Hello, and welcome to another monthly edition of JALT Talk, the announcements newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. With summer holidays approaching, we hope you all find ways to relax, unwind, and stay cool. JALT will kick off the summer with our July 30th Zoom for Professional Development online networking event (pre-register to receive the Zoom link: http://bit.ly/ZPDRSVP), and there are some great events in August on our calendar, including a conference on a lake!
In this issue:
Basic details:
The JALT2024 Plenary Speaker Sessions:
JALT is pround to have the following distinguished plenary speakers for JALT2024! Here is a list of the plenary sessions; further details about these sessions are available on the JALT2024 Conference website.
JALT2024 Registration Fees (pre-registration period: August - October)
Registration fees are shown in the table below. The pre-registration period will open in August, and finish at the end of October.
Preregistration | Regular Registration | |||
Registering For: | JALT Member | Nonmember | JALT Member | Nonmember |
3 Days (16-18 Nov) | 20,000 yen | 35,000 yen | 28,000 yen | 41,000 yen |
1 Day (16, 17, or 18 Nov) | 15,000 yen | 22,000 yen | 18,000 yen | 25,000 yen |
Senior / Student 3 Days (16-18 Nov)* | 10,000 yen | 12,000 yen | 12,000 yen | 14,000 yen |
Senior / Student 1 Day (16, 17, or 18 Nov)* | 6,000 yen | 8,000 yen | 8,000 yen | 10,000 yen |
JALT Junior 2 days (16-17 Nov)** | 10,000 yen | 12,000 yen | 12,000 yen | 15,000 yen |
JALT Junior 1 day (16 or 17 Nov)** | 5,000 yen | 7,000 yen | 7,000 yen | 10,000 yen |
TnT/PD Workshops (15 Nov)*** | 5,000 yen | 7,000 yen | 7,000 yen | 9,000 yen |
Note: The pre-registration period will open in August, and finish at the end of October
* If you will be 65 on or before 15 November 2024, or are a full-time student, you are eligible for discounted conference fees.
** JALT Junior is a satellite conference that focuses on teaching children and training teachers to teach children. *** Technology in Teaching (TnT) and Professional Development (PD) Workshops provide opportunities for participants to develop either the technology, humanities, and or social sciences sides of their teaching skills through a series of practical, hands-on workshops, led by experts in these fields from the language teaching community. |
JALT2024 Tips and Historical information:
JALT's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Committee: DEI Presenter Guidelines and DEI Presenter Database Survey
In partnership with JALT's Board of Directors, JALT's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Committee has two important and exciting initiatives to share.
Please see our poster for more information.
2024 JALT Research Grants: Application Period is Open
Each year, JALT awards up to three grants for a maximum of 100,000 yen each for research on language teaching in Japan. The grants aim to support language teachers with no outside sources of funding and encourage JALT members to engage in classroom-based research. Winners of the 2024 grants receive funding to conduct their research in the 2025 academic year.
The deadline for application is October 13, 2024.
Please follow this link to learn about the grants in detail and download an application: 2024 JALT Research Grants
Job listings
JALT receives a number of job advertisements each month. If you're looking for a new position, please check out our job posts on our JALT Publications site: https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/departments/career-development-corner/jobs
JALT's LD SIG: Call for the Theme and Team for Issue 10 of The Learner Development Journal
Each issue of the Learner Development Journal (https://ldjournal.ld-sig.org) is led and edited by a different team of editors who are enthusiastic about exploring a particular learner development theme with other practitioner-researchers. You then put together a short proposal to bring together a group of contributors with shared interests in exploring that theme together over 12-18 months - a Community of Practices approach with plenty of support and reflective space for sharing and developing inquiries and writing together.
For full details and guidelines about putting together a proposal, see https://ldjournal.ld-sig.org/guidelines-for-editors. If you have any questions or would like to check any details along the way, just email us at ldjournaljsg@gmail.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Call for Articles: Study Abroad SIG (due September 1, 2024)
JALT's Study Abroad SIG is excited to invite submissions for the Journal of Worldwide Education. Please submit your APA formatted manuscript, in MS Word format, by September 1st. We look forward to your contribution! For more information at https://www.sa-sig.org/jowe-submissions.html
海外留学研究部会ではJournal of Worldwide Educationへの論文投稿を募集しています。9月1日までにご提出ください。詳細はSIGWebページよりご確認いただけますhttps://www.sa-sig.org/jowe-submissions.html
Call for Articles: Global Englishes SIG
JALT's Global Englishes SIG is pleased to announce the call for papers for the 2025 issue of Global Englishes SIG Journal. We welcome a wide variety of article types. 日本語での提出も受け付けます。Details of the journal can be found here: https://jaltgesig.wordpress.com/journal/ Please contact the editors with any questions.
Final Call for Articles and Artwork: Art, Research, and Teaching SIG (due August 31st)
ART Gallery (the annual publication of the Art, Research, and Teaching SIG) announces an open call for articles and artworks that explore the intersection of visual arts and language-learning.
Our previous issue of ART Gallery focused on Teachers (the 'T' in ART). For our upcoming issue, we're interested in Art and Research ('A' and 'R').
We're excited to hear from:
Submission Guidelines: We're looking for articles that are colorful and unusual. The ART Gallery selection process emphasizes readability and engagement. Suggested length is 1,000 words. Please submit Word.doc documents.
We're also looking for artworks (pictures, paintings, photos, etc) that are at the intersection of art and language. These artworks can be from teachers, students, artists, or non-artists. Please submit small JPEGs for initial review.
Deadline for final articles and artwork: August 31, 2024
Please email artworks and articles to: art@jalt.org
Call for Presentations: Study Abroad SIG due Sept. 8th (Nagoya, October 5th)
Study Abroad SIG is excited to invite submissions for the Journal of Worldwide Education. Please submit your APA formatted manuscript, in MS Word format, by September 1st. We look forward to your contribution! For more information at https://www.sa-sig.org/jowe-submissions.html
海外留学研究部会ではJournal of Worldwide Educationへの論文投稿を募集しています。9月1日までにご提出ください。詳細はSIGWebページよりご確認いただけますhttps://www.sa-sig.org/jowe-submissions.html
Call for Presentations: PIE-on-Lake-Nojiri Conference due August 16 (to be held August 23-25)
JALT's Performance in Education SIG, with cooperation and support from the Okinawa and the Niigata Chapters of JALT, and JALT CALL SIG, and with assistance from the Teaching Young Learners SIG and the Nagano Chapter of JALT, are proud to sponsor the 2nd Annual PIE-on-Lake-Nojiri Conference to be held 23-25 August 2024 on Lake Nojiri in Nagano.
Recent JALT Publications
For a full list of all of JALT's publications (including SIGs, chapters, and conferences), please see https://jalt.org/main/publications
PanSIG raises funds for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief
The PanSIG 2024 conference in Fukui was a resounding success attracting over 550 participants. With more than 200 sessions and more than 70 students and JALT volunteers, it was a wonderful weekend filled with workshops, networking, and collaboration. During registration, we held a fundraiser for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief Fund. We are delighted to announce that over 100,000 yen was raised and donated to Ishikawa Prefecture. The PanSIG team extends heartfelt thanks to all contributors for their generosity and support.
Reminder: JALT Awards Nominations Deadline: October 7, 2024
Do you know a #JALT member who has made important contributions to our field? Make sure to nominate them for one of these awards brought to you by JALT's Awards and Recognition Committee! JALT has awards for teachers and researchers at various stages of their careers: Early Career Excellence Award, Mid-Career Scholar Award, and Lifetime Achievement Award. Any member is welcome to nominate another JALT member for an award—simply complete the Google Form in English or Japanese by 23:59 on Monday, October 7, 2024.
Upcoming JALT Events
Event details: https://jalt.org/events
30 July 2024, 8:00pm
[Online Event] JALT Zoom for Professional Development (ZPD) Networking Event
Preregister: http://bit.ly/ZPDRSVP
31 July 2024, 7:00pm
[Online event] Multilingual Café: Introduction to Slovak language
JALT Other Language Educators SIG
03 August 2024, 9:00am to 4:00pm
Critical Thinking in the Classroom 2024 (CTC 2024)
JALT Critical Thinking SIG, in association with the JALT Tokyo Chapter and Ludic Language Pedagogy
03 August 2024, 10:00am to 5:00pm
[Online Event] Extensive Reading Summer Seminar
JALT Extensive Reading SIG
04 August 2024, 2:00pm to 4:30pm
Using Group-Based Ranking to Tackle the Problems of Performance Test Assessment
JALT Gunma Chapter
23 August 2024
2nd Annual PIE-on-Lake-Nojiri Conference
JALT Performance in Education SIG
25 August 2024, 7:00pm to 8:00pm
[Online event] PresentERs - Chris Fry: A View of ER from Europe
JALT Extensive Reading SIG
27 August 2024, 8:00pm
[Online Event] JALT Zoom for Professional Development (ZPD) Networking Event
Preregister: http://bit.ly/ZPDRSVP
02 September 2023, 9:00am to 5:15pm
15th NEAR Language Education Conference
Co-hosted by the JALT Niigata and JALT Nagano Chapters
That's all for this month. You can subscribe and / or access back issues here. Alternatively, if you'd rather not receive more information from JALT, you can unsubscribe here: https://hosted.jalt.org/membermail/unsubscribe-success.php?c=186
Best regards,
Bill Pellowe
JALT Director of Public Relations