Hello, and welcome to another monthly edition of JALT Talk, the announcements newsletter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. This issue in particular illustrates the incredible breadth of professional opportunities and resources available through JALT, including seven (7) calls for presentation proposals, four (4) calls for journal submissions, and ten (10) recent publications within JALT.
In this issue:
Job listings
JALT receives a number of job advertisements each month. If you're looking for a new position, please check out our job posts on our JALT Publications site: https://jalt-publications.org/tlt/departments/career-development-corner/jobs
Basic details:
JALT2024 Call for Presentation Proposals
There are two major deadlines for JALT2024 submissions. For most conference attendees, the relevant deadline is March 10th.
Conference presentation proposal writing workshop
The JALT2024 Vetting Committee Chair, Trevor A. Holster, will give a presentation / workshop on how to improve your presentation proposal for JALT2024:
JALT2024 Tips and Historical information:
Registration Fees
We've posted the JALT2024 registration fees on our website: https://jalt.org/conference/jalt2024/registration-fees. Conference fees remain the same as last year; registration will open in August.
If you're planning on attending the whole conference and you're not a JALT member, please note that you'll actually save money by joining JALT first, and then paying the JALT member rate.
Photos from past JALT conferences in Shizuoka:
The previous JALT Talk contained an error in the form of a sentence from last year's conference information that had not been updated.
JALT Apple Store Discount has ended
We are very sorry to announce the end to the Apple On Campus program. The original agreement between JALT and Apple stated that Apple could cancel the program at any time. Unfortunately, Apple ended the On Campus program in December, 2023. This affects not only JALT, but all organizations who were part of the On Campus program.
Apple is now using a company called Unidas to verify educator status for their education discount. JALT has no knowledge of or control over this new Apple education discount program.
JALT Research Grants news
Congratulations to the 2023 JALT Research Grant Winners!
The application for the 2024 JALT Research Grants will be posted on the JALT website in August with a submission deadline in October. Please see the JALT Research Grants Committee page for information.
Call for papers: JALT's Testing and Evaluation (TEVAL) SIG
Shiken is seeking submissions for future publications. Shiken, the JALT TEVAL SIG journal, is published twice a year in June and December. Submissions received 3 months prior to publication date will be considered, although earlier submission is encouraged to allow time for review and revision. Shiken aims to publish articles concerning language assessment issues relevant to classroom practitioners and language program administrators. This includes, but is not limited to, research papers, replication studies, review articles, informed opinion pieces, technical advice articles, and qualitative descriptions of classroom testing issues. Details: https://hosted.jalt.org/teval/node/121
Final Call for Papers for Global Englishes SIG Journal (deadline: April 1st)
JALT Global Englishes SIG welcomes submission to our inaugural journal. This is the final call for papers. The deadline is April 1st. Please consider publishing with us. 日本語での提出も受付ます。Details: https://jaltgesig.wordpress.com/journal
Call for Papers for ALL Review (Accessibility in Language Learning SIG)
ALL Review, the official newsletter of the Accessibility in Language Learning SIG, announces an open call for articles. Accepted articles will be scheduled for publication in issues slated this year. For details on how to submit, please access https://jalt.org/news/accessibility-language-learning.
PanSIG is an annual conference usually held in May, and organized by many of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of JALT. Information about past PanSIG conferences (including photos, conference handbooks, etc.) can be found in the PanSIG Archive.
PanSIG Forums
Each SIG participating in PanSIG can hold a forum. Joint forums are encouraged, either for those SIGs wishing to create new relationships or for SIGs that already have agreements. The way these forums are created varies by SIG, as each SIG has its own requirements and plans. Information about submitting forums was sent to each SIG Coordinator on or around January 15th.
If you have an interest in joining your SIG's or another SIG's forum at PanSIG, please contact the SIG(s) directly to ask for the relevant submission details.
Plenary Speakers for PanSIG 2024
Please visit the PanSIG website to find out more about our two plenary speakers for PanSIG 2024, including their plenary session abstracts, social media links, and links to their research profiles.
Details: https://pansig.org/plenary
Plenary Interview: Daniel R. Isbell talks with the JALT TEVAL SIG
The JALT Testing and Evaluation SIG (TEVAL) has published an interview with Daniel R. Isbell, one of the two plenary speakers for PanSIG 2024, in SHIKEN, the TEVAL SIG journal. You can download the full interview from the TEVAL website: https://hosted.jalt.org/teval/node/129
Reminder: PanSIG 2024 Conference Grants and Student Grants Deadline is January 31st
The PanSIG 2024 Committee has prepared three types of grants: conference grants, research grants, and student grants. These grants will be awarded to applicants who do not have financial support from their institutions or workplace.
Details: https://pansig.org/grants
Academic Writing Support Desk - Second Anniversary Event
In conjunction with the JALT Ibaraki and JALT Tokyo Chapters, and the University of Tsukuba, the Academic Writing Support Desk (AWSD) second anniversary event will take place on Wednesday, 31st January 2024 between 3:00pm and 5:00pm (in-person and online).
Louise Ohashi will be presenting on Using Machine Translation for Writing. You can also find out more about how the writing desk supports learners and learn more about the tutor training program at AWSD. This event is FREE and open to all.
Please fill out this registration form to receive your Zoom link / information for the event. Registration will close on Tuesday 30th January 2024 at 12pm (JST).
Call for presentation proposals for the SPIN Student Research Symposium 2024 (due Feb. 9)
The JALT Student Peer Interaction Network (SPIN) will be hosting Student Research Symposium 2024 on March 2nd, beginning at 1:00pm (JST), for part and full-time students to make presentations on their studies and research. This is an open and friendly event for future professionals as well as anyone interested in learning from/with students!
If you are currently a student and are interested in taking part, please submit your proposal here before February 9th!
Submission Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/e/1FAIpQLScFZ1k_gRW2SxqNsDZHztbI-OmkgT0rluYmjGsnaf6wU0OQQQ/viewform?usp=send_form
Also, if your group is interested in supporting student presenters as a sponsor, please let us know at spins@jalt.org!
Call for poster proposals for the CUE SIG ESP Symposium (due June 30)
JALT's College and University Educators (CUE) SIG welcomes submissions of posters in English or Japanese on various aspects of ESP, including needs analysis, materials development, methodology, data-driven learning, corpus linguistics, summaries of ESP research, or other topics of interest to those teaching in an ESP context. Submission deadline is June 30, 2024.
Click here to access the submission form.
The date and venue for the CUE ESP Symposium still remain to be determined.
Call for presentation proposals for the Listening Conference 2024 is now open (due March 31)
The JALT Listening SIG, in affiliation with the Kyoto JALT Chapter, is delighted to announce their third conference, the Listening Conference 2024 - Learning, Teaching, and Research, a free one-day event. Our call for presenters is now open. We are looking for 20-minute presentations on topics related to listening and teaching, pedagogy, assessment, and resources. Presentations will be followed by a five-minute Q&A session. In addition to these areas of research, we welcome other projects who mesh listening with other research areas. Submissions are limited to one presentation (as lead presenter) per person. An individual presenter can present a total of two times to allow for a diverse selection of presenters.
If you have any questions about the forthcoming conference, please email us at listening@jalt.org.
Extended call for presentations for the JALTCALL 2024 Conference (new deadline: January 31)
In response to the remarkable number and quality of submissions we've received for the JALTCALL 2024 Conference, we've successfully requested additional capacity at the Meijo University Nagoya Dome Campus.
*We want to stress that this extended deadline is firm. Even with the increased capacity, we are nearing our target for submissions.
Also, the free Friday night workshops have been filled and confirmed and include:
Please note that the conference will be held earlier than in past years. Be sure to mark your calendars appropriately.
Call for presentation proposals for Task-Based Language Teaching in Asia 2024 (due March 15th)
The JALT Task-Based Learning SIG announces that the call for presentation proposals for the TBLT in Asia 2024 Conference will end March 15th.
Call for presentation proposals for the 16th Annual NEAR Conference (due March 31st)
JALT Niigata is now accepting presentation proposals for the annual NEAR Conference.
Registration open for the JALT Teacher Development SIG Conference
Registration is open for the Teacher Development SIG's upcoming conference, "Moving Towards Sustainable Education", to be held in Hakodate, Hokkaido, on February 17th.
Join us as we explore the thought-provoking topics of:
We have an exciting schedule of speakers coming which will be posted on our website and social media: https://www.facebook.com/TeacherDevelopmentSIG/
Request from the Technology Advisory and Support Committee (TASC)
The TASC needs your help! The TASC is seeking people who are interested in joining server management teams. These teams will work as part of the web services committee to manage servers that host websites for JALT chapters and groups. Experience hosting WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, or other websites is helpful but not necessary (we're a friendly bunch, we'd be thrilled to help you help us!). If you are up for this challenge, contact the TASC team (tasc@jalt.org), or join us at the ZPD for more information. (Please note you would need to be a JALT member to join the server management teams.)
Recent JALT Publications
For a full list of all of JALT's publications (including SIGs, chapters, and conferences), please see https://jalt.org/main/publications
Reminder: Call for papers for the Learner Development Journal (Deadline February 4th)
JALT's Learner Development SIG is happy to announce the Call for Proposals for Issue 9 of the Learner Development Journal. This is the First Call for Stories of Practices and Practice-Related Reviews for Issue 9 of the Learner Development Journal (https://ldjournal.ld-sig.org)
We are language teachers and practitioner researchers who share a common interest in learner autonomy, creativity, and the well-being of teachers and learners alike. For Issue 9 of the Learner Development Journal (LDJ9), we would like to bring together a group of practitioners who are actively engaged in exploring learner development and who are eager to discuss questions and puzzles related to their practice.
For a PDF copy of the call for papers please follow the link below:
Upcoming JALT Events
Event details: https://jalt.org/events
28 January 2024, 11:00am to 12:00pm
Edtech Event: Level Up! Using Artificial Intelligence to Empower Instruction and Transform Language Learning
JALT Tokyo Chapter
28 January 2024, 1:00pm to 4:00pm
YoJALT & ART SIG Collaboration Event - Hybrid
JALT Yokohama Chapter and JALT Art, Research, and Teaching SIG
28 January 2024, 2:00pm
Reinterpreting Translation's Role in Language Teaching
JALT East Shikoku Chapter
28 January 2024, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Afternoon Tea Meetup (social gathering)
JALT Hiroshima Chapter
28 January 2024, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
(1) Using commonlit.org to encourage reading comprehension and discussion in the English Classroom. (2)AI-Personalized Learning in Multilevel Classrooms (1)英語教室での読解力とディスカッションを奨励するためにcommonlit.orgを使用する (2)AIを活用した個別学習の多レベル教室で
JALT Matsuyama Chapter
28 January 2024, 7:00pm to 8:00pm
PresentERs - Paul McAleese: Integrating ER in a University English course
JALT Extensive Reading SIG
30 January 2024, 8:00pm
JALT ZPD in January
JALT's Zoom for Professional Development Event Committee
Register here for the Zoom link: http://bit.ly/ZPDRSVP
31 January 2024, 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Using AI for Writing Development
(in-person and online)
JALT Ibaraki and Tokyo Chapters
31 January 2024, 7:00pm
Multilingual Café on "Lost in Translation: Navigating Dutch Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication"
JALT Other Language Educators (OLE) SIG
02-04 February 2024, 12:00am to 11:55pm
SUTLF 2024 (Language Teaching and Brain Science) Fully Hybrid
Location: Kumamoto
JALT Mind, Brain, and Education (BRAIN) SIG and JALT Nankyu Chapter
03-04 February 2024, 6:30pm Saturday to 5:00pm Sunday
2024 JALT Hokkaido Winter Language Teaching Conference
Hokkaido JALT Chapter
04 February 2024, 1:00pm
Celebration for Young Learners Education (2024 YLT Forum)
Featuring Mari Nakamura and Lesley Ito
JALT Nagoya Chapter, JALT TYL SIG, and National Geographic Learning
04 February 2024, 1:30pm
Teaching Approaches for Fostering Language Learner Autonomy
JALT Toyohashi Chapter
09 February 2024, 4:00pm
BzCom Forum on communication issues in translating contracts and legal documents
JALT Business Communication SIG
10 February 2024, 5:30pm to 8:00pm
How to write a better abstract for the JALT2024 Conference call for presentation proposals
JALT Fukuoka Chapter and JALT CUE SIG
17-18 February 2024, 12:00am to 11:55pm
JALT EBM (February 2024 JALT Executive Board Meeting in Gifu)
17 February 2024, 12:00am to 11:55pm
Moving Towards Sustainable Education
Location: Hakodate, Hokkaido
JALT Teacher Development (TD) SIG
18 February 2024, 2:00pm to 4:00pm
(1) Developing Writer Identity in Argumentation Essays; (2) Conflict Resolution in the English Classroom
JALT Matsuyama Chapter
18 February 2024, 2:00pm to 4:30pm
Language learner motivation and materials design
JALT Gunma Chapter
23 February 2024, 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Workshopping with AI for an Academic World!
JALT Tokyo Chapter
24 February 2024, 6:00pm
Being Funny in L2 English
JALT Gifu Chapter
25 February 2024, 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Facilitating successful language learning through Extensive Listening and Extensive Reading
JALT Extensive Reading SIG
27 February 2024, 8:00pm
JALT ZPD in January
JALT's Zoom for Professional Development Event Committee
02 March 2024, 1:00pm
SPIN Student Research Symposium 2024
Student Peer Interaction Network (SPIN) Committee
03 March 2024, 1:30am
Double Presentation by Adam Murray
Iwate-Aomori Chapter
That's all for this month. You can subscribe and / or access back issues here. Alternatively, if you'd rather not receive more information from JALT, you can unsubscribe here: https://hosted.jalt.org/membermail/unsubscribe-success.php?c=165
Best regards,
Bill Pellowe
JALT Director of Public Relations