For many of us in Japan, March is the month of both winding down and getting ready. Some of us are attending graduation ceremonies that probably look different from our usual graduation ceremony, and many of us are preparing for classes that will start in April. 

This newsletter is coming out a day or so early so we can spotlight the events being held this very weekend (see #6 below), including our second JALT Zoom for Professional Development session (Sunday, Feb 28th, from 7PM; with themed breakout rooms. 

As always, if you would no longer like to receive this newsletter, you can unsubscribe here:

0. JALT2021 Call for Presentation Proposals due March 14th
1. Call for Presenters: Buzz Green Day (Gifu JALT, April 24th, 2-7 pm online)
2. Hokkaido JALT Grants for Educational Development and Promotional Activities
3. PanSIG 2021: Will be online May 15 -16
4. United Association of Language Studies (UALS) Annual Symposium (March 7, 2021)
5. Recent publications in JALT
6. Upcoming Events in JALT
7. Call for Presentation Proposals: Osaka JALT due April 4th

0. The JALT2021 deadline is coming fast:
Proposals to present at JALT's 47th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning will be accepted until March 14th, 2021. 

1. Call for presenters: Buzz Green Day (Gifu JALT, April 24th, 2-7 pm online)
In memory of the beloved JALT member and friend, Buzz Green, Gifu JALT is hosting a half-day event in April, and they are putting out a call for presenters. The event will host an array of presentations with an emphasis on young learners and ALT-related topics, two areas of teaching dear to Buzz's heart. Presentations will be 30 mins long. Potential participants could either send Gifu JALT your title and/or abstract, or get in touch first to discuss their ideas. First-time presenters are very welcome. MyShare and poster sessions are encouraged and possible as well, based on the responses to the call. Gifu JALT is also looking for volunteers who can help us host rooms. Anyone interested in presenting or volunteering can contact our Programming Chair Brent Simmonds at 

About Buzz Green:

2. Hokkaido JALT Chapter Grants

To start this year with a potentially great opportunity to grow together, JALT Hokkaido is offering grants for educational development and promotional activities: JALT Hokkaido EDPAG.  

There are also grants for supporting members and non-members, for example, to attend JALT Hokkaido events and support local teaching and learning communities.

For more information, and to submit your proposal, follow this link:

The JALT Hokkaido team is looking forward to seeing your proposal and learning about your ideas!

3. PanSIG 2021: Will be online!

PanSIG 2021 will be held on May 15 -16, 2021 Online. It is the 20th PanSIG conference and we want to celebrate! The theme is Local and Global Perspectives: Plurilingualism and Multilingualism. Registration will open March 20th, 2021. More information on and

4. UALS Symposium (March 7)
The United Association of Language Studies (UALS), a group organization of 40 language associations, or which JALT is a steering committee member, will be having its annual symposium on Sunday, March 7, 2021 from 1300 to 1600. It is FREE of charge and open to anyone. 

Here is the program:

1  部:言語系学会連合10年の活動と今後の展望 (10 Years of Reflecting on the United
Association of Language Studies while Focusing on the Future)
» Speaker - 野田尚史 国立国語研究所教授 (Dr. Hisashi Noda of the National Institute of Japanese Language and Linguistics) – 13:00~13:10

2 部:公開シンポジウム 
» Speaker 1 - チャールズ ブラウン 明治学院大学教授 (Dr. Charles Browne of Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan) – 13:15~14:00
» Speaker 2 - 小張 敬之 青山学院大学教授 (Dr. Hiroyuki Obari of Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan) – 14:05~14:50
3 部:Panel Discussion / Q&A – 14:55~15:15 パネリスト (登場順) (Panelists in Order of Appearance):
» 野田尚史教授 (Dr. Hisashi Noda)
» チャールズ ブラウン教授 (Dr. Charles Browne)
» 小張 敬之教授 (Dr. Hiroyuki Obari) 

Please tell us of your intention to join by Friday, March 5th, 2021 so we can put you on the mailing list for the Zoom information -

See the symposium website  - - for the latest information, we will be updating it accordingly.

Looking forward to seeing you there!!

5. Recent Publications in JALT

The Testing and Evaluation SIG has released Shiken: 24.2 (December 2020)

The Gender Awareness in Language Education SIG has released The GALE Journal: Vol 13, 2021.

JALT Publications has released The Language Teacher (March 2021): Issue 45.2. The March issue is available online as well as in your letterboxes (3/1)

6. Upcoming Events in JALT

For full details, please see the JALT Events Calendar

Feb 27 Fukui: Live interview with Andy Boon: his work on graded readers
Feb 27 Materials Writers SIG: Live interview with Andy Boon: his work on graded readers
Feb 27 Fukuoka: Two presentations on Extensive Reading
Feb 28 Iwate-Aomori: Speaking in the new normal
Feb 28 Critical Thinking SIG: CT SIG Online Event: Critical Thinking in the Digital Age
Feb 28 Sendai: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and Humanistic Approaches in English classes
Feb 28 JALT Zoom for Professional Development (ZPD)
Mar 13 Kyoto: A model UN in a new age of social distancing, Kyoto JALT Community Spotlight
Mar 13 West Tokyo: Effective Professional Development Activities
Mar 13 Kitakyushu: Teaching Younger Learners: Ideas and Information
Mar 13 Fukuoka: IB FILM: Teaching and Designing a Western Curriculum in a Japanese Secondary School Context
Mar 14 Fukui: Ben Shearon: Retire Japan - Personal Finance for Residents of Japan
Mar 19 Tokyo: EdTech 201 - Workshops - Bringing EdTech Tools to the F2F Classroom
Mar 21 Toyohashi: The Growth of English-medium Instruction Programs at Japanese Universities: What role do language teachers play?
Mar 21 Matsuyama: Building Well-being for Teachers Using Positive Psychology
Mar 27 Gifu: Creating Effective Professional Development Activities
Mar 28 Sendai: MyShare: Preparing for the new school year
Mar 31: Other Language Educators SIG: Multilingual Café

7. Due April 4th: 
Osaka JALT's Back to School mini-conference will be held online on May 9th. 
The call for presentations is open with a deadline of April 4th.

Best regards,

Bill Pellowe, JALT Director of Public Relations

