Hello, and welcome to another monthly edition of JALT Talk, the announcements newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching.
In this issue:
Job listings
JALT receives a number of job advertisements each month. If you're looking for a new position, please check out our job posts on our JALT Publications site: https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/departments/career-development-corner/jobs
JALT Journal erratum
In the November 2023 issue of the JALT Journal, an appendix related to the Expositions article by Paul Nation (pp. 235–245) was missing. To see this appendix, please go to the following link (using your JALT membership login information):
At the bottom of the webpage, you will find the November 2023 issue in PDF format. The appendix can be found after page 245. The JALT Journal editorial team sincerely apologizes for this omission.
A message from Director of Conference, Wayne Malcolm: "Reflection then Implementation – Understanding JALT2023 to Prepare for JALT2024"
With JALT2023 -- Growth Mindset in Language Education -- over, it is time to reflect on the experiences in order to create new and improved action plans. We all have different contexts which allows us different perspectives thus providing different experiences. The immediate hope is that participants return to their contexts encouraged and empowered to do more.
JALT's mission statement states, "JALT promotes excellence in language learning, teaching, and research by providing opportunities for those involved in language education to meet, share, and collaborate." This conference is a primary product of our mission, and reflecting on JALT2023 I cannot help but connect the conference theme, all that took place, and the JALT mission statement. Engaging plenary discussions that delved into the power of story sense-making, the connection between lifelong learning and human society, and nurturing our greatest resource - our children, provided a firm narrative structure, for all the presentations, forums, workshops, and other events to be crystallized around.
JALT2023 leaves me with the assurance that our innate nature is to nurture ourselves and those around us and strive for the highest. Taking the lessons we learned into our classrooms, research studies, and educational communities is our duty. Engage your students, colleagues, and networks with ideas driven by a growth mindset -- read your notes, send follow-up emails, create study groups, ask your students what they think and believe; keep educating and developing yourselves.
Building on the positive growth mindsets cultivated during JALT2023, the theme of JALT2024 -- "Moving JALT into the Future: Opportunity, Diversity, and Excellence" -- is appropriate. We must continue our development through the following 5 sub-themes:
The net has been cast wide and far; find your space. JALT2024 will be JALT's 50th conference and carries on a great legacy of quality professional development. Thank you for having been with us in Tsukuba, and we look forward to hosting you in Shizuoka City, Japan, from November 15 to 18, 2024.
Be well and stay safe.
Wayne Malcolm
Director of Conference
PanSIG is an annual conference usually held in May, and organized by many of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of JALT. Information about past PanSIG conferences (including photos, conference handbooks, etc.) can be found in the PanSIG Archive.
New: Hokuriku Shinkansen to Fukui from April 2024
The Fukui University of Technology in Fukui is easily accessible by bus (approx. 10 mins.) from JR Fukui Station, where the Hokuriku Shinkansen will begin running from April 2024. Read more about accessing PanSIG 2024 here: https://pansig.org/access
PanSIG 2024 Abstract Writing Workshops
The JALT Writers Peer Support Group (PSG), the JALT College and University Educators (CUE) SIG, and the PanSIG Conference are collaborating to organize writing support workshops in preparation for submission of proposals for PanSIG 2024.
We have five workshops scheduled; you can register here to receive the details about how to join:
PanSIG 2024 Conference Grants
The PanSIG 2024 Committee is offering Conference Grants of up to 50,000 yen for applicants who do not have financial support from their institutions or workplace. The funds will be awarded based on the quality of the applications. Applications should explain why attending the conference will help the applicant develop professionally. The number of grants awarded is limited to a total of five. For details, please see https://pansig.org/grants
Winners of the JALT Awards for 2023
The JALT Awards and Recognition Committee is proud to announce the winners of the JALT Awards for 2023! The JALT Awards Ceremony took place during the JALT2023 Annual International Conference.
To read details about each award, see photos, and read the nomination letters for each award winner, please see: https://jalt.org/news/awards-and-recognition-committee-2
JALT2023 Conference Poster Presentations Winners
We would like to thank all who attended the poster presentations and voted for their favorite poster at the JALT2023 Conference in Tsukuba. All total, 135 conference attendees voted for the most interesting and informative poster during the 5 sessions during the weekend. Thank you to all who voted!
The final results of the winners of the best poster presentations for each session are:
For additional details and to see the posters, visit https://jalt.org/news/jalt-central-141
JALT2023 Conference Photos
Photos from the JALT2023 Annual International Conference are up on Flickr. Relive the weekend, find photos of yourself and your friends:
JALT Sendai Chapter and ETJ present The 2023 Tohoku ELT Expo - register now!
The Tohoku ELT Expo is a one day mini-conference offering quality presentations and materials displays for language teachers in any context: college, jr. & sr. high, elementary, kindergarten and private language school. Join us for over 33 presentations by speakers from the Sendai/Tohoku region and around the nation. The aim is to provide top-class presentations and publishers' material displays for every kind of English teacher. Pre-register now for express check-in on the day!
2024 JALT Hokkaido Winter Language Teaching Conference
The 2024 JALT Hokkaido Winter Language Teaching Conference will be held on February 3rd and 4th in Sapporo at Hokkai-Gakuen University, coinciding with the start of the Sapporo Winter Festival.
The JALT Task-Based Learning SIG presents TBLT in Asia 2024
Registration for Global Englishes Conference Now Open
Registration for the JALT Global Englishes SIG Conference 2023, which is taking place online on 9th December and is free for everyone to attend, is open now until 7th December. Please visit the website for more information: https://jaltgesig.wordpress.com
Call for proposals open for JALT's Teacher Development SIG Conference
One of Teacher Development SIG's first self-hosted face-to-face events in years will be held on February 17th, 2024 at Hakodate University! We are accepting proposals from JALT and non-JALT members who are interested in presenting about the topics listed below:
JALTCALL 2024 Conference Call for Proposals is now open!
The Annual Conference of the Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) SIG of JALT is one of the highlights of the yearly JALT calendar. See https://jaltcall.org/jaltcall-2024 for details.
Please note that the conference will be held earlier than in past years. Be sure to mark your calendars appropriately.
Accessibility in Language Learning SIG newsletter call for articles
ALL Review, the official newsletter of JALT's Accessibility in Language Learning SIG, announces an open call for articles. Accepted articles will be scheduled for publication in issues slated for 2024. For details on how to submit, please click here.
Kobe JALT Journal is looking for editors and reviewers
The Kobe chapter is looking for motivated volunteers who want to get involved in publishing by joining the editorial team at Kobe JALT Journal. Prospective editors and reviewers do not necessarily have to be Kobe JALT members to join!
Details: https://jalt.org/news/kobe-1
Recent JALT Publications
For a full list of all of JALT's publications (including SIGs, chapters, and conferences), please see https://jalt.org/main/publications
JALT has published JALT Journal - Issue 45.2; November 2023. JALT Journal is JALT's research journal. It is published semiannually, in May and November, with submissions accepted throughout the year. https://jalt.org/main/jj
JALT has published The Language Teacher - Issue 47.6; November 2023. The Language Teacher, or TLT as we usually refer to it, is JALT's bimonthly publication. https://jalt.org/main/tlt
JALT's Accessibility in Language Learning SIG has released The ALL Review: Volume 3, Issue 2. This issue includes an announcement of an upcoming online End-of-Year get-together and articles from Joseph Kelley and Matt Keighley. 今号は、年末のオンライン懇親会のお知らせや、ジョセフ・ケリーとマット・キーリーの論文を掲載しています。https://sites.google.com/view/all-sig/newsletter
JALT's Mind, Brain, and Education SIG has released Mind, Brain, and Ed Think Tank "Why Fostering a Growth Mindset Can Aid Language Learners": Bulletin of the JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG Volume 9, Issue 11 Nov. 1, 2023. This issue looks at different ways students and children can experience growth mindset, as well as providing listening and reading materials, and the opportunity to think critically about mindsets. 今月号はグロースマインドセットを様々な角度から検討しています。学生や子どもたちがグロースマインドセットを経験する際の異なる道筋について考え、それを育てるための聞き取りと読解教材を提供し、そしてあえてそれを批判的に論じています。 https://www.mindbrained.org
Reminder: ART Gallery, the annual publication of the Art, Research, and Teaching SIG, announces an open call for articles and artworks
ART Gallery is an online publication that explores the intersection of the visual arts and language-learning. We're excited to hear from:
Submission Guidelines:
We're looking for articles that are knowledgeable, colorful, and unusual. The ART selection process emphasizes readability and engagement. Suggested length is 500 to 1,000 words. Please submit Word documents.
We're also looking for artworks (pictures, paintings, photos, etc) that are at the intersection of art and language. These artworks can be from teachers, students, artists, or non-artists. We want to put some color in ART Gallery! Please submit small JPEGs for initial review.
Deadline: Please make your submission to art@jalt.org before November 30, 2023.
Upcoming JALT Events
Event details: https://jalt.org/events
02 December 2023, 2:00pm
PSG Online Professional Development Workshops: Chelanna White
JALT Writers Peer Support Group (PSG)
Sponsored by JALT Shizuoka and JALT Ibaraki Chapters, the JALT SPIN Committee, and the JALT CALL SIG
02 December 2023, 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Exploring the Global and Local Dimensions of Narrative Inquiry in Language Teacher Identity Research
JALT Hiroshima Chapter
03 December 2023, 10:00am to 5:00pm
NaraJALT Annual Conference 2023
JALT Nara Chapter
09 December 2023, 9:00am to 6:00pm
The JALT Global Englishes SIG Online Conference 9th December 2023
10 December 2023, 9:30am to 5:30pm
The 2023 Tohoku ELT Expo with JALT Sendai Chapter
10 December 2023, 9:30am to 10:30am
Osaka JALT Annual General Meeting (AGM) online
JALT Osaka Chapter
10 December 2023, 10:00am to 1:00pm
TYL Event: Sounds, Reading, and Interpretation
Sponsored by JALT Tokyo Chapter and the JALT Teaching Young Learners SIG
10 December 2023, 1:30pm
How to Use Roleplay to Create a Dynamic Class of Motivated Students
JALT Toyohashi Chapter
10 December 2023, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
[F2F] Action Logging & Creative Writing アクションロギング & クリエイティブ・ライティング
JALT Matsuyama Chapter
12 December 2023, 8:00pm
ZPD in December
JALT ZPD (Zoom for Professional Development) Event Committee
Preregister: http://bit.ly/ZPDRSVP
16 December 2023, 2:00pm
Grad Student Poster Session: Classroom-Based Discourse Analysis
JALT Akita Chapter
16 December 2023, 3:00pm
Peachy Speechy 2023 + Bonenkai
JALT Okayama Chapter
16 December 2023, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
A Conceptual Toolkit for Language Teaching Practitioners: Applications in the Japanese Context
(Earlier starting time; Bonenkai from 6:30 PM)
JALT Fukuoka Chapter
17 December 2023, 10:00am to 12:00pm
The SDGs are wonderfully messy! Let's make sense of them, together.
JALT Niigata Chapter
17 December 2023, 4:00pm
Teaching Sustainable Development Goals: Three Approaches
JALT Hokkaido Chapter
17 December 2023, 7:00pm
Winter Eikaiwa Forum (online)
JALT Osaka Chapter
19 December 2023, 5:00pm to 6:30pm
Unlocking Japanese Conversational Nuances: Interactional Particles in Focus (online)
JALT Pragmatics SIG
11 January 2024, 5:00pm
Just Checking In January - Partner Writing and Social Event (online)
JALT College and University Educators (CUE) SIG
25 January 2024, 12:10-13:00
Lunchtime ELT MyShare at Kochi University
JALT East Shikoku Chapter
28 January 2024, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
(1) Using commonlit.org to encourage reading comprehension and discussion in the English Classroom; (2) AI-Personalized Learning in Multilevel Classrooms 英語教室での読解力とディスカッションを奨励するためにcommonlit.orgを使用する & AIを活用した個別学習の多レベル教室で
JALT Matsuyama Chapter
30 January 2024, 8:00pm
ZPD in January
JALT ZPD (Zoom for Professional Development) Event Committee
02-04 February 2024
SUTLF 2024 X BRAIN SIG: Language Learning and Brain Science (fully hybrid)
JALT NanKyu Chapter and JALT Mind, Brain, and Education ("BRAIN") SIG
03-04 February 2024
2024 JALT Hokkaido Winter Language Teaching Conference
JALT Hokkaido Chapter
17-18 February 2024, 12:00am to 11:55pm
JALT EBM (February 2024 JALT Executive Board Meeting in Gifu)
17 February 2024, 12:00am to 11:55pm
Moving Towards Sustainable Education
JALT Teacher Development (TD) SIG
18 February 2024, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Developing Writer Identity in Argumentation Essays & Conflict Resolution in the English Classroom
JALT Matsuyama Chapter
27 February 2024, 8:00pm
ZPD in February
JALT ZPD (Zoom for Professional Development) Event Committee
That's all for this month. You can subscribe and / or access back issues here. Alternatively, if you'd rather not receive more information from JALT, you can unsubscribe here: https://hosted.jalt.org/membermail/unsubscribe-success.php?c=158
Best regards,
Bill Pellowe
JALT Director of Public Relations