
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Projects for Teaching Critical Thinking Skills
Kitakyushu Chapter

08 May 2021
1:30 pm - 2:20 pm
Creating Inclusivity and Community Within Teacher Organizations
Nagoya Chapter

08 May 2021
2:30 pm - 3:20 pm
Out of Apathy: Tools to Bring Awareness into and Beyond the Classroom
Nagoya Chapter

09 May 2021
10:00 am - 9:30 pm
Back to School 2021: Osaka JALT's 11th annual spring mini-conference
Osaka Chapter

09 May 2021
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Students in the back and on the edge: Neurodiverse students and your teaching methods
East Shikoku Chapter and Matsuyama Chapter

14 May - 16 May 2021
PanSIG 2021 Online Conference
JALT's second-largest event of the year. The plenary speaker is Jane Willis. See pansig.org for details.

22 May 2021
1:30 pm
Translanguaging with Multilingual Learners
East Shikoku Chapter

29 May 2021
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Your neurodiverse students: Breaking down the hidden barriers in the classroom
Shizuoka Chapter

29 May 2021
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Live interview with Paul Goldberg: his work with Xreading
Materials Writers SIG and Fukui Chapter

30 May 2021
1:00 pm
Raising Bilingual Children & Young Learners
Yokohama Chapter

30 May 2021
3:00pm - 4:45pm
Paul Nation on Word Parts: What is the teacher's role?
Sendai Chapter

30 May 2021
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Mixing the Flavors of Language Teaching Methods: A fusion of PPP and TBLT
Hiroshima Chapter

30 May 2021
8:00pm - 9:00pm
JALT's Monthly Zoom for Professional Development (ZPD)
Register online to receive the Zoom link: http://bit.ly/ZPDRSVP

Best regards,

Bill Pellowe

JALT Director of Public Relations

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